Why is it more ok to verbalize hate than love/likes?

If you like something (for example, marshmallows, or literally anything simple and non-controversial), why is it often more acceptable for people to say "I hate marshmallows because they're bad for you, and this and that, blah blah blah"

but if you say "But I like marshmallows", people look at you in a weird way.

So why does it seem you're 'cooler' if you voice how you don't like something, versus saying you like it? Why does everything have to be so negative? Why can't people let others just enjoy whatever they like?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • kikilizzo

    I've never noticed this. If you're around a lot of negative people it makes sense though I guess. I wouldn't care if someone had something negative to say about something I like. Sidenote, I love marshmallows. They're awesome.

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    • Hooray for marshmallows ^-^

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  • ospry

    It's easier to bond over disliking something because it doesn't matter HOW someone dislikes it, you get satisfaction in knowing that the thing you dislike is disliked by others. When it comes to bonding over things that you like, you often have to like it in the same way as someone else, or else you're appreciating it "incorrectly" or some stupid thing like that. Compare these two for example:

    "Do you like The Office?"
    "No, that show is shit"
    "Same. It's terrible"


    "Do you like The Office?"
    "Yeah, it's hilarious!"
    "Same! My favorite character is Jim"
    "Jim? Fuck off, douchebag, Ryan's the best the character"

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    • This is an interesting way to look at it. Thanks for sharing! Makes me think

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  • Tinybird

    Yeah why? Whenever I say I like something everyone has a problem too.

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    • Yep! It's weird. I can say that I like video games, but everyone around me will hate video games.

      But....there's millions of people on earth who also like videos games.

      Is it that these people just don't like me? Or am I somehow always around the wrong people?

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  • litelander8

    Please don’t mention donuts. Lol. People get all crazy.

    Idk why. Especially on here where half the people play in their shit just to jerkoff. Like, why ya here if you’re such a dern h8r?

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    • Ligeia

      Donuts are nasty I will NOT recant 😤

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      • litelander8

        Damn. It’s like you could smell it!

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    • Why? Because they argue about the health factor? I honestly don't care what other people eat, you know? If someone likes donuts and I don't, then that's fine. I'd never tell someone "Well I hate them, they're disgusting" because that's just making someone else feel bad.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think it depends on what you love, and what you hate. 🤔

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