Who has it worse, men or women?

Who do you think has it worse? Please do not compare women's rights to modern day feminism and feminazis. This is purely just based on who you think has it worse based on past, present, advantages, and disadvantages. Thanks

Men 35
Women 70
Neither 48
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Comments ( 52 )
  • RoseIsabella

    It really depends, because we're not all the same.

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  • cinderfloof

    Globally? Historically? Definitely women.
    I don't believe I even have to detail the horrors that women in the third world face, and since 85% of the human population resides in developing nations, women suffer more without contest. I'm confused as to why people are saying otherwise. Please open a debate if you can explain.

    I mean, if we were just talking about modern America you could argue that men suffer just as much - but that's not the case. We're discussing all of humanity.

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    • LornaMae

      I myself am confused as to why your comment was thumbed down.

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      • cinderfloof

        Likely by people who disagreed but didn't have any logic to back their opinions.

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    • A-sharp

      The post doesn't specify a category. (Socially, ethical, urges, emotional.etc)

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  • The the West, neither, everywhere else and historically, women.

    I'm an American woman who grew up in a patriarchal household. Living in that system made it even more apparent how not oppressed Western women are.

    The biggest problems I have in society are simply being expected to wear make up and dress nice, but those are minor nuisances.

    I don't think any problem an American woman has today can hold a candle to the draft.

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    • RoseIsabella

      The draft? We don't have a draft anymore.

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      • Well, I looked it up, and apparently all male civilians between ages 18-25 are required to register in the Selective Service System so that a draft can be readily resumed if needed.

        I suppose that's not as drastic as what I thought we had- the government just legally taking up all the healthy adult males for war.

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        • factcheck

          That’s how it used to be(up to and including the Vietnam War), although there were ways to dodge it - just asked the current president, who faked bone spurs in his feet. You could also take a moral stand against the war like Muhammad Ali if you weren’t a coward who just wanted other people to fight instead of you before pretending that you were against the war later.

          But back in those days women couldn’t work, couldn’t get an advanced education(look up “finishing school”), couldn’t file for divorce, and marital rape was perfectly legal. So it was worse for both genders...white men have never faced anywhere near the level of oppression that women do, even today.

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    • nikkiclaire

      I rarely (maybe twice a year) wear makeup. If you never do it to begin with, people don't notice.

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  • Embracing that kind of logic has helped me to have an easier time of deciding what I want to do with my life.

    Everything has its cons, and whatever I do, I will likely find myself regretting it and imagining my life differently sometimes.

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    • RoseIsabella

      What do you want to do with your life?

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      • Likely get into STEM, but my dilemma was about whether to seek out romantic relationships.

        Since, they don't personally appeal to me, I'm not exactly planning to listen to people who claim that my life will be terrible and lonely if I'm not married by x age.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I support you on that!

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  • Tealights


    Biologically speaking, women on average are smaller than most men; so a regular size woman without proper combat training of any kind or weapons is vulnerable to any man with wicked intentions. It's common sense really. Societal laws protect us from many survival situations a lot of our ancestors had fallen to or fought out of just enough to get away.

    I get feminism is a big topic and it's great we're trying to strive for equality, but I'm still scared to be alone at night and nothing will ever change that.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    I'd say that to a extent that women do have to face a little bit more then men but at the same time women don't have to sign up for selective service. So I would say that men have that one thing that is beyond unfair but women do have a list of shit they have to deal with both psychically and socially. While I hate feminazis I can understand why normal feminists would want to fix the clear gender bias that dose exist. I can't think of anything else that men have to face that's bad other then being forced to sign selective service but that is very big. It's hard to pick who has it bad.

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    • factcheck

      Lol signing up for selective service literally has no impact whatsoever on your life. (And since there was a post about the misuse of literally, to be clear, I literally mean it literally doesn’t change your life in any way whatsoever.) Stop.

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  • cipro

    There are no institutions to help bullied,raped men. Men are more likely to commit suicide after such stuff happens to them.

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    • kaleidescope

      Are there any statistics about that because I’ve never heard it before

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I'd say women but not by a huge amount.

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  • HeTalksInMaths

    neither in most places but since you put past...disadvantages i would say women based on history and biological reasons

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  • Insane_madh

    equality is bliss...

