Why do boomer hate millennials but gen x doesn’t hate z

I’ve never understood why Boomers and Millennials hate each other, especially on the Boomerenf. You guys raised Millennials and if they’re turning out to be fuckups, aren’t you to blame? Though I’ve never seen a participation trophy it’s not like Millennials decided to give it to themselves.

Gen X and Gen Z seem to have a much healthier relationship. They don’t bitch about each other (as much) and that’s how it should be. Granted Gen X were probably more chill as parents than Boomers.

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Comments ( 26 )
  • Kermitthehog

    Honestly millennials seem to hate boomers way more than other way around.

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      I agree. I don't hate millennials I admire them for their technological ability and I feel sorry for them for the obstacles they face. On the other hand, I've been ignored in stores and treated rudely by millennials who never were taught any manners.

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      • r34

        Which generation do you think raised them? Which generation was supposed to teach them their manners?

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    • ospry

      Because (millennial speaking) by and large, millennials are just the shittiest, most entitled assholes you'll find. Everything they think is absolute fact and disagreeing with them is grounds for physical violence or doxxing. If all Millennials died in their sleep tonight, the world would be a significantly better place in the morning

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      • Millennial’s politics suck, but I still don’t think they are a very violent generation.

        Despite being a much larger generation than X they committed much less crime in their teens and early 20s. Inner cities were complete shit in the late 80s and early 90s.

        While I think the riots of 2020 were completely counterproductive to their cause, it was still nothing like the 60s and early 70s.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I feel millennials are just now starting to turn into boomers. As you get older and experience more you start sounding more like a boomer in the way you think and the things u say

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  • LloydAsher

    Gen z hasnt fucked up yet. Just wait.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Has everyone forgotten their tide pod snacks a few years ago?

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      • LloydAsher

        That was known stupidity. I was the cinnamon challenge/ Al's ice bucket challenge generation

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        • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

          I don't know what I did wrong but the cinnamon ended up coming out my nostrils with that one. Like my body rejected it immediately and it tried to come out every hole of my face lmao

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          • LloydAsher

            Never tried it as I wasnt intrested in stupid shit like that.

            A kid from my highschool did get featured on tosh.0 after jumping off some stairs and breaking his legs. Pretty popular in his wheelchair after that... still a dumbass.

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      • Trichfuzz

        And the boiling water challenge?

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    • I feel like Z will be both the greatest and worst generation as they start their careers.

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      • LloydAsher

        Even how we vote is different from the previous generations. The first generation to be this conservative since the baby boomers.

        Hopefully we shall offset the previous generations fuckups.

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        • I think the older Zoomers are conservative (1995-2000) and the rest seems liberal.

          1994-1998 borns were the reason why Trump won in 2016, and 1999-2002 gave is Biden.

          Late 90s babies seem to have very conservative parents.

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          • LloydAsher

            Yeah that's why I dont particularly identify with being a generation Z. Either I'm a really young millenial or I'm a really old zellenial.

            Being born between generations sucks. I get to hear the flak of both generations.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm a Generation-Xer, and I'm not especially fond of Boomers. My parents are from the Silent Generation. I don't hate Boomers, but I don't see what the big deal is about them either.

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    • Did you have Gen-Z children?

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      • RoseIsabella


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  • LOLFanProductions

    Generational categories are what's called "the illusion mindset"

    Yeah different things happen through different generations. However people are labeling 'their gen' similar to what political parties they support for example. It plus many other man made ideologies are the reason we as humans are becoming more isolated, and categorized.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I thought Boomers raised Gen X...I'm a Millennial and my parents are Gen X and my grandparents were hippies, who were Boomers. Idk. Who knows anymore lol. We're all old now anyway.

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    • Gen X raised late Millennials and most of Z.

      I believe it was 1992 when Gen X overtook Boomers as the majority of new parents.

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  • darefu

    I agree LA, gen z are 10 to 25 yr old, they haven't been around long enough to be real pain in the butts yet. Which by the way only the very late boomers had millennials most of them are products of X's. The best way I can put it is the Boomer's thought they were all about the world (peace,love,sex,the world is one) the millennials it's the world is all about them. What can you or the world do for me.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      Interesting because I would invert that. Once the Boomers became "grown ups" by the 80s a lot of them were on the complete opposite end of that type of mentality. A lot of young people I meet now are a lot about equal rights, the environment, etc. Lots of hippie esque type stuff. I think it's just an age thing for a lot of people.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    ive had 20-30 year olds workin for me since i worked my way up

    ive found more recently ive gotta be very specific with what i expect outta them and give em motivational speeches & thank them for doin their jobs

    but ive worked with some pretty diligent young people

    more than some the somea idiots than i grew up workin for

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    • I feel like people get lazier in the 20s as they get burned out from trying to have to prove themselves in their late teens and early 20s. And it’s not like most people in their 30s have had the greatest job market, so many have become bitter.

      But young people are generally the hardest working in my opinion. I don’t know if they will maintain enthusiasm as they get older.

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