Who here also thinks facebook is lame?

I think Facebook is mega lame what about you?

I do 18
I don't 7
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    I like FB more than other social medias.

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  • Grunewald

    I think it depends on why/how you use it.

    For local community/interest/hobby groups it's gold, especially if you're trying to connect with a specific community. The expat community of a given city would be one example, because you might know a friend of a friend from the group but not otherwise be very well connected irl.

    Another would be hobbies and interests that are online-based or that don't naturally bring you into contact with fellow hobbyists, like model-building, and they help you connect over your hobby in ways you wouldn't be able to otherwise (without setting up and advertising a convention and hoping people will take a trip across the country to make it there).

    There are also groups that act like Craigslist or Freecycle schemes that are restricted to one area and that you have to know someone in the group to be allowed to join. They are semi-secure because everyone in the group is from the same area and knows someone who knows someone, so people are less likely to cheat each other. These sorts of groups can bring the feeling of a 'village community' to an entire city district.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It's better than Instagram or Snapchat. It's also where I commission art.

    It's lame, but better than the competition.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I dont use any social media outside IIN

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  • Rocketrain

    Used to be ok. I removed my account long ago.

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  • devclied

    Compared to the competition, it's not bad. And Facebook has helped a lot of businesses with their advertising efforts by offering a pretty decent advertising suite.

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  • Everyone I know on facebook is living a better, happier life than me - even that guy who got kicked out of the military and was on drugs for a long time. I've deleted the damn thing several times now, only for people to complain that I should come back (plus - it's really the only channel for me to communicate with my sister). It really sucks, I just wish family didn't want for me to be on it so badly.

    Really, I don't even know if those people are happy, or if they're just faking it for their audiences. It's all about their highlights and my cousin's blathering about the Bill Gates vaccine globalist conspiracy thingy... fuck facebook.

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    • have_a_good_day

      I feel ya, nigga. It's da only channel I use to communicate wit yo sista too.

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      Unless they're an artist of some sort with something to share, people generally use Facebook to either act like their lives are better than they are, act like they're worse than they are, share memes, share conspiracy theories, or argue about politics.

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