Would you stay with someone you found out was using heavy drugs?

Heavy drugs, not marijuana, shrooms, or party pills

My boyfriend passed out in his own vomit, in the bathroom of my parents house during a holiday visit, from accidentally overdosing on heroin.

We are upper class and both come from government involved families, both our families agreed to keep his addiction secret and not put him through rehab but try to deal with it in private.

Should I dump him?

Yes, even if they kept using 22
Yes, only if they are going through rehab 22
No 30
Depends 33
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Comments ( 22 )
  • yourmindisfuckedup

    Well there's no future keeping a junkies addiction secret!!!

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    • Nenumoudutra

      But its better for the junkie if its shouted from the rooftops? That must be a new method of helping addicts.

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      • yourmindisfuckedup

        your a fucking smartass ain't ya go a get fucked cunt. Stick another needle in ya arm and od yourself ya scumy cunt.i never said anything like that,fuck you!

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  • Ban_all_sex-obsessed_retards

    Why are you asking ? Stupid and boring question

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    • Nenumoudutra

      Why did you read it?? Or answer if it bothered u so much....

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  • charli.m

    Depends on many factors, but primarily on whether he wants to work towards being clean.

    Keeping it "private" may not be what is best for him, btw.

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    • Nenumoudutra

      Yeah increasing his shame and remorse will surely masks him better and have no desire at all to get wasted to block out and forget his addition.

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      • charli.m

        Do you have brain damage? Or is there another reason for your complete lack of comprehension skills?

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        • Nenumoudutra

          Yeah, increasing his shame of being drug addict and also his remorse for taking drugs will definitely help and encourage him to a full recovery. In no way could it temp him to take more drugs so as to forget his shame of being an addict.
          Can you understand this post now?
          By the way in this reply i am using sarcasm, OK?

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          • charli.m

            You're a fucking retard. I understood your comment, it just had fuck all to do with what I was saying, and you were apparently unable to understand.

            "both our families agreed to keep his addiction secret and not put him through rehab but try to deal with it in private."

            My implication, which you are apparently too stupid to understand, is that it may be better for him, ie, in his best interests, to be in rehab (professional support) rather than "keeping it private".

            Are you going to continue embarrassing yourself, you fucking gimboid?

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  • cbtpissyum

    I think you know the answer. Stay and your life will be very difficult. Love is blind and deaf but not stupid. Been there, done it, he is gone and my life/stress level are better. Still miss the hot SOB and I still love him. Make a rational, calm, and sane decision after being away/separated from him and your head is clear. Make lists of good/bad points and you have to live with your decision (but you and only you can make the final call). Good luck.

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  • XpoizonivyX

    I have been in this situation although my partner waited until we had 2 beautiful children then decided to get addicted again!! I tried everything to get him to see wot he was doing was wrong but nothing worked. Me and the kids became second best i was only good 4 him if i was giving him money! You will never be his 1st priority and u will not be able to SAVE him. He can only do that himself!! Its a horrible experience for all involved and the quicker you get away frm him the better 4 u i think x

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  • INSANE710

    He lied to you and obviously doesn't want to get help

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  • MissKira

    I use...

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  • Faceless

    You should help him. Its not like he cheated on you.

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  • Fuck_IIN4

    Funny to see what the upper classes (of which I am not a "member") are getting up to - but on a more serious note - dump him. If he's not already an addict, he could become one. And once that happens, his habit could eventually become the biggest central thing in his life. And if he exhausts the means to pay for that habit, he'll start stealing from you and anyone else he can to pay for his next fix. That's what a junkie's life is all about - getting high and if they're out of money getting money to buy drugs by any and every means possible - whether legal or not, whether ethical or not, whether safe or not.

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  • Jayemen

    Have to say no on this one. Been through it, briefly. My friend "Leeann" (name change) is an incredibly pretty, beautiful, wide-smiled and hot-bodied woman..Who can't stay off the white stuff or pills. She's gorgeous, but a train wreck.

    She moved out of her old place about two years ago, and, asked to stay with me. I said yes, knowing we got along well, and, even with her bad background, nothing would happen at my house. If she messed up, it would be somewhere else. She was also a binge-everything..Eater, drinker, and would sometimes be awake for days without sleep.

    We did mess around a bit, however..I think the sex made her too comfortable at my house, and, she started all of her addictions while home. One night, she was on a blitz of whatever the hell she was on, trashed a bedroom, broke a bathroom door, then passed out in my basement. Woke up hours later, demanding that I marry her..Demanding.

    Within a few days, the cell calls came in..Do you know so and so, she owes me $300...So and so is in trouble, the cops just got her at work..All this crap in maybe 3 days.

    I got her back "home", things didn't change, and I finally told her one night, nicely..You can't be here anymore. You need help and rehab. My experiment def. failed. Other than the wild sex. That, I'd take again..

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    • cbtpissyum

      My story is about the same except she is a very, hot sexy he. I miss him and the incredible hot sex. Man do I miss that but not the drama.

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  • Cookiecutter

    You can do better than some junkie who OD's in his parents basement. Move on and find a better guy.

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