Why did my stomach start to hurt out of the blue while i was eating?

I was eating some dinner that my mom made for me and I noticed while I was eating that my stomach was starting to hurt a little bit. But then I ignored it but it got worse like every minute so I had to stop eating. Then I had to drink this medicine called picot. They sell it at walmart and its a powder that looks like alkaseltzer but its not. Its for stomachaches so I mixed it with some water and drank that. It took like 30 or 40 minutes for the pain to go away all the way. I do eat a lot of spicy food and I use a lot of spicy condiments if that helps at all. If spicy food is the problem should I avoid it for a while?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Smithers

    Means that your stomach is full of boogers and cum.

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    • Algum

      Smithers knows about that after spending private time with Mr. Burns. Just joking with you. Did you ever wonder, when watching those "Smithers has the hots for Mr. Burns" jokes, what Smithers is really fantasising about doing with Mr. Burns? I'm sure he was thinking about more than just seeing Burns jump out of the cake naked singing "happy birthday".

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  • rayb12

    Upset stomach stick to toast, rice, Gatorade, water if you aren't nauseaus otherwise water with lemon. MY DAD SAYS NO PRODUCE BUT MY INDIAN DOCTOR AND I SAY A LITTLE BANANA IS OK. also yogurt containing the enzyme (bacteria) lacto baccilus

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    • rayb12

      Then can move to plain cooked chicken, clear soup, and then regular foods but no dairy no spicy then spicy and dairy

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  • Algum

    Spicy food and any food with a higher acid count can irritate. Watch out for citrus fruits, vegetable oils, sauces like BBQ sauce, sweet and sour sauce, and I hate to say, chocolate increases stomach acid too.
    Also, see if you are lactose intolerant. Then you really gotta watch the dairy.

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  • Nickvey

    all i can say is tissue irritants of any kind in anyplace have increased the likelihood of cancer development. As i grew older i started to like cyan pepper , but i try to use it very small amounts and very rarely. while i enjoy the heat i find it irritates my small intestines

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    • crazypassion

      Does this mean spicy food can cause cancer?

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      • Nickvey

        Hot food and drinks have a known cause of cancer. If spices are irritation for you i have no reason to believe for you they are protective for you.

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        • crazypassion

          But what does it mean if spicy food messed my stomach up this time but it doesnt usually do that?

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          • Nickvey

            pain is the way the brain tells the body to modify its behavior. dont stick your hand in the fire. etc

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  • agrace1819

    It was probably just a normal stomach-ache, they can happen at any time, including when you’re eating.

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