Would you rather kill 50 human children or 50 puppies?

You are given an assault rifle and told that you either need to walk into an orphanage or a dog shelter and kill every living being inside. There are no legal or social concequences, only the mental impact it has on you. Which do you choose and why?

Kids 74
Puppies 82
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Comments ( 154 )
  • GaelicPotato

    Depends. Are we in China?

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  • RoseIsabella

    If I were in a burning building, or on a sinking ship I would always choose to save my animal companion over a random person! ALWAYS!!!

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  • Jasmine461

    What a fucked up question. No matter what option I would choose, I'd shoot myself later as well. But if I really had to choose I would shoot kids, because in general I think that the human race has done the worst things to this planet. Sorry, but it's true.

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  • GaelicPotato

    I'd shoot the guy who was stupid enough to hand me a loaded gun.

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    • RoseIsabella

      High fives, baby! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

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  • Ho0ligan

    wow, this is one uplifting thread. ๐Ÿคจ

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  • loopoo

    Kid's are annoying, so kids.

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  • Kyrmin

    Interesting people preferring to kill 50 lifes of the same species.

    Maybe 50 puppies are lawyers, doctors, engineers when they grow up...

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    • GaelicPotato

      That sure is optimistic considering how many pieces of shit are on this world.

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      • brutus

        Truth, they can also be thieves, robbers, rapists, murderers, terrorists in the future.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Good point, out of fifty puppies, I'd be willing to bet that less of them would grow up to be assholes than the fifty kids.

          An interesting note about dogs is that dogs are better able to read human body language, and discern human emotion than people are. Dogs are also much more empathetic than many people. Even dogs who have been abused tend to turn out better than many of their human counterparts.

          I don't know if they have pet cemeteries in India, but they have those here in the United States, and my sister chose to have her rough collie buried in one, I even paid for the headstone. Anyway, I noticed that some of the most beautiful headstones, and monuments were those dedicated to police dogs who made the ultimate sacrifice, and gave their lives to save their human counterparts.

          People can say whatever they want, but dogs are some of the most noble, and loving creatures on Earth. In many ways I believe that humans are not worthy of canines.

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          • givemeusername

            Why don't you fuck dogs then bitch? Retarded cunt.

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          • brutus

            watch how psychopathic bloody indians are:

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        • GaelicPotato

          Exactly. Puppies are never vile so that's a 100% purity rate.

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      • givemeusername

        Only piece of shit here is you. Fucking wanker bullshitting on this site for 7 years.

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        • GaelicPotato

          Enjoy the block, lol.

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    • Mrown

      we gotta deal with overpopulation xD

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  • The humans, though more impressive, are more polluting problems which the Earth already has a dangerously high surplus of. Sure, we have a surplus of dogs too, but they don't do as much damage to literally everything around them.

    Truth is, I might welcome the opportunity to shoot those kids without consequences. The hot coals of spite for humanity burn in my chest. Some people would say a person like me should turn the gun on myself, but I'll be upfront- I don't have the guts to do that.

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  • raisinbran

    I'm not killing 50 puppies.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Neither would I.

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  • curious-bunny

    Can I use a shotgun instead? I want yo see those kids get fuvked up

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    • Shotguns do some pretty awesome damage, though I'd really rather see it done to adults.

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      • curious-bunny

        Yea I feel you there. Personally I wouldnt enjoy shooting something up to much. 2 messy but if I had to choose thats my choice. On a kid it 2ould get graphic and quick. I mean adults 2 but not as bad for the most part

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        • RoseIsabella

          Maybe you could choose to shoot adolescents that have committed heinous crimes, like murder, rape, armed robbery, etcetera?

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          • curious-bunny

            Sure, I dont care. Less humans on the planet means happier me. Homeless ones would be good 2. Not saying all. Some just need help others well..

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    • LloydAsher

      You could of made an efficency argument but you had to make it even more fucked up.

