You won't believe why i was permanently banned from tiktok

I wrote there are "two genders" on a video of a girl saying there are over 50 genders and over 200 pronouns to memorize, she also said she is not a she she's a FAIRY and her pronouns are "fairy" and I wrote "You're actually a female human and there are only two genders, fairy is not a pronoun"

Tiktok permanently banned me because I wrote there are only two genders. I tried to appeal and I was told "You were permanently banned because it is against Tiktok guidelines to not respect pronouns, in this case your most recent comment referred to fairy as a she when fairy's preferred pronoun is fairy. Please see guidelines below for more information."

I REFERRED TO FAIRY AS A SHE. WHAT? They are PROMOTING mental illness and making sure we are mentally ill with them 🤦‍♀️

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Comments ( 531 )
  • KholatKhult

    God you people are insufferable

    Why can’t you just go “lol” and scroll like the rest of us ? Fuckin’ moron

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    • WhistleBain

      Laugh at the mentally impaired and move on. I like the way this man thinks.

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      • Would love to but you can get fined, jailed, even expelled from school for not calling people what they aren't so it has an effect on everyone.

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    • Bennybro1

      worlds gone maf

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      • Somenormie

        Too mad for everyone's likings.

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  • Correction

    As fake as this is, the transphobia behind it is real and I will never get over the irony of a person who’s obsessed with what’s between the legs of complete strangers calling other people mentally ill. That’s like somebody with a bone sticking out of their leg crawling over to somebody who has a slight limp and screaming “you have a broken leg!” in their face.

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    • What is transphobic about not calling someone a fairy? Trans people are not at all what I'm referring to. I'm referring to not believing someone is a fairy I do not have to abide by their mental delusions. It's so strange that you start talking about genitals and trans when I'm talking about not believing someone is a fairy. I only believe in human beings and referring to them as male or female. I do not believe someone is a fairy so why should I have to be forced to call them such or be banned?

      Please seek mental health help immediately.

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    • It's not fake. I got permanently banned by not calling someone a fairy it's pissing me off.

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  • anonY123

    Cancel culture is toxic

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  • Tinybird

    Yeah it's fucking stupid.

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  • Vvaas

    fake and gay

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      Dammit beat me to it! Lol

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    • It's not fake. I swear to God they banned me I'm livid

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      • Vvaas

        just make a new account then it's easy bro

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        • I will but it pisses me off I get banned for not calling someone a fairy

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  • litelander8

    Lol. I get “banned” for a bit quite often. They take away my ability to interact with anything other than watching.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      Tiktok is probably run by seriously strange people

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  • Correction

    It’d be a lot more believable if they said they were banned for using non-binary pronouns. That actually happens fairly regularly, while hate speech and harassment tends to get completely ignored when reported. So, just playing the odds here, it’s extremely likely that this is fake. I suppose there’s always the off chance that a social media platform actually did the right thing for once and this is real.

    Obsessing over what’s between the legs of complete strangers is extremely creepy. Obsessing over what’s between the legs of children is on a level with pedophilia. Adults who do that, adults who claim it’s their duty to do so under the guise of forcing their backwards agenda onto those children, need to be on a watch list. That’s one step away from justifying doctors like Larry Nassar molesting children and calling it a legitimate medical practice.

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    • CountessDouche

      Hahahaha. Don't let his objections fool you. This mf has been posting about kid dicks for 10 years. It used to be an obsession with circumcision, which is understandable, except for the direction it went in, which was questionable to say the least.

      Now it's this narrative of transgender people aggresively attempting to convince children to lop off their genetals with sewing scissors and take hormones that won't even be prescribed to underaged children. He seems to think that children under the age of 18 have access to genital reassignment surgery and hormones. Please hand him a CORRECTION

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      • SaddleGoose

        Yikes. A long one. Multiple topics though! You're just lying. Maybe you should go back to reading a book which you excessively need to inform people that you do, like someone that just lost their virginity. Can you tell me what the name of the user you think I am is?

        You're taking the position that it's improper for adults to want to protect children from having their body altered or indoctrinated to the point they would alter their bodies down the line due to being enabled down that path at an impressionable age. Lol ok? You expect me to be ashamed for opposing that?

        No, I don't believe that children are able to have reassignment surgery -This is that lying part- but I do believe children can be indoctrinated and have their fantasies enabled to the point they take that leap the second they are legally allowed to based purely on the motivations instilled in them at an impressionable age by activists like you.

        My only position is this. Leave kids alone and then when they're adults they can do what they please. You seem to have a problem with this, so I can only assume you think it's acceptable to target children and give them the responsibility and ability to "consent" to things they wouldn't have the capacity to in any other area of life. You put progressivism before children.

