Why is anti-semitism okay only if directed at religious or ethnic jews?

If you're talking about Israel or the large population of ethnic and religious Jews who live there, you can be as vile and hateful as you want and no one will accuse you of anti-Semitism, as evidenced by 4 prominent and outspoken anti-Semitic American congresswomen. If you even slightly criticize a white Hollywood Jew whose only connection to Judaism and Hebrew heritage is a last name ending in -stein, THAT'S when the call for holy retribution is sounded and the world conspires against you to ruin your life

Isn't that backwards? Aren't we supposed show deference to actual people of color and not to people who pretend to be an ethnic minority for personal gain?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    Criticizing Israel, the country, is not the same as criticizing jews.

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    • LloydAsher

      Unless its Israel controls the world type conspiracy.

      Then its anti semitic. Because really the only jewish country that's a tiny chunk out of the middle east somehow controls the world... let me guess it's not because of the arabs.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You should be able to criticize any group of people in my country its free speech. If you look in the US its ridiculous. Look up anti-BDS laws. State legislators in 35 US states have to take oaths to Israel US states to be in office. They have so much influence but they seem to be the only people you cant criticize. I feel if you have 100s of millions of dollars and run media companies or banks you arent "persecuted". If your community is all pushing woke anti white garbage in your companies people are gonna get annoyed. Little Ben Shapiro doesnt want anyone canceled for anti white shit (which they shouldnt be) but as soon as Kanye West talks about the jews all the jews support canceling because "the Holocaust".

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  • litelander8

    Ok so here’s what I’ve noticed.

    We all know the richest people who own EVERYTHING are of Jewish decent. But if you mention that it’s “anti semantic”. That’s what Mel Gibson was ranting about when he got blackballed. Those families are in fact, evil.

    But no, it doesn’t mean you’re Jewish neighbor is out to get you. Lol

    But it’s interesting, I watch a lot of cinema. They’re ALWAYS referring to how awful Jewish people are treated. But I’ve never heard one bad thing from someone. Mostly it’s Christians and Muslims that get the short end of the judgment stick.

    It’s just another way to distract you from the families in power.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Many of the wealthiest people in the world are not Jewish. So your 1st point is wrong.

      I will admit that many Jewish families do better financially than people in other religions. The Torah (and the Old Testament) is quite clear not only are you to provide for you family, you are to provide charity to others and also to become wealthy enough to care for 7 generations of your descendants.

      Note that having money and wealth is not a sin. Being in love of money for the sake of what it can buy you is where the sin is. Most Jewish just view money as a tool to use to build more wealth (and not accumulate fancy show off toys unless they really are wealthy compared to many others).

      The result is that the Jewish have a religious drive to handle money and wealth wisely. Hence, they tend to get richer than other groups who don't have the same religious drive.

      I have no idea why most of Christianity has so distorted these messages in the bible.

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      • litelander8

        Lol. Most of the wealthiest people ARE Jewish.

        I was raised Catholic and never heard anything ill about Jewish people.

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        • olderdude-xx

          Please look up the 100 richest people in the world.

          Then look up their religions.

          Not many Jews on the list at all...

          It does not change even if you go to the 2000 richest people in the world.

          I would say that in the USA that people who follow Judaism does make up a noticeable portion of the upper middle class. But, even then its not a majority.

          Go to countries in Africa, Asia, and large portions of Europe and virtually all the wealth is held by non-Jews. (the rounding up and killing of 6 million Jews; and wholesale confiscation of property of many other Jews in Europe permanently altered the ratios that existed prior to WW II in Europe).

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          • litelander8

            Just Bc they don’t affiliate with the religion does mean they’re not Jewish. It’s an ethnic group as well. Thanks for the long winded responses. 👍🏾

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            • olderdude-xx

              I'd love for you to show me all the ethnic Jewish Asians, Arabs, and Africans in the world.

              Oil and high tech industries is responsible for the vast majority of modern millionaires and billionaires... and there are few people of Jewish decent or religion that makes up that group.

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  • LloydAsher

    I honestly dont get the hate on jews as a people.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Some peope have nothing really positive to focus on, and need to blame someone else. The Jewish race has long been one of the races that has been blamed for many things - which is not really true if you look at the roots of the blame (and the same is true for other races and cultures).

      Every culture has their own traditions. But I just see those as different, and I don't personally participate in ones I don't care for.

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    • bigbudchonger

      I think they've just been scapegoated as a people for well over a thousand years at this point.

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  • kelili

    I criticise Israel a lot.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Not sure it’s ever considered “ok” lol.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't think anti-semitism is okay at all. I think Harvey Weinstein should be tortured everyday for the rest of his life!

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  • Clunk42

    The only anti-semitism allowed in the Catholic is against religious is religious Jews; ethnicity is meaningless.

    Also, there should be no support for Israel as a country.

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    • LloydAsher

      I support em. Not like the muslims would treat Jerusalem any better than the jews. In fact I wouldnt be surprised at them taking jackhammers to the holy sites like how isis played out.

      Unless of course you want to play crusades again.

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      • Clunk42

        As a Catholic, I can neither support nor prevent them from making their country. Neither the Mohammedans nor the Jews have any rightful religious claim over that land in the slightest. The only group with a decent claim to that land is the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church has no interest in fighting a war to take it back. Thus, neither of them should be prevented or supported.

        The Crusades were fought because the Turks were actually warring with the eastern Christian countries (and being Christians, they were all under the authority of the Pope), not because they were "destroying artifacts", which, while certainly being an evil act, is not worthy of a declaration of war.

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