Womens mma

I love watching MMA but I get tired of the girls getting pushed so much. It'll be the main card and they will throw some random girls in there and they lack excitement. Dont get me wrong Nunes, Rousey, Holmes, and Cyborg are exciting fighters. But 99% of the time the girl fights are boring and they seem like they cant hurt eachother. They will throw light punches and they dont do damage.

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50% Normal
Based on 4 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )

    On the flip side sometimes the women absolutely beat the shit out of each other. No offense to them but I've seen this sort of fighter (not all of them but more common than any men's) seem to lack either strategy or patience and therefore not employ normal tactics like only engaging at the right time and evading when they've been hit too much.

    There was one recently wherein 500 strikes were absorbed between the two women because they just stood their pummeling the fuck out of each other's face almost the entire time. Some of the most blood I've seen in MMA and one of the women had her teeth knocked out. I kind of can't believe it wasn't stopped.

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    • Somenormie

      I have never watched women's mma, but it sounds interesting.

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  • ChrissySnow

    My husband loves it but I don't like watching it or any fighting

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