        No need. There's your correction. Maybe talk with me this time and not about me while trying to portray yourself as a boss bitch, who also reads. Roflmao.

        Also, since you're trying to paint some sort of conspiracy about me, let me indulge in mine. Is it true that a bunch of users, you included, have a discord server where you all conjugate? I overseen a comment from a user asserting this to be the case quite a while ago which would be nothing on it's own if not paired with the fact I've seen the user you claimed informed you of me being a prior user actually invite someone to a discord server and once you were under the impression of me being a certain user there were then multiple people that came to me asserting the very same allegation, as if you've been spreading it to people off platform like the user did by asserting it to you. To take the conspiracy a little further, this might explain why whenever you inject yourself into these hot topic issues there seems to be this strange effect where the majority of users on a post will disagree with your sentiments but the majority of those using the rating feature agree with you and those sharing your sentiments despite being a small minority. Perhaps your allegations of different accounts is based on your discord server engaging in the same behaviour? Who knows but it's curious none the less once I heard the allegation from another user.

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        • CountessDouche

          Oh look. 10 paragraphs about kid dicks.

          Oh and discord conspiracy theories hahahahahaha. Are you talking about SW? Mf has my phone number; we're friends. Exactly no one has a server about you, narcissist. You got downvoted for being stupid, not for being important.

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          • SaddleGoose

            You really like the phrase *K*d d*cks* don't you? Isn't there a rule specifically against such topics on pa*dophilia? You might want to tone it down if you can.

            Ha! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Omg <3 Are you telling me that you have spent time on here chastising people on this site for using it but you've implemented aspects of this site into your personal life to the point of handing out your private phone number?! What a fucking hack! xD Wait! Hold on a minute! So is this your admission that you weren't talking about me via Discord but instead you talked about me to whoever SW is on your private. Fucking. Phone? OMG! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

            Holy shit. I'm even more convinced now. If it can go that far! What a freak!

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            • CountessDouche

              Or we were already friends before he got here. Anyways, as a new user who's definitely not shitduz, why do you know who SW is? I'm failing to understand why you know this user who hasnt been on here in months.

              Oh and I might like the phrase "kid dicks," but at least I'm not so hyper focused on them that I want to burn trans people at the stake, unlike you.

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          • They're possibly the craziest person I've encountered on here, I wonder if they are a pedo, it seems likely.

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      • Correction

        I don’t usually pay attention to names here and I try to stay away from the really disturbing stuff, but I do remember seeing some of the posts you’re talking about. Ugh. They really do need to be on a watch list.

        That’s a pretty good correction you did there. I would also add that the puberty blockers they’re oh so scared of…are fully reversible.

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        • CountessDouche

          Thank you! Sometimes it seems zero people on this website understand what puberty blockers even are.

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          • So you're pro puberty blockers and reassignment surgery on children? Woah this place is full of pedos.

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  • KholatKhult

    Yes, it is your fuckin’ moron opinion, glad you acknowledge that

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    • SaddleGoose

      Thanks for repeating what I said back to me. Couldn't of done it without ya.

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      • KholatKhult

        You’re welcome

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        • Get a room you two

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          • KholatKhult

            I call top bunk

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  • SweetNLite

    Why dumb yourself down by trying to argue with idiots?

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    • You have a point

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  • LornaMae

    Not cool. You will be hearing from my lawyer soon. You've got me fuming right now, I'm not even going to switch my account to respond to you!!! I'll see you in mf cybercourt, mf!!

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  • CountessDouche

    Here comes the mail. It never fails! I hope this box you brought me is an incel to English translation pockets and mountain dew code red? A framed photo of elliot Rogers!? What do you mean, "that's all I need to know"? ...Assuming its approved, the next comment should make things even more fun for everyone. Hopefully this mf gets back in his Saddlegoose and fucks off back to reddit's latest bitch cave...if he can get close to a goose without strangling it, that is...

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  • Meatballsandwich

    But it's scientifically true, there are only 2 fucking genders. XX And XY. If you think otherwise, you're a moron. I don't get why the hell we're even discussing the obvious.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      Exactly. Why is there even a debate? I don't understand why you have to believe what they believe. I've talked to a few non binary people when at my place of work and I've seen enough videos to see that they all suffer from a severe mental illness and are usually disconnected with reality almost like psychosis. They also seem to not have any common sense or general knowledge, they're basically air-headed which I hate to say but it's just what I've observed as a common trait of theirs.

      But they expect everyone to believe what they believe and that should be illegal but it's slowly turning into it being the law, to believe they are whatever they tell you so if they go by fairy and you call them her they can report you and you could face legal consequences.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    The chinese own a lot of parent companies of mainstream media and have money backing big tech in the USA. They use it as leverage to weaken us through culture war hysteria.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches


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  • LornaMae

    Well now do you expect me to change all the mf©ing "©s" to mf™ing "™s"????? Bruh© Spare me©

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    • LornaMae

      Well I did it cuz it looked cuter like dat!

