Who here is lgbt?

Curious to know how many of you are LGBT, because apparently its still the minority

I am only straight 25
I'm lesbian 2
I am pans 1
I dont like labels 9
I am trans 3
I am on the asexual spectrum 1
I am bi 17
I am gay 3
Other 4
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Comments ( 35 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Bi-romantic asexual, so “other”. I think most people are some shade of bi it’s just the social stigma that stops them expressing it.

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    • Amen and yaay on the ace spectrum

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      I can't stand it when people say everyone is 'secretly' bisexual. That is just so wrong! We don't even know why anyone is gay in the first place! Also, I actually WISH I was bi so I could have more sex and more variety. People aren't nearly as homophobic as they used to be also either. In my opinion of course!

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      • SkullsNRoses

        I didn’t say everyone is bi, some people are completely straight, but most people are bi to an extent.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          How much is most? I understand that you are not as extreme as others, which I appreciate. But I still think very, very few people are 'secretly' bi. Also keep in mind, that you are asexual, which, if it means what I think it means, it also means you are not TOO credible on the subject of sexual attraction. And most people who say everyone is secretly bi, are gay or bi themselves. So in some capacity they are biased because they WISH more people were like them and that it was more common so they can relate to people more.

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          • SkullsNRoses

            Obviously I can’t give an exact number but l’ll hazard a guess at 75%. Also to clarify when I say bi I don’t necessarily mean having a 50/50 attraction to both, many people are bi with a strong preference for one sex.

            Many things make me think we’re living amongst a lot of closet bi people. The number of close same-sex friendships I’ve witnessed where they’re a little *too* close and start to cuddle/massage/kiss eachother whilst proclaiming they’re “100% straight!”. The number of people I’ve spoken to who have had same sex experiences with multiple partners but brush off as “experimenting”. And of course the number of “I’m completely straight BUT...” posts on this very website.

            And this doesn’t include however many people feel attraction to both sexes but never mention it at all as it conflicts with their self-image as a straight or gay person.

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            • Doesnormalmatter

              All valid points for why people don't like to admit it, however the number is not nearly as high as 75 percent in my opinion. But what makes someone bi, can differ quite a bit, so it is tough to guestimate. All the more, sexuality so so complex, and there are so many gray areas. So to make a statement as general as 'most people are secretly bi' is outrageous. In my opinion of course! So with how poorly defined 'gay' is, it is too generalized and short sited to make such a statment. A lot of people call stuff gay that isn't and vice versa. It is all a mess and we know that. I just don't like it when people make assumptions like that.

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    • FromTheSouthWeirdGuy

      Lol are you serious or trolling?

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      • SkullsNRoses

        Serious. This is not my troll style. When I troll I troll hard.

        And before you leap to defend your heterosexuality I said “most” not all.

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        • FromTheSouthWeirdGuy

          No the "bi romantic asexual" part was new to me. I wonder how people come up with these labels. 😋

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          • palehorse

            It's literally feeling romantic attraction to both (or all, depending on your view) genders, but not feeling sexual attraction to either. It's really nothing fancy. What do you have against people trying to accurately describe who they are?

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          • SkullsNRoses

            I feel romantic attraction to both and sexual attraction to neither. It’s not that complicated.

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            • Pretty much same

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  • curious-bunny

    I'm the best part of the group. T for totally awesome

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  • raisinbran

    Lazy, Gullible, Bitter and Temperamental... yes, that's me.

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  • palehorse

    Lot of bi people here. :D!

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  • shuggy-chan

    Im a Levitating Gator Battle Tank, but also straight. Sorry

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  • strangethingshappen

    Why is everyone straight? Hello choose Love Not gender

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    • palehorse

      If you tally it up, there are more people who voted non-straight than straight.

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  • nutmuncher7

    I'm into dudes. Uhh confused on gender atm so yeehaw. Who knows wtf I am

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  • leggs91200

    I want to be an airborne ranger.

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm normal

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    • LloydAsher

      Oh did you want me to put cisgendered who is straight?

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    I am, as far as I know, totally stright and only believe in the first 3 letters of the acronym anyway. Also labels get annoying. You like what you like, but why do you need to make up a label for yourself that most people can't pronounce and force me to call you that?

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    • Mrown

      how is gay or lesbian hard to pronounce? Or do you mean the LGBT+ acronym, we wouldn't have labels if homophobes and other assholes like that wouldn't exist

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Gay, lesbian and bisexual. Those are your options.

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    • palehorse

      "only believe in the first 3 letters of the acronym anyway."

      "I like watching birds!" / "Sorry, I don't believe in bird-watchers."

      "Hi, my name is Scott." / "No, your name is Tom." / "What do you mean? I'm Scott." / "Scott isn't a real thing. You're Tom."

      "Do you want to go eat pasta?" / "I only believe in Mexican food."

      "I would get on this Uber, but the car is grey and I only believe in dark blue cars."

      Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

      "You like what you like, but why do you need to make up a label for yourself that most people can't pronounce and force me to call you that?"

      The same goes for religion, ethnicity, even hobbies. Take a glance at Wikipedia's list of Christian denominations, for example - I certainly think that "Presbyterian", just to pick out a random one, is a pretty difficult-to-pronounce label. Would you say someone is being ridiculous if they're a Canada-born Japanese-American? Or perhaps a fan of soft sci-fi mystery novels with nonlinear narratives is making up labels?

      None of those specific examples matter, of course: my point is, labels are things we create to better describe who we are and what other things might be. It's language. Your seemingly irrational hatred of sexual orientation and gender-related "labels" is a reflection of your bigoted thinking.

      I'm guessing that you're imagining a world in which a failure to identify someone as an aromantic demigirl (which, by the way, is a perfectly valid identity) would lead to an angry witch hunt, which is a world that does not, and hopefully will not ever, exist. Don't judge liberals by the extremists you see mocked online.

      I live in a very liberal area, and I've misgendered people quite a bit - it's like mispronouncing someone's name: a little awkward, sure, but you just correct it and move on and nobody thinks lesser of you. What's up with this "forcing me to call you that?" If you wouldn't hesitate to call someone an Orthodox Christian or an Indian, what problem do you see here?

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Wow! Didn't expect a serious response, but fair enough. First allow me to elaborate on my stance. The part about forcing me to call them something I can't pronounce was mostly a joke. I said it because I worked with a guy a few years ago who was 'demisexual' and he heard me pronounce it wrong a few times and hated my guts for it. And to be brutally honest, I can't even remember what demisexual means. But I thought that was pathetic that he got so worked up about that.

        Also, I do believe that for simplicity sake, people who think there are like a gazillion different sexualities should not expect everyone else to respect that. It is making something that should be simple, complicated. That is also why all your examples except for the religion one, don't apply at all. I could explain why they don't work individually, but I will spare my time.

        Also, PLEASE TAKE NOTE, that I am not opposed to unique sexuality. I am quite a kinky fucker myself, and have had what I reckon are similar challenges. I just don't see why people of all these obscure and detailed sexual identities even give two shits about what other people think? Sexuality is far too complex to sum up for a unique individual in a single word, no matter how long you make it. Within sanity and legality, you can be whatever the fuck you want, and even call yourself whatever you want. But the only things I will recongnize about you, are the two distinct genders, and the sexual orientations or staright, gay, lesbian or bi. Also asexual, if that counts.

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        • palehorse

          Well, that guy does sound pretty pathetic. I'd like to hear why it's okay for religion, but not sexuality, though.

          It just doesn't make much sense to me for you to "refuse to recognize" more than four sexualities. I get what you're trying to say - that everyone's sexuality is different in some way anyways, so making specific labels is pointless - but why impose that judgement on others? If someone else (who isn't being unreasonable, like the guy you mentioned) wants to use more specific terms, why not just roll with it?

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            So first, to adress the religion anaology. You have a point in that people make it complicated and what you to know all about it, ect. It is quite similar. But some things are different. Usually religious people don't take it as seriosly, at least from what I can see. With sexualities, people usually take it more personally, because it affects them in the short term. What I am saying, is that what religion you are, does not USUALLY affect your everyday life and social interactions as much as sexuality.(with the exception of extreme religious zealots) Like if I found out a friend of mine was protestant or whatever, that does not really change how I see him as much as If I find out he has some unique sexuality.

            The whole recongnition thing is kind of a grey area, but bear with me. I do not think that all these sexualities don't exist, merely that they should not be recognized by everyone. No two peoples sexualities are the same, and so trying to come up with a name for every possibility is unnecessary. In my opinion of course! So I think instead of making new identities, people should understand that you can be a straight male, and have vastly different tastes of fixations than others. I just don't think it us something we should make complicated. And that is my opinion, and you can disagree without us hating eachother!

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            • palehorse

              "What I am saying, is that what religion you are, does not USUALLY affect your everyday life and social interactions as much as sexuality.(with the exception of extreme religious zealots) Like if I found out a friend of mine was protestant or whatever, that does not really change how I see him as much as If I find out he has some unique sexuality."


              "I do not think that all these sexualities don't exist, merely that they should not be recognized by everyone. No two peoples sexualities are the same, and so trying to come up with a name for every possibility is unnecessary."

              A lot of distinctions are technically unnecessary - that doesn't mean they aren't useful. You acknowledge sexuality is complicated - then say that "we shouldn't make it complicated." Why shouldn't these sexualities be recognized? If you just want to describe yourself as a straight male, that's perfectly fine - but maybe other people don't want to describe themselves that way.

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  • DeadRatKing

    I'm transspecies and transgender, please no triggering responses!

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  • Lol

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  • paramore93

    Asexual aromantic, no idea how I have a boyfriend.

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    • Dont you have to have sex or he will leave you

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