"men want sex, women want love"

I've always hated that mindset. It implicitly suggests both that that's true of all men and that men are in the wrong for valuing sex when they should be valuing romance and affection. But when women want to have sex with their partner, suddenly it's seen as a positive way to express affection and romance

It seems unfair to view sex as a mindlessly getting your rocks off when men want it but when women want it it's a romantic display of affection

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Comments ( 4 )
  • FLeak56

    Not all man want sex I’m a man I don’t want sex

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  • litelander8

    This is an interesting topic. It’s very common.

    As a female, the best relationship I ever had, I ended bc of the lack of sex. I regret doing so.

    Women are depicted as nonsexual people and I think that it’s mostly due to postpartum and the extent that we give ourselves as parents. We’re not “not horny” we’re just emotionally exhausted.

    I think this was lightly touched upon in a previous post, but men really do need to show A LOT of amazing characters for women to want to invest themselves. And that is attached to sexual attraction.

    I’m willing to elaborate but really hate long reads.

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  • kikilizzo

    I've noticed most men do not care about feelings as much as they only care about sex. For example leaving a woman they genuienly love because they can't get sex as easily from her as he can from an 'easier' woman. Women often have lower sex drive due to many things for example hormone imbalance and unfortunately in a very large number of causes sexual trauma, because men on a larger scale lack empathy when it comes to those things and only cares about getting their needs met no matter the consequences. A lot of women including myself even feel a bit anxious about cuddling with a man because he'll likely try to take it further due to many men being incapable of just cuddling and some women struggle to say no due to being people pleasers, and men in general are bad at reading vibes. It's a big issue. Men in general, obviously not all but many enough so that it's a worldwide issue, consider sex something that is owed to them and that's why evil incels exist who spend their entire freetime trashing women in their pathetic little manbaby forums and then they wonder why women do not like them... We are actually good at reading vibes though, generally, and picking up on subtly misogynistic attitudes and obviously we then won't be attracted to men like that then. Of course sex is an important part of relationships though, that can't be ignored. Communication is important and being able to explain ones needs and boundries but often men are bad at this and will just go on about wanting sex even when they want it with their partner because they love them. Meanwhile women generally are better at communicating our needs and not make it sound cold and demanding.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    I think it's just to get your rocks off regardless of gender.

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