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      • curious-bunny

        Well a ar wiuld be more efficient in a accurate shooters hand. Kids start running Nd screaming do you really want fiddle with a shotguns capacity problems then? Not really so you gotta have a reason for choosing it. An ar well standard 30 red mag 2 per kid to keep it simple. Let's say 7 rounds miss per mag cause shit happens and yea ar more efficient shotgun easier to use more sucky to reload but has a for more pleasant effect. Like shooting birds with buckshot

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    • brutus


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  • chrysocolla

    Anyone who would kill the children over the puppies are either sociopaths or just trying to be edgy for the sake of being edgy. The 50 children would grow up to lead lives with interwoven complexity which would be completely lost to dogs. Most of those dogs probably wouldn't even be adopted and would have to be euthanized. It's much easier to breed and replace dogs than it is to breed and replace humans.

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  • The puppies of course

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  • brutus

    kids hands down.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    This is DEPRESSING as fuck! More people would rather kill kids than puppies. Anyone who would rather kill kids just lost a ton of respect from me. That shits fucked up!

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    • Jasmine461

      Yeah, that's really depressing... But tell me, how is killing puppies any better than killing kids?

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Human lives are more valuable. But if you don't buy it just off that, then consider that dogs don't have the same connection with their parents that humans have. Puppies go on their own after a certain age and don't stay in touch the whole rest of their lives like most people do. Also killing kids is considered a more serious crime. Do you think I should get jail for life if I shoot the neighbors puppy?

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        • Jasmine461

          You're right about dogs not having the same connection with their parents as we do, but a dog can be human's best friend. It's scientifically proven that dogs have a high empathy. They also have an IQ of a 2-3 year old human and a much higher emotional intelligence than our primates. Your dog will love you for nothing and may even save your life in some cases. I know my opinion is pretty uncommon, but I think the lives of all species are equally important. Actually humans are probably the worst of all species, because no other animal has done so many horrible things to this planet as we have. And we did most of them CONSCIOUSLY. We can't use our higher intelligence well, we are selfish and that's our own choice. It's not like every single person is bad, but in the end the human race is the most harmful.

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            Yes. Thinking puppies are as valuable as humans is pretty uncommon. If you actually think that and aren't just playing devil's advocate to debate me, than you are fucking retarded. Very, very fucking retarded. Too much so to even debate with.

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            • Jasmine461

              Did you even read my reply? You can't see what I see and you are calling me "very fucking retarded" for having a different opion than yours and just stating facts. I was hoping to hear some solid arguments from you instead of insulting me.

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    • LloydAsher

      Yeah I know I have no idea why people are downvoting YOU. You are not alone my friend!

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Their trolling no doubt. People are taking this post seriously.

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        • LloydAsher

          Idk people are fucked up.

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    • GaelicPotato

      Read my answer :)

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        That too. But I was assuming this was a hypothetical. And I still sorely hope 25 people are joking.

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  • Primus

    If they're chihuahuas I don't mind.

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  • chuy

    I would say shoot both kids and the puppies...but after I'm hand over the gun I would shoot the guy leaving the kids and puppies safe.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I like your style, homes. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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      • chuy


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  • JellyBeanBandit

    How old are the children?

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  • someonespecial9

    I prefer kids because the kids would be traumatized by the killing of the dogs, and because dogs are good bois
    and who care about kids, we have overpopulation, everything will be fine

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    • troglodyte

      You obviously do care about the kids since you didn't want them to be traumatized by the killing of the dogs. You wanted to come off as cool and callous and edgy like the rest of the teenage schmucks on this section, but you shot yourself in the foot by that first empathetic sentence.

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  • PeopleFuckingSuck

    I would infect the puppies with fatal diseases and then give one to each orphan, 2 birds 1 stone.

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  • NoLifer

    You do not state a reason why I might do so. In that case I wouldn't do anything. I would simply walk away

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    • RoseIsabella


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      • NoLifer

        I outsmarted OP

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        • RoseIsabella

          *high fives* ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

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  • SwickDinging

    Wow, these hypotheticals are getting darker every week. This is so grim.

