Why did asians evolve to have smaller penises?

Well to be fair, Europeans also evolved to have smaller organs than their african ancestors. However, Asians shrunk even more for some reason. How come that is? Why did they evolve to have such tiny penises on average? Are there any evolutionary advantages to that? This perplexes me.

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Comments ( 30 )
  • They had the option of being good in bed or good at math.

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    • leafeon


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    • leafeon

      answer of the day

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    • darefu

      Best answer !

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  • Somenormie

    Why does a size of a cock matter?

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  • Grunewald

    Both the men and the woman are probably smaller all over. In case you had forgotten, the penis does actually come with the whole kit and caboodle. A better question would be 'Why are people from Asian countries smaller?'.

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    • Yeah, you're right now when I think about it.

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      • 12345678912

        The asian female has a 'smaller ' birth canal also. I dont think its evolution its just to suit the prespective mate.

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      • LloydAsher

        Just climate and nutritional reasons. Smaller = less food required, which is ideal because rice is poor nutrition wise. White people are taller and bulkier because they inhabited places that got colder and a bulkier form is perfered in temperate cold environments as well with good nutritional genetics. Then if it gets arctic level cold it's more efficent to be bulky and short.

        Practically every race will grow taller in the future as our nutritional needs are fulfilled and being tall is an attractive feature for males.

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    I think Asians are smaller overall, because of diet and standards of beauty. But I have seen some Asian men with big dicks. Believe me I’ve checked out thousands of penises over the years.

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    • NormalIsAsNormalDoes

      yeah not all asian guys have a small penis

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      • 12345678912

        Yep and not all black men have big ones!

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      • DADNSCAL

        No they don’t. Just Google “big Asian dicks” and you’ll see some.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    so they can love you long time

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  • I don’t think there’s ever been a conclusive study done on this, just isolated surveys with the data in some supplied solely by participants. That said all of these backed up the stereotypical nominal differences. However, I remain skeptical as to the validity of this data because they didn’t account for shoe size.

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    • LloydAsher

      Scientist have to tread lightly because god forbid when you say different races have different features. People who say race is a social construct is only half right, there ARE physical and mental differences, but that doesnt mean they are worth less or more based on race, plus you got some outliers so race isnt a good basis to make most assumptions. If you are concerned about heart health then yes race is a factor.

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      • I read about heated controversy in the human genome project, apparently most data has been submitted from white Europeans and the scientists want to expand into other ethnicities

        They say it's going to help create a world where a doctor can take a blood sample and give you a perfectly created remedy for whatever ails you

        There are others who say that it might promote racism if it's like, proven or suggested through DNA that certain races are "inferior" to others

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        • The Royal family, billionaire elites, and many Hollywood stars have already been benefitting from this for years, through holistic doctors.

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        • LloydAsher

          Hell I got some neaderthal dna in me indicated from some bone growths on my skull. DNA matching and typing is cool. As an aside I wonder if chromosomal mutations would be helped by the research as well.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      It’s also important to bear in mind how American media has deliberately feminised Asian men which feeds into the stereotype that they have smaller penises.

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      • LloydAsher

        Its almost like they are demasculating a potential enemy that we could go to war with. I'm fine with that kind of propaganda.

        Though in like 90% of the asian violence right now is perpetrated by african americans, so I dont give the media any credit when it comes to the white supremacists nonsense.

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  • gregjm

    Ancient Greeks and Romans thought small dicks looked better.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Because they’re little people.

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  • mouldiwarp


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  • darefu

    Less to protect or get hurt when they're doing all that Kung Fu and ninja stuff whooping your butt..

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  • Danvi

    If an Asian man shoved his cock up your asshole, you wouldn't be saying that shit anymore 😂

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  • SwickDinging

    There are theories that a lot of inbreeding went on as early humans spread across the globe. There were a lot of very similar species that all died out around the time that humans arrived. So either they killed them all off, via direct violence or better exploiting the local resources more efficiently and outcompeting them, or they started reproducing with them, thus making it appear as if they all disappeared, when in fact they simply assimilated with the more dominant species. The latter would explain why a lot of northern europeans have Neanderthal DNA, for example.

    So it's possible that rather than one particular race gradually evolving to have a smaller cock, that in fact they started off smaller to begin with because they are actually the result of a hybrid between early humans and something that had a much smaller cock.

    I'm not sure how much stock I place in this theory because in all honesty, I've read very little about it, and as far as I know there isn't much evidence to support it. This has rekindled my interest in it so I may do more reading on it if I get the chance. It's a fascinating topic.

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  • LloydAsher

    Less nutrition due to rice being the primary staple food as well as their original climate where being small was an advantage. They are shorter and thus their other body parts are smaller.

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  • jrbsportz

    I don't know why Asian has smaller sex object. But if I was one theirs more ways to satisfied women an believe me I be using them lol!!! Just saying from hard rock dude

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    This isn't actually true though...maybe in one country or something but not asians in general all over the world

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