Why do people not want to get the covid vaccine?

I'm genuinely curious why so many americans refuse to get the vaccine or are hesitant about it. Are there any common reasons for being against the vaccine besides 5G conspiracies?

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Comments ( 27 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Well, it's a new vaccine that was just developed, and so I'm not in a hurry to discover the side effects. One thing is for sure, I'm glad I NEVER got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine!

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    • charli.m


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      • RoseIsabella

        ... because there have been women my age who've had a rare side effect of blood clots.

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        • charli.m

          I hadn't heaed that one. What are the stats?

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          • RoseIsabella

            Gosh, I'm not sure on the specific stats. I'll try to look it up... okay I found this, but I haven't read it.


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            • charli.m

              Yeah...similar to Astra...Essentially 1 in a million. So you're more likely to get a blood clot from other medications, including the pill, and definitely more likely from covid itself.

              Not saying that you should get vaccinated, that's obviously a decision best made in collaboration with your doctor in regards to your personal situation...

              Just putting some perspective. It doesn't really take much to find reputable sources and read them.

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  • darefu

    I'm interested in the answer to this question. In any given season if you get the flu before you get the vaccine do you then run out and get the vaccine after you recover?
    Covid is like the flu in that aspect, it most likely isn't going away and may very well end up being a seasonal or yearly need for the vaccine.
    At this point nobody really knows what the long term effects are of either getting the vaccine or getting covid. I'm betting what ever they are the prognosis of having a long term effect will increase with the number of times you get the vaccine.
    On the other hand the more times you get the covid the less severe and maybe even the less chance you have of ever getting it again. From what I've read covid changes our T cells the vaccine does not. These are like a memory cell that tells your body how to fight viruses you have had.
    If you haven't had covid and you don't get the vaccine then of course you are risking that you are in that .02 that might not make it through.
    I understand not taking the vaccine after you have had it. It's kind of like closing the barn door after the cows got out.

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    • LloydAsher

      I already had it and I honestly cannot be bothered with getting it. I'm not going to shame other people for not getting an experimental rushed vaccine. I'm sure it works fine, albeit a few side effects.

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  • olderdude-xx

    There are some common billboards in my state that say:

    "Stubbornness kills the most people" and it is referring primarily to males who for ego reasons will not go to the Dr for an issue or follow good medical advice, and similarly related things. I have a family member right now who after going through treatment once has fallen back into addiction problems - and has not yet been willing to admit that they are an addict and need to really so something.

    He's following the path of our father... who died early due to his alcohol addiction.

    Same reason why the vast majority of people will not get vaccinated... They are stubborn and "know better."

    Something I have learned long ago... Usually the person who knows the least are the ones who claim to know the most and proclaim their expertise.

    I have noticed that every-time I learn about something... I also learn about how little I know about other things...

    I'm getting more aware of my ignorance as I grow older... even though I do know more than I did when I was younger..

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Maybe because the deathrate is only 0.02% according to the CDC. Im not scared of getting covid. If I get it ill take a week off work and be fine.

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    • GaelicPotato

      Imagine thinking this is all it is. You poor guy.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Some people do get extremely sick from the vaccine which is why people are scared. Also many do get covid even after getting it.

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      Some people get extremely sick from COVID-19, I heard.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Simple answer: people who don't want it are only thinking of themselves.

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  • ellnell

    Because of all the side effects and because no one can say how well it even protects you and because one of the vaccines have already been stopped because it turned out to cause blood clotting and high temperatures in many people who took it.

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  • Somenormie

    Only two words: refusal and ignorance.

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  • It is rushed, and it is a different kind of vaccine than the ones widely used. Vaccine is also pointless if you were infected already.

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    Ignorance plain and simple. Not only that they don’t care for themselves but they don’t care for those around them either. An all the antivaxxers who are about to jump on my comments don’t waste your time.

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  • darefu

    Let's believe in science, isn't that the call. Yet not one of these scientists have been right the first or even second time. I don't know of any of them that haven't had to come out and say I was wrong then now we need to do this.
    Even the vaccine they were all against because it was rushed, until after the American election, then magically it became safe and everybody better take it.
    I'm not really a fan of science, social, or political experiments. Since I've already had covid I'll forgo it for now.

    Funny how all the pro vaccine people were anti vaccine people when it was the Trump vaccine. Headline news people, it's still the Trump vaccine! The same exact vaccine that Biden and Harris said was dangerous and developement was rushed. They stated they would not take it. We know what changed their minds, they're now the ones responsible.

    So what changed YOUR mind?

    If bat, rat, and human cells mixed in a test tube can develope a deadly virus. Then simulated bat shit, and human cells mixed in a test tube, in my book isn't much better. Only thing missing is the rat but I smell one.

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  • tbh, imma make sure it's safe. I'll only take the vaccine if they assure me that the world would go back to normal. If not, count me out!

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  • I don't have the time or the money for it right now. I'd rather wait until it's been tested and worked on and made sure to be good. Those old people sure are glad to be guinea pigs, but I won't be

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  • charli.m

    Lucky vaccines can't do that, then, isn't it?

    Edit: this was a reply to clunk42s misinformation. It must have been reported.

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    • Clunk42

      Nah, I just deleted it. You made me realize it was wrong. It still say the COVID vaccines are probably going to end up being the topic of one of those ads in the future, though.

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      • charli.m

        I'm impressed. Sort of. I mean...it's a cowardly dick move...but at least you made an attempt to admit when called out. Have a cookie.

        And next time, try understanding what you're saying BEFORE you shit it all over the internet. Ta.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I’m not American but I’m not getting it because I’m young and healthy and giving it to people like me is a massive waste of NHS money. Lockdown and vaccine passports are just an exercise in controlling the masses to keep western birth rates low and stop Europe fighting back

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  • LloydAsher

    I dont need it so why not say no?

    Its not even FDA approved. I'm not to keen on willing to forgo possible side effects to save myself of dying of a virus that has an extremely low chance of killing me. Same reason why I dont get a flu shot.

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