Why did people hoard?

OK so back in March or maybe February, people hoarded shit paper like there was no tomorrow.
Of course not long after, people start hoarding pretty much everything in the grocery store.

What was the reason again for hoarding shit paper initially? Did they think they would never get any again?
You have to look at incidents like that and think, "Don't people realize they are being had?" Yet some people still don't see what a hoax this pandemic is.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • The hoarding of toilet paper made no sense at all. I guess it gave some oeople a sense of security in uncertain times.

    With 150,000 dead in america alone i can't see how you can call it a hoax. The number of victims of covid will soon surpass the total number of soldiers killed in every us war since and including the Korean conflict. I know 2 people who had died from it myself (not close friends). One was a 40ish year old woman and the other was a 50 year old who believed he was healthy prior to getting infected. Covid is for real i promise you.

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  • COVID-19

    "yet some people"

    Most people realise we are in a pandemic, it's some people that have to see conspiracies everywhere.

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  • ellnell

    No one knows.

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  • bbrown95

    I was asking the same question about the toilet paper from the very beginning, and never did figure out what the hell that was all about. My best guess is that somewhere along the line someone said something about a toilet paper shortage and it got blown way out of proportion. It's almost as if people love to have something to freak out over.

    They also hoarded a bunch of food, mostly garbage junk food (which I find amusing considering these people were freaking out about their health being in danger, as if obesity and other health issues related to eating nothing but junk aren't rampant, as well as more likely to kill you than COVID, here in the US), even after repeatedly being asked to stop and told that there was no food shortage. The excuse for it being junk food was that it has a longer shelf life, but yet things like milk, eggs, meat, and butter were also being hoarded??? Yet the fruit and veggies were barely touched. I don't get it.

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    • leggs91200

      "It's almost as if people love to have something to freak out over. "

      The drama queens are on the loose.

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      • bbrown95

        Very true.

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  • my_life_my_way

    They’re old and stupid and believe all the fear mongering on the news so they they think this is literally Armageddon and not just a flu like virus with a 0.2% mortality rate.

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