A guy offered me money for sex a few times

I am not sure of his job title but he some of his co worker are addictions counselors. I'm a high functioning alcoholic. I only binge drink on my days off but I could keep a job and seem normal. I find it inappropriate because he could be sleeping with clients who have addictions. After he asked me more then once I thought about hooking up with him an telling him he could keep his money. I'm worried about diseases because not long ago a guy who I slept with accused me of giving him chlamydia.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Curiouskitten444

    Report him and get a new counselor. God damn.

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    • My sister is homeless but before reporting him I'll try her of he is a creep. I could hold a job but I can't help to binge drinkin on my days off.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    If I’m understanding correctly your counsellor is asking you to prostitute yourself to him? If you have evidence of this I strongly urge you to report it to his place of work, someone like that should not be working anywhere near vulnerable people.

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  • Doc69moose

    Make sure you can make a living off of it 5 minutes of enjoyable sex make a few hundred dollars..(0)...

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  • newnormal

    You should have taken the deal

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  • ImDown4Anal

    Take the money, give him a 10 minute
    VERY toothy Bathroom BJ, and THEN report him.

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