You matter

Just a reminder to a special someone that you are a capable, unique, and wonderful person. You still turn every head and make the room stand still when you enter. You have a good head on your shoulders and are on a successful path. You are loved even when the people you love are bad at showing it. The world is a better place because of you.

To everyone else, don't get your hopes up you useless clumps of clay.

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Comments ( 31 )
  • Somenormie

    You matter and everyone on this site matters too.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Everyone matters except that spam bot person. That spam person should just give up on life, go far away, and never come back.

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      • megadriver

        Quick addition to the list - the radical feminist who won't shut up about her sister and how "heteronormative" something and men are destroying the world.

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        • Hansberger

          And what about a radical fancy? When someone is extremely fancy. Do these people count? Does an idiot who won't stop asking me for cigarettes count? What about those frigging morons acting stupid and who I was surrounded with all my life, never being introduced to the intellectuals, always being introduced to everything about disability. That I can tell you is a cheap life and it's not for me, I don't want a single idiot, I don't want to spend time with those spastics having a diagnosis, getting treatments all my life! It's bullshit! It's stupid! I feel people think I'm stupid, forcing me to study, studying is for stupid people, I'd rather read my religious books and not learn anything!

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          • LloydAsher

            Well you clearly you arent looking for intellectuals since you are complaining about not running into them on a daily basis. Or you arent seeing the intellectuals before you. If you honestly think the smartest of us never study clearly you will never get a taste of true intelligent conversation.

            Yes I can see how people will think you are stupid because in that entire rant you have shown scant evidence to prove that you are something above average.

            You are like Holden Caufield in catcher in the rye.

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            • Inkmaster

              Now I want to read Catcher in the Rye, if only so I can get that reference.

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    • LloydAsher

      Not really. No one objectively matters. You only have perceived value rather than actual value. No matter who you are, you will be eventually replaced by someone better.

      It just feels nice to be appreciated. Nothing wrong with that.

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      • ellnell

        That wouldn't matter if people weren't so pathetically dependent on others for a sense of value. Everyone would know they matter otherwise because they'd matter to themselves and literally everyone and anyone can always find someone to matter to even goddamn prisoners have fans and love letters and everyone has had someone liking them even if it was in secret and they never found it out. Therefore everyone does kinda matter though not to everyone because no sane human being thinks everyone they ever met matters.

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        • Hansberger

          Well done, you don't matter. Your mother will forget about you, make you cry, I can treat you any way I like, like dirt, because you don't matter. Go ahead and think you don't matter, be a loser nobody likes, wear the Dolmio grin when it's Cheetos, Dolmio doesn't matter, you don't matter, it's OK to go through life with a conflict, it's OK to be normal, you're not important, because you don't matter. You're just a person, you just exist, you're not religious, no gods, nothing, you don't give a fuck, it's OK because it doesn't matter!

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      • Inkmaster

        you should read C. S. Lewis' "The Poison of Subjectivism".

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  • have_a_good_day

    this is beautiful, mothafucka. thank you

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    How dare you lie to me.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    one or two of them things might be true about me

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  • my_life_my_way

    Thanks babe, everyone should be confident.

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    • Hansberger

      Yeah, everyone should be confident, when everyone tells you you can't all your frigging life! When nobody has any confidence in you and thinks you're terrible, everyone should be confident, and have perseverance, doing crap nobody frigging well likes! Be confident so you can have a put down, be confident so you will die forgotten in history because we all know no megalomaniac has any history! I think I can kick you in the balls! Is that good?

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  • SwickDinging

    I might be a clump of clay, but I have my uses. I make very nice pasta.

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    • bbrown95

      Pasta is the best!

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      • Hansberger

        Pasta is disgusting! It's a gluey paste of raw flour and a disgusting yellow colour and tastes revolting, together with a white wine and a tomato sauce, it's disgusting! It's rotten grapes and an ugly, chicken-like plant! (a tomato)

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        • LloydAsher

          It's called seasoning you daft fuck. If you cant season shit correctly it's going to taste bland.

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        • bbrown95

          Nooooo! I love the stuff!

          If it's cooked correctly (al dente; not like mush like what some of these lazy-ass restaurants that I'm pretty sure just pre-cook it and throw it in a microwave serve), it has a great texture. With the right sauces, it's excellent. But, I've noticed it's becoming harder and harder to find an actual good Italian restaurant that doesn't overcook the pasta and actually has decent sauces. I can make it better at home just boiling boxed pasta and adding just a few extra ingredients to a pre-made sauce and I am no chef, lol.

          Unless there's some sort of reference I'm not getting, I've never noticed any resemblance between rotten grapes and pasta, or chicken and tomatoes.

          But yes, LloydAsher is right. Seasoning is key (as well as cooking to the correct texture).

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          • SwickDinging

            Making your own pasta is one of those things that seems like a major hassle at first, but once you've done it a few times it becomes very quick and easy. I can knock out some decent pasta dough in about 7 minutes, with minimal mess. Pasta machines help a lot but are not really necessary so as long as you use a decent dough recipe with a good dry to wet ingredient ratio. When used fresh it will cook in about 2 or 3 minutes, so the overall process is quicker than using boxed dried pasta.

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  • EnglishLad

    This post is clearly aimed at RoseIsabella.

    RoseIsabella does not matter to me. Fuck her.

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    • Hansberger

      I love RoseIsabella, she's lovely! :)

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      • Inkmaster

        On that, at least, we can agree.

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  • Shackleford96

    "You still turn every head and make the room stand still when you enter... The world is a better place because of you"

    Not so sure about either of those claims, but thanks for all the encouragement.

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  • Hansberger

    It was nice for a little while, except for the dramatic highspot of making the room still, until you called an ordinary man clay. Am I the only one who knows you're somewhat sarcastic? (I'm tired of that word, the labels my roommate gives me, like "you're mad!", "you're sarcastic", these are terms of abuse, they're insults, no one cares to see me for what I really am, distinguishing, distinctive, fancy and refined, obsessive, freaky, "classy and sleazy", attractive, serious, good, best, fine, dandy, ultra-gourmet, disobedient under every circumstance, religious, morally good, aesthetic, always doing the right thing and never giving it a rest, tends to go on believing, unchanging, regular in my inventive activities, uncommon, super-old-fashioned, extremely pessimistic, gloomy and depressed, happy, calm, deliberately avoiding too much of a feeling, extremely tasteful, extremely fancy, untouchable, totally awesome, extreme to the point that it looks ridiculous, et al).

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    • litelander8

      You seem obnoxious as fuck dude.

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  • bbrown95

    Thank you! 😊 You as well!

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  • litelander8


    The end was the best part.

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    • Hansberger

      Yeah, the end is the best part, when you're saying goodbye and don't give a shit! Nobody cares about a good or decent person. It's bad to be good. It's a whole moral code to kill people! Go rob a bank, you would never do anything good, your conscience told you it's OK to murder people!

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  • Hansberger

    Say matter, say fuck, say whatever shit you fucking well like, it's not offensive, tell a stranger to kiss your arse, go ahead, they won't be offended!

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