Will best friend ever realize i’m in love w/ him despite trying to hide it?

I’m in love with him, but I’ve been hiding it from him because he revealed that he wouldn’t date me due to him being in love with someone else.

He knows we’ve had this flirtation sort of thing going on between us like forever, and he knows I love him like a friend, but he doesn’t seem to have a clue that I’m in love with him.


More information:

I fell in love with him 1 1/2 years ago after he started acting flirtatious with me in a much more serious way than ever before and kept giving me mixed signals.

For months it was a mess of us developing stronger feelings for each other and him implying he wants a relationship with me.

But all this happened with him being heartbroken over another woman. He implied he wanted a relationship with me after he gets over her, but later revealed that he actually isn’t going to date me because he’s waiting for her.

It’s been over a year since that clarification.


I’m a young woman in my mid 20’s and he’s really close in age.


I’m not waiting for him.
But it could be a long time before I fall out of love with him.

And we do have a genuine friendship connection that’s based on more than just our interest in each other. I just didn’t get into those details in this post.

He’ll probably be clueless unless you tell him (I’m male) 4
He’ll probably be clueless unless you tell him (I’m female) 3
He’ll probably realize someday (I’m male) 4
He’ll probably realize someday (I’m female) 3
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Comments ( 9 )
  • RoseIsabella

    He's stuck on someone else. Don't wait for him.

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  • SwickDinging

    He probably knows.

    If he's told you that he's in love with someone else then I would try to move on. You aren't really friends if there are romantic feelings involved. It doesn't work.

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  • MrToxic

    Based on what you've said, you two have/had a connection. Romantically though I don't see things forming. It'd be bad for you to wait for him and it'd be worse if you leaped at the opportunity if he were to become single. This guy seems rather oblivious of how you feel from his actions at times. Don't get me wrong he might be a great friend, but mayyyybe not as a partner.

    I dated someone who was my friend for years. One day I felt I should confess and I did. She was so excited because she felt the same way but didn't think I did and was scared confessing would harm our friendship. When we started dating she began behaving differently towards me. It turned out she was used to boyfriends that only came when they wanted something from her. She felt weird talking more than once or twice a week (including text). I tried being understanding but I would also stand my ground when I felt she was going too far based on negative past experiences such as, when we were friends she'd come to me about everything going on in her and her loved ones lives. When we became official it all stopped. She went to someone else for everything. I felt demoted for being her boyfriend. We made incredible friends but we made awful partners.

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  • Sad18yo

    As a guy he’s almost certainly clueless.

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  • NickyNeopolitan

    Heads up I'm bouta talk your head off.... but what you have given---

    1. If he says he's in love with someone else.. DO NOT GET YOURSELF INVOLVED, even IF he decides to be with you.
    -hes either telling the truth or (no offense) doesn't REALLY wanna be with you, **its a sign** take heed**

    2. 9 times out of 10 people can tell when someone likes them. It's kinda obvious so if he hasn't picked up on it, nor responded/addressed it.. it's a no go.

    3. Overall what you have stated I personally feel dont let your feelings continue with him. I get that you really do like him and (easier said than done) you gotta let it go. If he's not interested by now then please dont wait for him to. Explore your other options with someone who's ready to be with you now. But also dont just hop into a relationship to get over him either.
    Take your time, and actually fall in love with someone mutually.

    Hope this can help in a positive way!

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  • TheDustyMagician

    When friends are very close they take flirting as friend tease thats what "friendzone" is.
    he thinks that you are just teasing him, and even if you starting showing signals that you like him, he will not make a move on you because he doest want to be wrong about it and end ruining your friendship.
    if you want him to know then just tell him.

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  • ellnell

    He knows.
    He might feel the same but be afraid to ruin the friendship or he could just be confused about his emotions and not 100% sure of them. Best way to find out is to ask. If he says he isnt interested it's up to you to stay friends or let him go.
    Friendship can always develop into more, for some it might take longer than others to realize that what they feel is love when they are so used to loving that person already as a friend.
    But I dont think you should wait, or hope too much. And I dont think you wanna be a rebound either, so just let time pass for now.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    He's aware of it, but since he's super stuck on that girl, you're better off forgetting about him and finding someone else.

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  • freelarking

    He probably knows to an extent. I'm sorry.

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