Why do people tease me over undesirable things that happen?

For instance when something happens that appeals to me like having an interaction with a woman and then I inform other people about it and they're like "Don't inform us, we don't give a shit" and they become persecuted by me and back off, but when it comes to undesirable things that frustrate me and among other things , they're like "Hey, sounds like you've been bragging to all of us about your disappointments and frustrations, how about we salt up a little bit your wounds? Sounds like the stink will haunt your for the rest of your life."

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Meowypowers

    I would avoid people that don"t celebrate my accomplishments and/or dwell on my mistakes or shortcomings.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Distance yourself from these people, they are not your friends.

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    • Giorgi

      They aren't for real.

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  • litelander8

    Lol. Wait. What?

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    • Giorgi

      That i get teased and bullied over things that hurt or disturb me, and frustrate me, but they back off and start throwing "I don't give a shit" slurs at me, because it seems like they can't tease and bully me over things that make me satisfied and content.

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      • idkyourmom27

        stop being a bitch

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        • Wow3986

          I don't appreciate your misogynistic comments you bigot.

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