Will religion go out of fashion?

Religions come and go. First we worshipped the land, then the skies, then gods started appearing in different civilisations, now people are worshipping themselves.

Societies change religions over time. Religions evolve and branch out; christians, muslims and jews all started off worshipping the same god. Now it seems religion in general is in decline, what will we worship next?

Yes 14
No 11
It will keep evolving 17
Other 4
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Comments ( 30 )
  • MissileExpert

    Science is becoming the new religion.

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    • Nickvey

      using math equations science has proven black holes, dark matter and dark energy all in my lifetime , if needed they would invent leprechauns and unicorns. I'm out, im done with the church of science.

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      • paramore93

        Yeah 'proven'. People will believe anything that science tells them to.

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      • MissileExpert

        Whoa. Astronomers have observed gravitational lensing, as predicted by math describing black holes. Science is not a church, nor are all consequences of hypotheses that are mathematically consistent, been verified thru observation. As better measurement devices discover new phenomena, certain theories are disproven.

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        • Nickvey

          you are drinking the kool aid disciple , evidence i didnt want to hear. keep it in your pants buddy

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          • MissileExpert

            Nope. I'm doing the math. I read scientific journals, and I know bullshit research proposals for grant money when I see them too.

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            • Nickvey

              first you observe gravitational lensing and you explain it with a unicorn . thats your religion , like i said please keep it in your pants.

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  • Unknown3552

    Based on the fact that jedi has become a real religion i think we're all doomed.
    All hail the Sith.

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  • RoseIsabella

    In the future people will revert to the way of the Ancient Egyptians, and worship cats!

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    • ellenPawface

      Can you imagine a world dominated by crazy cat ladies?

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  • In order to predict the future changes, you might want to take a look at the past changes. In the Bible, it is said that Jesus himself made one such transition, from the laws of Moises which were mainly constructed around control and punishment, to forgiveness and freedom. He considered that people were ready for the next step, and instead of punishing and judging directly, you should rather forgive to minimize the unnecessary deaths and violence in general.

    What people still needed is the fear of a God, a superior entity which punishes, instead of humans themselves. Recently, Cardinals at the Vatican, including Pope, started to make controversial claims, apparently starting to reject the idea of hell, being mostly an element of iconography rather than an element of the Catholic teaching. There were also priests saying that Jesus, in the form Bible presents him, is spiritual, but not historical.

    Step by step, people start rejecting supernatural elements, in the favour of logical hypotheses. This path makes a lot of sense, and it leads to the idea that humans need restrictions in order to handle the free will ethically. Such restrictions are slowly diminishing as humans evolve. Not only that this direction makes sense, but it is much more realistic and consistent with the scientific explanations and laws of nature (e.g. the Turin Shroud being dated from the Middle Ages instead of around 33 BC).

    Following this rationale, we can foretell that the next step is irreligion, which, indeed, is growing exponentially. At this stage, religions seem to do more harm than good and they are no longer required and can even be damaging. However, the more violent and restrictive the religion is, the more rudimentary its adepts seem to think, a natural indicator if you adopt the perspective presented above.

    For now, more civilized people need fewer and fewer religious assumptions and many become selective, understanding the mythical nature of religions in many situations. In the future, I assume that we will no longer have religions, but only the set of personal ethical values (which would mostly coincide) as well as the common set of laws that should guide our lives.

    As for the truth, an absolute entity was proved by Descartes to exist and the argument was validated for Leibnitz. Following this argument, there is no doubt in its existence. The given name of this entity was God, and Leibnitz also described it in more details, but these concepts have nothing to do with religions. This God is simply a collection of all the perfections, which include the laws of nature, mathematical constants and other such absolute concepts, existing by necessity, rather than contingency, like our Universe (see Leibnitz for more). This realistic and scientific view is likely to be part of our future perceptions of God, as a continuation of our perspective after rejecting religions.

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  • paramore93

    I'm still going with cats with opposable thumbs

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  • Ummitsstillme

    You answered your own question. Belief systems evolve (some terribly destructive ones unfortunately very slowly). People generally need some sort of belief beyond this life.

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  • Nickvey

    you will accept the NWO religion of freemasonry or you will not use money and you will not eat. they are making the plans for you.

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    • _confused_

      Paranoid little pussy :3

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  • edwininthematrix

    no because religions have been around for thousands of years so no way they will go away.

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    • Dinosaurs were around for thousands of years until they went extinct and they were physical beings not just beliefs

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      • lordofopinions


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      • curious-bunny

        As long as there is beings there will be belief

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  • Sassafras77

    Religion is based on how u live and the Lord Jesus Christ is real and all he wants u to do is live by him ,and serve him and he will reward u in the end !!!

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    • Nickvey

      thats Lord lucifers line as well

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  • God did not invent man, man invented god. God was invented in different forms by different religions to satisfy our inquisitive human nature as to why we are here and where we came from. Over the centuries we have addapted religion to fulfill the acceptable values of the day, but by and large it has always been accepted that god is this greater being that created the planet and everything on it and everything around it. Over the past few hundred years technology has developed to enable us to look past the myths and consider that we were created by science and mother nature itself. It probably began when we circumnavigated the world and figured out it is a sphere and not flat. In the last hundred years or so, that scientific development, has increased at a previously unforseen speed. This has led to much greater understanding of how we really got here and consequently a far greater number of people realising that the most famous novel of all time, the one called the bible, is in fact just that. A very famous and very old novel.

    As science develops further and we understand more about evolution it is highly probable less and less people will believe in the story book. Religion as we know it will fade, who knows maybe some of the religions will amalgamate to try and keep their business alive, but over time even they will eventually die out.

    In a thousand years or so historians will look back at the past few millenniums and teach children how in the past people believed that there was this great god, this superior being that created everything. Children will laugh and find it funny, there will be museums with copies of the bible and people will be amazed at what their ansestors believed in.

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    • Nickvey

      you may be correct , so you will have to agree that this human species does that and when they cant fulfill that they take science and push it into that role instead. Fact is everything we know to be real or true in science always gets overturned with time. all of it not some of it. so basically science is garbage. you can worship it if you want.

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      • Science is not a religion to be worshipped. Sometimes scientists get it wrong and only find out later. That’s because with technology we are able to find out more about things. But science itself does not get turned over and only a fool would consider it garbage.

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        • Nickvey

          no, everything mankind has know to be truth has at some point been overturned and replaced , its never ending. its a religion , same part of the brain stimulated my friend . worship what you want , just dont drag me along for the ride as i have my own religion. we all do. we have too , we are humans . as for fools , only fools believe they know anything.

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  • curious-bunny

    It's already put of fashion but you know cultists they be Cray cray

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I think so, but it will take a long time yet.

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  • Uber.

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  • Dustyair

    As we become more intelligent, religion will fade more. Just look at how much it has already. If American liberals weren't dragging muslims into the country we'd be further ahead.

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