Will you die if you keep a bad tooth in?

I cannot afford dentist appointments and I’m not opting to rip my bad teeth out myself at home. So the question is simple, will I die if I don’t remove it or will I be fine as long as I brush/mouthwash each day and take antibiotics? It’s not prescribed but it’s what I’m gonna be given anyway. A friend told me the reason why my tooth hurts so bad is cause there’s a infection but I realized there’s a hole in the tooth so it’s rotten as far as I’m concerned. But in any case, I’ve been told you can die but I’ve been living with this for 2 years now and I’m fine. So what’s the damn issue?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • LionsShare

    Infections do kill people.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Most likely no BUT there is a chance. I once let one go for a couple months my eyes started pulsating and I had severe pain in my entire head so bad I couldn't open my eyes or move and my jawline became swollen so bad. Had to get it pulled. He said if I let it go any longer it could have traveled into my body more and slowly killed me.

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  • Sanara

    You most likely won't die, but the potential may be there if the infection gets really bad (just like you can die from other disease, you can get deadly infection from a wound too). People can and do live with bad teeth for several years. You of course should prioritize to save up money for a dentist and take care of your dental health the best you can till then (but dont brush more than twice a day, as there is something like over brushing too. Brushing twice a day is ideal according to the dentist I went to)

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its not good for your heart

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  • Somenormie

    No, you won't.

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  • JustJazzin

    Abscess formation is never good, and honestly going to the dentist to just have a tooth pulled is a lot cheaper than treating the infection and replacing the tooth completely. Obviously if you’re in that kind of pain, a professional would help get rid of it and keep you from having any other residual health issues. The expense comes afterwards; if you want to replace the tooth with an implant or something along those lines.. Yanking it and then an antibiotic is probably the cheapest thing you can do. If you keep tending to it without professional help, it’ll cost you just as much, if not more in the long run

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    You definitely could. An abcess could fester and pass up into your brain cavity and there'd be no way to save you.

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  • olderdude-xx

    It is possible. A severe infection, from wherever in the body, can kill a person if not treated (and there are many examples of that occurring - unfortunately still somewhat regularly in many countries in the world).

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