Wolf on a walk

I was out the other week when i saw a lady walking a large wolfdog. Is was black, very tall, was aggressive to other dogs and was out of control. This wolfdog didn't have a muzzle let alone a sane owner. I didn't even see it at first as i was throwing a ball my German Shepard Luna. (Her white fur was all muddy haha!) Anyway when i saw It I froze. The size of the animal was scary. The uneducated dumbfuck claimed it was a husky. I pointed the fact out that it wasn't to which she admitted to having a wolfdog which she could barely control. As soon as it seen my dog it lunged and tried to attack her. Of course her reaction was also aggressive and they ended up fighting. My dog is fine but had a few cuts. The lady then blamed ME for it happening! My dog only attacked cause HER dog tried to in the first place! It was snarling and trying to snap at my dog to which she responded in an agressive way. I told the woman straight and then put my dog on a lead and walked off. I took my dog to the vets and they checked her over and stuff. Poor girl. The lady was idiotic for even thinking owning these animals is a good idea. It isnt and she didnt know what she was talking about and knew nothing of wolfdogs. Ugh. It annoyed me so much.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • She obviously doesn't know how to handle her animal. Wolfdogs can be wonderful animals, when with the right owner. They do not behave like normal dogs and can be very hard to control if not heavily socialized and trained from a young age. Even then they need to be trained differently from a normal dog.
    Just dont be mad at the wolfdog, be mad at the lady who likely got the animal without doing her research first. They're beautiful animals, but they'll never be a normal dog. I feel bad for it actually. Its probably going to end up getting euthanized because of her stupidity.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Leash laws are good.

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  • Emokate

    This is true, because there is no rabbies vaccine for wolf dogs and if they ever bite anything, which is natural, they will have to be put down.

    How sad this stupid woman ruined the life of such a beautiful animal.

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  • Nickvey

    wuff wuff

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