Your thoughts on those dna ethnicity results

I have been offered a DNA kit by a friend and this is how my results turned out.

Southern Bantu: 36%
Cameroon, Congo & Western Bantu: 19%
Eastern Bantu People: 12%
Ireland: 10%
Northern Philippines: 6%
Southern Philippines: 4%
Southern India: 4%
Southeast Asia: 4%
France: 3%
Northern India: 1%
Bengal: 1%

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Comments ( 30 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Aint nobody getting my DNA in their database

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    • PurpleHoneycomb

      Perhaps a silly question, but have you ever had your blood taken for *any* reason at a hospital? If so, there's a solid chance it's already in a database.

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  • Anonnet

    What am I supposed to think about it? It looks like you're black.

    It would be interesting to try out one of these myself, but I'm a little too paranoid to send my data wherever. People say "they already have it" n' such, but why would I make it easier for them?

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think it's very cool, and quite interesting.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It's been a while since I had taken mine, but most of my DNA is either Italian or Welsh. My mom's side of the family in particular is fully Italian.

    There are slight deviations here and there. My great grandfather on my father's side was native American, for instance. I also believe I had 1-2% Greek.

    As for my thoughts on them...I'm 21. I've already had cancer. My life is literally all over the internet. The government already has my DNA and I don't mind them.

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    • LloydAsher

      I'm a solid 85% finnish 15% random european countries.

      To be fair go back far enough and we are all from Africa... I also got some Neanderthal in me too so neet.

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  • raisinbran

    You're an idiot for giving your DNA to some company pretending they are providing a service.

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    • ospry

      You think they're gonna be making little clones from OP's genetic material?

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      • raisinbran

        They can sell the data or use it for some other nefarious purpose down the road.

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        • ospry


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          • raisinbran


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            • ospry

              Here's hoping it was my DNA they used

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    It's very interesting. I didn't think they were ver accurate until my daughter in law did one, and was surprised at her results. She came back 25% Sicilian and her bio father is supposedly English. Well she pressed her mother about it and it turns out that he isn't her father. Her mother fessed up that she had had an affair with a half Sicilian man and she got in touch with her real father after 40 yrs.

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  • Yaidin

    I just asked my grandparents, which also asked their grandparents back then etc etc. Much safer and cheaper way to find out your ancestry. Our family have always married someone of the same nationality

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    • Slavery makes that difficult for me. And I do not know for sure that my grandfathers are my grandfathers. There are serious doubts about those.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I think it's a way for people to take your DNA to keep and give you some bullshit answer. What do I know though, honestly.
    I would imagine someone that was adopted would want to know, or someone estranged from their family.
    Also curious, with this test did they ask you any questions about your known background?

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  • ospry

    50% Norwegian 50% Danish

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  • LloydAsher

    Does it matter what your blood is? It's the people who raised you that made you who you are. They dont even have to be blood related.

    Dispite having somewhat mixed blood I identify more with the finnish because my grandparents were 100% finnish.

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    • I have always identified as Black. You're right on that. Your DNA does not always match your identity.

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      • LloydAsher

        Said nothing about race. Your race is inherently blood related. Culture that's what matters.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I think the dna samples are collected so they can create a clone, a replicant. An exact copy of yourself but one that's been modified to be subservient to the globalist masters...

    ...or maybe not.

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    • KholatKhult

      I could definitely beat the shit out of myself if I had to

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        I usually stop when something starts to squirt.

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  • dabadedabadie

    I did a dna test it was like 95% German 5% Irish. No wonder I'm such a drunk.

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    • Actually I was quite surprised with the Asian part. I would never have thought that I had Asian ancestors. I have always identified as Black and though I knew that I had white ancestors I never relate to that part.

      I used to drink a lot in my early twenties but now I rarely do. Not as a choice but just because I'm too lazy to go out now.

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      • dabadedabadie

        Yeah you got small percents here and there but apparently my ancestors didn't like to sleep around. My ancestors just went "fuck leaving Germany" my ancestors didn't even leave Germany until my grandma decided to go to the us so my German blood is still strong so I tend to act German.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          how many times a week do you invade poland?

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          • dabadedabadie

            Hmmm about once a day?

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I don't think they're accurate

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    • Somenormie

      Yeah I have a scary feeling that they might be inaccurate.

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