Why do people think it's cowardly to block & report?

I've experienced this on two different sites. People think it's cowardly to block and report users. But if a user is a troll/racist/stupid and harassing you, why not block & report? Why does that make you a coward? There's no use in arguing with them.

Also, why do people think having more upvotes mean you won the argument?

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Comments ( 25 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I honestly don't care, if I want to block, or report someone I will, and if I don't, I won't.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      What warrants reporting? If someone constantly diagarees or harasses someone, I think that person should block them, not report them.

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      • If you block someone because they disagree with you then yes, I'd say that's cowardly. Infact I don't even know what such a person would be doing on the internet, let alone this little corner of it.

        As for harassment, it would depend what you constitute as harassment.

        If you're blocking someone for disagreeing with you then it is cowardly but if you're reporting them for disagreeing with you then that's a step further, that's being a bitch.

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        • Cuntsiclestick

          Yeah, I agree that blocking someone over opposing opinions is cowardly. I've been blocked for that reason before by LGBT people that were pretending to be moral heros on a few sites. XD

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          I agree completely mate. If you block oposing opinions your a cunt. If I did that I would have soooooo many people blocked by now lol.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I would say violation of the TOS, and or constant abuse, and harrassment. Some people don't care to block others, and some people do block others.

        I don't care to argue about it. Maybe you could ask the webmaster about this issue?

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          How do I do that? I just wanna know case I get myself in trouble.

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          • leggs91200

            You gotta screw up pretty bad to get in trouble on this site.

            I do not recall anything you have posted as being offensive.

            Besides, people on forums report others for about anything. It doesn't mean the mods are going to ban the person reported. The offense has to be a legitimate offense.

            I think the only four rules here are - must be 18, and as the admin puts it when you start a thread -
            The following topics are forbidden. DO NOT post about them. Pedophilia, Incest and Bestiality

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            • Doesnormalmatter

              Some things I've said about animals and shit had me worried. But most of my more worrisome shit was my posts hehe.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I don't know. Perhaps you could read the TOS?

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  • charli.m

    Depends on the context. Most people claiming they're being "harrassed" on here have had someone disagree with them a couple of times and it's hurt their feelings. I'm not saying it doesn't genuinely happen. I see it happening, and for those situations, certainly go for it.

    Upvotes and downvotes are essentially meaningless now. The idiot made that even more so than it used to be.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Who's "the idiot?" A user that trolled the site to death?

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      • charli.m

        The owner. But you do make a good point. That idiot certainly doesn't help.

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    • Oh, I've never experienced it on here. It was on another site.

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      • charli.m

        Oh ok, my bad. I just assumed.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    One thing I never understood was the internet pride thing. I've seen people on here accuse others of repeatedly downvoting, blocking, and reporting them with zero evidence to back it up.

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  • bbrown95

    I think it depends on the reason why. If someone is harassing you and you block them, then no, that is not cowardly. If you are losing an argument and block just so the other person can't say anything so you can save face, that kind of is. I mean, it's your decision to block and you can if you want to, but it's a pretty childish reason to IMO.

    Lol, I got blocked once for simply saying hi to an old friend I ran across on social media. Last I knew, everything was fine. I thought that was rather strange.

    As far as reporting goes, if something is against the site rules, then of course report it. If it's just something you disagree with that isn't necessarily harmful or against the rules, you're pretty much wasting your time because most likely nothing will come out of it.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Very context dependent. However I haven't blocked anyone yet despite some outrageous things people have argued with me on lol.

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  • litelander8

    If it's happening that often, it's probably you.

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  • mauzi

    I usually get blocked by insecure drama queens for calling out their BS, which is honestly pathetic but I couldn't care less.

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  • Grunewald

    IMO it's just an honour/shame dynamic at play.

    Stigma about blocking = a means of shaming

    Shame = the sense what you have done/written is wrong, and you are wrong, because you are treated with contempt by the community for it. This makes you powerless.

    Upvote = a means of honouring

    Honour = the sense that what you have done/written is right, and you are right, because you are treated with respect by the community for it. This makes you powerful.

    As for why they do it... the former I don't know, maybe it's because blocking stops abusive users dead in their tracks and stoking up indignation of other users to create shame about blockng is the only way they can counter it.

    As for upvotes... democratic principle. Doesn't say anything about the voters and why they're voting, but most people don't pay attention to that - they just see a number. If you have a minority view you go against the 'respectable' norm and deserve to be spat on because, democracy (this is an example of shaming).

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  • LloydAsher

    I only report the post if it crosses the line usually pedophilia. My line is pretty far up and pedophilia crosses it seriously.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Pedophilia, incest, and beastiality are are such messed up things. I really hate pedophiles, such people are a waste of oxygen.

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  • leggs91200

    Only time I report anything on a forum is when it's genuine spam. Like people trying to sell things.

    For blocking, it is not about disagreements, it is when someone is blatantly offensive several times, like personal insults.

    For up or down voting, that is childish either way. What grade are we in again?

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  • azithromycin

    I love getting mass-downvoted, it gives me orgasms.

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