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  • LornaMae

    Excuse me??™ We've reached an agreement on that during one of our 4 mandaroty daily conjugation™ seshs though, for every Hahahahaha™ she uses I use a motherfucking™ mf™ freely and if we use both the Hahahahaha™ and the mf™ in the same mf™ comment they cancel eachother™ out aswell™! I should of™ told you that so you wouldn't of™ gone through all the trouble of making baseless claims™ without providing screenshots™ with proper timestamps.™


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  • Sanara

    Really stupid reason to ban, regardless what side you are on in that gender debate. But anyway TikTok seems like the retarded version of YouTube

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    • You're not wrong. At first it seems harmless, you'll actually get a feed that is customized to what you liked but within every maybe 5-6 videos there is a crazy video, I've even seen animal abuse videos on there and when I report them they say it doesn't violate the guidelines but not calling someone a fairy does. Go figure.

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      • Sanara

        Its insane they allow animal abuse (and they are known for it), but not "mispronunciation". Sounds like they care a lot more about popularity politics than actual ethics

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  • Fully agree, it's sickening this person must be a groomer.

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  • Somenormie

    Have you appealed your ban?

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    • Yes in my appeal I asked why I was banned and said I don't believe I did anything wrong. There are only two genders and I don't believe fairy is a gender, they just sent me a link to their guidelines. Then minutes later, permanently banned

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      • olderdude-xx

        You are clearly at least ignorant.

        There are biologically 3 known genders - and they have been taught in middle school and high school textbooks since at least the 1940's\

        Female, Hermaphrodites, Male.

        Look it up in any biology book on human genders.

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        • 😑

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        • Chap

          I believe 3 as well-
          Male [penis and testicles]
          Female [vagina, uterus, and boobs]
          Intersex [mutation of the two]

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          • Intersex isn't a gender...

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            • Chap

              Then what are intersex people, male or female?

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  • Bennybro1

    poor adam n eve . world gone mad . i remember when men were men n women were women and u had odd fairy but we all just got on with it . im all for u are what u are but its all gone mad .

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  • LornaMae

    Yup! T'was a massively important stylistic edit! :D

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  • dude_Jones

    Pffft. You're cute.

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    • LornaMae

      Pfft? Rude.

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      • dude_Jones

        I'm sorry, let me fix that.

        Lol. You're cute.

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  • SalivaJuice

    Do you have the link to the video in question? I'd like to watch that

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    • No unfortunately not but if I can dig a little I might be able to find it. If I do I'll link it here

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Fake and gay

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  • Correction

    Of course they don’t come right out and say that they’re banning people for using non binary pronouns. They’ll claim it’s for “minor safety” or simply decline to say what it’s for. Usually it happens because trolls report innocent videos of people they don’t like (ie people who lean to the left) en masse to get the social media platform to target them. It’s very effective and often succeeds in driving people away who don’t feel like dealing with the trouble of appealing and getting their video/account restored every single time it happens.

    I think you misread my comments, I’m saying we need to protect children from the adults who obsess with what’s between their legs, the adults who wants to focus on their private parts. It is on a level with pedophilia, and you’re right, many of them do groom children. That’s why children need to be protected from the creeps who want to force their “there’s only two genders” agenda onto children and anybody who wants to influence children to focus on their private parts.

    There’s a big difference between keeping the topic away from children until they’re of an age that they can make that decision, and only teaching them one side of the discussion until they’re of an age that they can make that decision. You should be ashamed of your attempt to paint the latter as the former.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    8f I recall right tiktokers get paid by the comment wich is why you see comment enduring posts on there

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  • SaddleGoose

    There are countries where you can be criminally charged for misgendering people, so yes I can 100% believe this.

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    • I don't get it. Why do I have to believe they're a fairy? It pisses me off. That's not a gender or pronoun it's a joke.

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      • SaddleGoose

        It's all a joke at this point. Lol.

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        • Lol for real I thought I was dreaming when I saw the notice on my feed saying I'm banned over not calling someone fairy what kind of planet did I stumble onto, I refuse to believe I'm on Earth

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          • SaddleGoose

            Honestly, I'd of laughed you off if I seen this post maybe 3 years ago? I'd point to the irony of being punished for not referring to somebody from the LGBT as a *fairy* as it's been a widely know slur for such people for decades but I could believe it today.

            That said, the chances are that you were probably banned for the 2 genders aspect of your comment rather than the fairy pronouns aspect. Who knows. Roflmao.

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