Why youtube and other videos keeps not working?

Twice today, when I tried to play a YouTube video, it wouldn't play while giving me the on screen message "YouTube won't play, please tap to retry". So I google searched the scenerio which gave me options like restarting or turning off then turning back on my phone. So I turned my phone off, then back on,and my YouTube was then fine. But a short while later (about half hour), it did the same thing again. So I turned my phone off then back on again, and again now it's fine. But it now looks like it'll most likely do it again since I've seen the pattern. Then, the same thing has started happening to non-youtube videos too. Now I've tried taking the sim card out and back, and clearing my backup data, but still doing it with both YouTube and non YouTube videos. Does anyone know why it's doing this?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Nicole20

    You've got a memory buffer issue and your cached data is not being released as it should. When you do a hard boot it is released and you can once again stream.

    Try cleaning your phone from settings. There may be an unreleased fault gap that needs to be manually removed.

    On android phones go to apps --> settings --> device maintenance--> memory

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  • charli.m

    Connection problem?

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    • What would cause the connection problems?

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      • charli.m

        Bad wifi? Bad service?

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        • I don't have a wifi. I'm not sure why I'd have bad service.

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          • BlindSpot

            You should consider getting Wifi or a faster connection.

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          • charli.m

            In my experience, weather can effect mobile service. Sometimes location. Sometimes it's just out.

            Sometimes it has righted itself, but still needs a "reset".

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