    Obviously I'd shoot the puppies but I'd probably end up going insane afterwards with PTSD and shooting myself at a later date. I'm a real sucker for animals, especially ones as connected to humans as dogs are. Those poor little puppies :( and I'd be putting huge pressure on those 50 kids to go and cure cancer and bring world peace to make it worth it lol.

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  • DeathXN

    Why not both?

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Username checks out.

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    • GaelicPotato

      Thats the spirit.

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      • RoseIsabella


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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Children. Because of the evil they are capable of. They have even been known to commit murder at 10 years old.

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  • Ennis_Delmar

    I am at such an incredible loss of words for the human species that has such an overwhelming disregard for the survival of its own members... wtf people?!??

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  • raisinbran

    How about hand each kid a gun and a puppy, and let them decide?

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  • Jimbo24

    The puppies. Though it wouldn't have much of a mental impact because I'd only kill them if I had to. And if I had to then I had to.

    Now as to why, it's just that puppies - and animals in general - are less valuable than humans as a whole. Humans build civilizations, the internet, all this great stuff. And animals, well, they don't. A puppy has an IQ of around 20.

    By the way, this is one of those questions that could be used as a pretty reliable proxy for political leanings. Those who answer "puppies" will most often be on the right, and those answering "children" will overwhelmingly lean left.

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  • BURN!

    I rather shoot myself 100 times. But if I had to choose, Iโ€™d kill the puppies. Children are more important than animals imo

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  • RoseIsabella

    I wouldn't do either. I would just shoot the fool who was tryin' to give me orders in the face, and that would be that!

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    • GaelicPotato

      Oh didn't even see your comment yet but mine was strikingly similar.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Oooh, lemme check yours.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Its a hypothetical. What woild you actually do if for whatever reason you had to no matter what. Please don't say you would shoot kids.

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      • RoseIsabella

        You're not going to manipulate me into shooting anyone, it's a stupid premise, because I can choose to do nothing. I can act like I'm gonna shoot one of the stupid choices, then spin around, and shoot the person who is attempting to force me into doing something I don't want to do. I will probably shoot the person right in the groin, and then the stomach as punishment for trying to fuck with me.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Its hypothetical. But let me rephrase it to help your analytical mind out. You are captive and have two bottons in front of you. One that kills 50 children and one that kills 50 puppies. You have 10 seconds to choose, BUT, if you don't choose either one and do nothing, the choice will be made for you and 50 children would die automatically. So would you switch it and kill puppies instead or just do nothing and let kids die?

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          • RoseIsabella

            I refuse to choose!

            I'm not going to choose anything, because I'm refuse to participate in this stupid manipulation game. If I don't choose the one attempting to force me to choose can still choose to do nothing, it has the power to stop. I am not responsible for the deaths of anyone in this scenario, the only one responsible for the deaths of anyone in this scenario is the one who wants to manipulate me into choosing.

            I'm also aware that you have an acute resentment against animal lovers who do not believe that people are necessarily above animals, and this post is about your personal issues, and resentments regarding other people's personal preferences. You cannot force me to do anything. I'm not guilty of harming anyone.

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            • Doesnormalmatter

              This isn't about whos fault it would be!!! Would you switch and save the kids or not? Why can't you answer my simple question? I am just a random curious guy online and the only reason I want your opinion is because I respect it!

              I DO NOT have an 'acute resentment' of animal lovers! Don't put words in my mouth please! Instead let me clarify my stance on animals.

              -Human lives are more valuable than animals one to one.
              -Animal abuse is not as serious of a crime as things done to humans. Still a crime!
              -Domesticated animals like your pet cat are wonderful and if they make you happy I am happy for you and that animal has increased value because of what it means to you! But if you would rather kill your neighbor than your cat, I have an issue.

              Are we clear?

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      • RoseIsabella

        If I've got a gun I can shoot the person trying to manipulate me into doing something, or I could also refuse to do anything. I don't have to do anything.

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