Would it be unwise to order from japan or hong kong at this time?

The coronavirus has spread to Japan and Hong Kong. There's some things I want to order but they come from either of those places. Do you think it would be safe to order? What are the chances of contracting the virus that way?

Yes 5
Take the risk 10
No 6
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Comments ( 13 )
  • KholatKhult

    You guys need to relax about the whole coronavirus thing. It’s not that big of a deal.
    I was just in China. And the Japanese probably have better sanitation practices than a lot of the West. The whole coronavirus scare is just propaganda

    Of course it’s safe to order.

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    • Mammal-lover

      Exactly. People are getting annoying about this shit. The japanese are super sanitary. They don't even wear shoes in the house for christ sake.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        Yeah i saw on the news there were 11 coronavirus infections in the US. That's pretty good odds when there are 325 million Americans. You're way more likely to die in a carwreck on the way to the store.

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      • KholatKhult

        People wear shoes inside the house???

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        • Aethylfritha

          Im gonna admit it. My family on both sides, i grew up and yes we do wear shoes sometimes in the house. Not if you know, your shoes are muddy or wet. But my grandma used to say shed rather have peoples feet in hoes than them " getting the foot fungus/ foot smells on my rugs".
          It is very person by person thing. My husbands family dont wear shoes in the house, whereas mine it was ok.
          But we dont sit on the floor or eat off it or anything

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        • Mammal-lover

          My family is really good at that. Not allowed in my place though.

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    • ellnell

      It's started spreading all over the world, especially since people on vacation in China and Japan travel home now. In my country they don't even do anything about those people, just let them go home if they show no symptoms even though there's no guarantee that it doesn't spread before symptoms have started showing. I wouldn't take a risk personally.

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  • Sad18yo

    I think people forget that every time you walk into a Wal Mart store you are literally surrounded by thousands of products recently shipped in from China/neighboring countries

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  • Boojum

    Some people are allowing themselves to get their panties totally in a twist about this. I don't know where that's coming from. Social media idiots and trolls, along with the usual range of whackjobs shouting away in little echo-chambers full of other wingnuts I guess. From all the serious, credible reporting on the story I've read, it doesn't seem that hysteria is justified, although the illness does deserve to be treated seriously. The infection is clearly easily spread and the number of deaths suggests that it's much worse than any strain of influenza we've seen in recent years.

    As far as this question is concerned, the most important fact is that all indications are that the virus is spread in airborne droplets or by direct contact with an infected person in exactly the same was as the flu is. Most viruses aren't that robust, and they don't remain viable for long when they're on dry, non-biological surfaces. Unless you have a seriously weird kink and you've ordered used tissues to lick or snort and they'll be shipped express and specially packed in a way that means they arrive with their snot moist and fresh and slimey, I really don't think you have much to worry about.

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  • --

    Shit you just reminded me that I have parcels coming from china!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • GaelicPotato

    Is it safe to receive a letter or a package from China?

    Yes, it is safe. People receiving packages from China are not at risk of contracting the new coronavirus. From previous analysis, we know coronaviruses do not survive long on objects, such as letters or packages.

    That being said, we should deprive China of all business to try and starve them out.

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  • bigbudchonga


    You have about the same risk of getting struck by lightning as you would for contracting the coronavirus even if you lived in Japan.

    Be rational, don't fall for the hype. Not only should you by from China/ Japan, but now is the perfect time to visit your local Chinatown, they'll be dying for customers and things will probably be selling cheaply.

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  • Clunk42

    Are we answering "is it unwise" or "do you think it would be safe"? Stop putting multiple questions in your polls, people.

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