Why do people wish others publicly on their birthday on social media?

I do not get why people post pictures of the people on their birthdays when all they can do is message them privately with all the pomp and show off. It is not that I detest that but I am curious for the reasons.

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Ellenna

    I've never seen a post where the birthday person has been upset about facebook birthday greetings. I don't see why it's an issue anyway, if people want to do it there's no harm in it and makes the birthday person happy.

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  • noneoftheabove

    They do it because they can and also because they like the attention. Research has recently shown that the more time people spend on social media the higher their level of narcissism. These people you see living out their lives on fb and insta constantly presenting a perfectly curated image of themselves and their lives are most likely narcissists. It’s all pretty sad IMO.

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  • SwickDinging

    Sounds like you aren't a social media type person. I sympathise as I am the same.

    My advice is to stop using it. It's not made for you. It's made for the people who enjoy doing those things that leave you scratching your head in puzzlement. If you keep using it then you may become bitter, and that's no good for anyone. Let those people take pleasure in social media and remove yourself from the equation.

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  • leggs91200

    Some people think social media is a valid replacement for an actual social life.
    Maybe if someone is house-bound but most people on there are plenty able to get out of the house.

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  • ellnell

    My friends usually text me happy birthday in Messenger chat.

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  • JustAHuman

    It's like an online birthday party. If you were at a real birthday party, everyone would sing "happy birthday" together. They wouldn't each pull the birthday person aside and privately wish them a happy birthday.

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  • CountessDouche

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    • I do not dislike the stuff. It just makes me wonder why they are doing that.

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      • CountessDouche

        If you want to know my honest opinion, I've never been a big part of the social media thing. I get why you think it's dumb; the entire purpose of social media is attention.

        If the attention seeking shit really bugs you, just sign off. Take a break. Go swimming or hiking or do something new...I guess that's old people advice lol.

        You could be doing something legitimately rewarding...read a really good book, fuck, write a really good book... meanwhile social media will be all...heyy hey I remembered you on your birthday, therefor I'm thoughtful so gimme fuckin attention, me me me.

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        • howaminotmyself

          I disagree. The purpose of social media isn't simply attention. It was an unintentional result that gave it momentum and popularity. It was intended to communicate with people and build community. However that type of community leaves something to be desired.

          Op? What is it about the birthday wishes bother you? Why do you care if someone gets bday attention? I am not hugely fond of most bs on facebook, but when my aunt gets lots of flower gifs on her bday from her friends, I am happy for her. I know it made an 85 year old woman smile. Why take that away?

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          • Okay. So one of the purposes is to make people feel special. I get that. I do think some do it to show off how great their connection with someone else is.

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          • CountessDouche

            You're right. I misspoke. I do use it to keep in touch with family, as I'm sure many do. My comment was in relation to the type of social media use OP was speaking about. "Pomp and showoff"

            It is definitely useful for other purposes.

            & edit: I would argue that the purpose of current social media is to collect & sell data, not "build community"

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            • howaminotmyself

              Depends on how you define community.

              I just came from a torturous meeting where a marketing person used the phrase "building community" to describe a social media marketing campaign. Oof

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  • Shackleford96

    What are you asking?

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I rarely log into Facebook. It's full of people ages 21-35 who make multiple posts a day whining about things that don't matter. XD

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    • Things that do not matter like?

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Their parents not buying them something they wanted and they blame them, getting a traffic violation ticket for something they actually did but blaming everyone else for it, getting arrested for breaking the law, getting upset over having to work, bitching about how the government should make food, clothing, housing, and materialistic stuff free, whining about how people of a certain religion or nationality are to blame for some things, etc.

        These are just some of the things they still whine about today. I've got some pretty annoying family members. XD

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, it's a way of well wishing, and is a nice gesture. My mom will call me first thing in the morning on my birthday, and sing Happy Birthday to me.

    I recently recorded myself singing Happy Birthday to my sister's toy poodle, and sent the recording to my sister via text. She played my recording for her dog, and said he recognized my voice! I haven't seen that little dog in almost four years, and I'm glad he remembers me.

    I think it's nice, and thoughtful to wish someone happy birthday!

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