Why don't attractive men date unattractive women?

Why do really pretty girls not seem to mind dating men that are not as physically attractive as them, yet very attractive men don't usually date women who are less attractive than them?

For example I see attractive women with attractive men, and I see attractive women with unattractive or less than attractive than they are men, yet I never see men with women who are less attractive than them?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Primus

    Evolution, my dear. Women tend to gravitate towards a man with resources, and men tend to favor women who look attractive. All about creating the healthiest offspring possible.

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  • BlackCandle

    Maybe men care more about looks. They all feel they deserve attractive women despite how they look themselves.

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  • azithromycin

    Women date guys for their wealth and status, and guys date women for their body, it is simple.

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  • leggs91200

    Men actually care about whom they are seen with. Even if a man would normally be attracted to something below his level, he doesn't want to be seen with her.

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  • Tealights

    There are men with women who aren't as attractive.

    However, men are pretty shallow and I think it's because almost every man is a capitalist at his core; they aim high no matter what. To many men, women are just a commodity, someone who he can monopolize if he has the right trade for that particular woman.

    At least, that's how I view it. Outside my family and my boyfriend, I think other men look at me like how I would look at tomatoes I'm trying to buy, wondering the cost, making sure it's healthy and ripe before I use it when I get home. It's like some sort of sad reality shit we all have to get use to.

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  • Sexualized_Polycheate_Worm

    lots of attractive men date comparatively less attractive women for any number of reasons

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  • trexagireve

    Because attractive women want to be in charge and choose unattractive men that have no confidence and are willing to be in an female lead relationship

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Many reasons, I think one factor is that there are more good looking women than good looking men.

    Another thing is that a good looking man will be bombarded with offers to cheat in a way that an average man will not. Therefore a good looking woman who could get a stud chooses to go for an average joe to avoid playing an exhausting game of whack-a-mole with flirty girls. For the male Adonises though constantly fending off rival males is a price they’re more willing to pay in order to date a gorgeous woman.

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    • Do you think attractive men get cheated on less than unattractive men? And even less so than women regardless of how attractive they are?

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