Why di capitalists complain about greed?

When capitalism is a system created to make money, regardless of how it may affect others, it seems very odd that people who support capitalism will complain about it. It's supposedly the right of any person to make a venture to make money for themselves, as long as they aren't committing a crime. For example, there was in increase of interest in having gay characters in media, not just from gay people, but many people in general. When studios began to respond to that, some people (mostly conservatives) called it "pandering for money". Well, yeah, that's what capitalism is all about, making money given any opportunity. You don't get to complain when you support the system to begin with.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    You cant say the whole gay push is for money though because its actually not popular. Every woke film bombs at the box office. The saying go woke go broke is a real thing. Netflix has seen its stock go down 50% in a single day over woke movies. Same with disney. The new velma scooby doo movie lost a ton, the lesbo ghost hunters lost a ton.

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    • Jem_Shadow

      If you choose to avoid media because it has a gay character in it, that would make you a homophobe.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Ok then me and half the country are homophobes now what?

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    • Jem_Shadow

      Gay characters in media isn't "woke".

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Ill give you an example the new batman is black. This is the statement from the producer and actor.

        "My two sons are genuinely excited for me. So to be able to write the next Batman, for them to know that this next Batman is going to be black, everybody else on the planet can hate it, have a problem with it, denigrate it, but I have my audience and they already love it.”

        Idk if these guys have infinite money or what but if your standard when creating a new movie is "I dont care if everyone on the planet hates it" you cant argue he's doing the woke thing for profit. And it will not be profitable. The film will lose tons of money. They wont even break even.

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  • Clunk42

    It is obvious to all that greed is a vice rather than a virtue, so it is undesirable for it to be expressed, even if the system that one lives under allows it to be so.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Why do communists complain about bread.

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  • LloydAsher

    I dont care about greed, I care about spending your greed. If you have a billion dollars i want that billion dollars doing work not sitting in a closet. So investment properties or investment in other ventures.

    Stagnant money may as well be useless.

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  • Jem_Shadow

    The word 'woke' has no meaning at this point. Apparently just having a gay character is 'woke'. Oh dear, we can't have that. And what is or isn't a decent story is opinion. Meanwhile, poverty is happening.

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    • didi_badoff

      fuck a dildo, pothead.

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  • Tinybird


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