Why do people choose to be inclusive to some races but not all?

For context if it even matters, I'm white.

I know some white people personally who are extremely focused on black rights and black activism, but they refuse to acknowledge Asian people, specifically East Asian people. They're fine with India and Pakistan, but not people from South Korea or Japan.

I don't understand this. Why would a white person be so obsessed with black rights, but refuse to acknowledge Asians?

For example, they'll post on Facebook praising about the first black person to win a specific award, but if there's a first for an Asian person to win it, they refuse to talk about it. I've even trolled a little and post something about the first Asian to win something on their page, but they immediately delete it and tell me, "That's not right."

I have asked why and they just say "because it's not"... ??

I should probably ask why tf they act like that, but I never have because I know I'll get some BS excuse and they'll somehow tell me I'm the racist or something.

What gives? If you're going to preach about being inclusive, maybe be inclusive of everyone and not just 1 race?

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    Because the woke crowd are a bunch of fucking hypocrites who don't actually believe in racial equality.

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    • That's exactly how I feel. I'm starting to see that more often. I'm 100% for inclusivity and recognizing minorities, but that does not include just one singular race. I don't have a problem with literally any race, yknow?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    East asians arent brown enough to be cared about

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  • Yeah that's the weird thing. The 'woke' people aren't the ones blaming East Asians for the pandemic.. but some woke people don't like Asians and I've never heard an excuse. Like this person only says "Just because lol" ?

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  • newnormal

    One of the reasons white people now go for black rights is the superiority of the black penis. The reason white women are dating black guys.

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    • Iambillythemenacetosociety

      Ah yes, praise the bbc!

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  • Meowypowers

    It is super weird to be skin color obsessed. Women are getting traded by all colours of men

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  • raisinbran

    So you exclude whites? You’re as bad as they are.

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    • Who's excluding whites? You mean the people in question?

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  • Clunk42

    That sounds like 19th century Republicans. Do not be mislead into believing that this is some sort of new thing.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    now i wanna drink some soju

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  • newnormal

    We should always believe that white people are superior to other races and that certain groups, such as Black, Bangladeshi, Indian, and Chinese people, should be treated as second-class citizens.

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  • PhillipLoco11

    I am Peruvian and only hate White People.
    all other races are fine by me its just whites gringo crackers
    Blancos de mierda .

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    • newnormal

      But you have to admit that white chicks looks a million times hotter than the rest of the lot

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      • PhillipLoco11

        Nope I only like black women.
        White women disgust me

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        • newnormal

          Why do you see black men dating white women more and more frequently.

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          • PhillipLoco11

            I am not black

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            • newnormal

              Someone who is not white is considered black

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        What white chicks?😂

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