Why would someone delete a best friend from instagram but not facebook?

I keep seeing this. I'm too afraid to ask.

One of my closest friends deleted ALL photos of her and her best friend on Instagram all of them and they're no longer friends on Instagram but they're still on each other's friends list on Facebook. I've seen this many times.

If you're no longer friends why keep them on Facebook but not Instagram? I'm trying to make sense. I don't want to ask them because it's too personal. This is the 4th friend I've seen do this..delete all pics delete them on Instagram but not Facebook

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Comments ( 17 )
  • AsterBean

    Maybe they don't use the platform much.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Why are you cross-platform snooping on someone else’s friend break up?

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    • I'm not I just noticed it and find it weird.

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  • kikilizzo

    Personally I never update my Facebook but I am very active on Instagram, so there would be the reason for me. Especially if this person has a private Instagram account it makes sense.

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  • notmyrealname123

    most likely still want to be friends but just want to make a point by unfriending them on one platform

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  • Chudders

    Who cares. Delete both of those and your life will be much better for it.

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    • No thanks I'm happier being connected to family and friends 😌

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      • Chudders

        You can be connected to them without the modern, information collecting cancer that is Facebook and its subsidiaries. Get rid of Tiktok too, and whatever other social media crap exists. It's for your own good.

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        • I don't use TikTok. I only use Facebook and Instagram and makes life easier especially to see my relatives and their kids grow since they live in other countries.. nothing wrong with it.

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          • Chudders

            Both are terrible for you. It's fine if you're too stupid to understand why there is a lot wrong with it but it's not fine to use it.

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            • Why are you so against connecting family and friends? Too stupid? Why talk like a child? I'm a professional in a white collar job. It doesn't harm me in any way. Get over it and move along.

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