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  • Boojum

    This is in the sex category, so if the consideration is limited to that, limited to modern Western societies, and limited to modern times, then I'd say women - in general - have a huge advantage over men in many ways simply due to their physiology and the way they're wired.

    It truly sucked to be a woman back in the days when they literally belonged to their father and then to their husband, there was no reliable birth control, and a very high chance of dying in childbirth or immediately after. It still truly sucks to be a woman today in many places. And even in more civilised places, there are some aspects of life as a woman which still suck.

    However, purely in terms of how much fun sex _can_ be, women are clearly the hands-down winners.

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  • antarctican

    Oh my god it’s not a competition. Why do we focus on who has it worse when we sure focus on making things better.

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    • It's just a simple post, not a political tirade, but yeah, I hate that "us vs. them/competition" bs.

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      • antarctican

        Yeah. I just get annoyed when people, men or women, think that they’re the only people with problems. It seems that more radical someone is the more they think that they’re the only type of person with problems.

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  • Indigobloom1

    Women. I hate being a woman, I wish I was born a man

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  • I think this question is non-sense. For most history both men and women had it very rough. Men died in wars they had to fight because otherwise the king would have had their heads chopped off. Women had no control over their reproduction at all. Millions died in horrible diseases. There was nothing like modern medicine. There was slavery, etc. So in the past, it's really hard to distinguish who had it worse.

    At the present, there's more or less an equality of opportunity for the sexes in Western countries, which I think you're writing from. This means men and women have the same rights. So I think both sexes have it quite nice. Society has different roles and expectations for both men and women, but it's not like a singular person has to abide by some invisible standard or else they cannot find meaningful connections. It's not like that, so I think only rights matter which are pretty Equal.

    However, obviously both sexes have specific issues, stemming from their differences. I don't think it's comparable though. They are generally wildly different problems.

    Yes both men and women would try to abide by societies expectations for an ideal man or woman, and that might be difficult for people, but it's not a be all end all.

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  • lordofopinions

    Women are often paid less than their male counterparts, have to suffer through periods and childbirth. In most relationships women end up doing the majority of the work at home.

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  • raisinbran

    I don't think things that are stereotypically associated with each gender should be given equal importance.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I've never been able to see pregnancy like that in my life. I've always thought of it as terrifying.

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  • Dot123

    All men are assholes. Men and women use and abuse each other all the time; there's nothing wrong with it. Marriage has nothing to do with love.

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  • Hubbard

    I recommend Dr Shaym’s Video on female privileges: https://youtu.be/_ucR-1NodAs

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    • factcheck

      I recommend this post debunking all of the lies and deception in that video: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskFeminists/comments/6xyldv/the_dr_shaym_youtube_channel_recently_released_a/

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  • palepunk

    How is this even a question?

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    • well, what do you think?

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  • bigbudchonga

    Generally I would say we have it equal, but on different things each sex has it worse. I think women have it worse with all the stuff their bodies go through and general body image. Then men have it worse with feminist groups constantly trying to demonize them whilst falsely claiming they're "fighting for equality."

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    • LornaMae

      So you're saying men only have it worse BECAUSE of women?

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      • cinderfloof

        That's confusing me too. They could have brought up imprisonment, suicide rates, or cultural ideologies of forcibly repressed emotions and instead they mention that "pesky feminism". If anyone really believes that men's largest issue is women saying "ew. boys drool and manspread" - they're also saying that men must literally have no issues.

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        • LornaMae

          Exactly, you got it all right. ;)

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        • bigbudchonga

          I think feminism is demonizing men a lot more than you do. You bring up an interesting one about "cultural ideologies of forcibly repressed emotions," Idk if you know this, but the feminists always bring up something similar called "toxic masculinity," on one hand they use it to "help" men by trying to force them to go against their nature, and be as open with their emotions as women, and on the other hand they use it to just straight rip into men when it suits them. It's one of the more fucked up and surreptitious ways feminists fuck with men. The thing that really gets me about "toxic masculinity" is that you have feminists who are so far gone in the ideology that they not only don't get that men aren't women, and will never deal with emotions in the same way they do, but they can just turn it round in a split second to shit all over men. How twisted an ideology have you got to follow to use the same point to both "help" and fuck over men?

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          • cinderfloof

            But toxic masculinity is an actual thing that harms men. People should talk about their feelings to their support systems and feel free to cry because crying is natural. We shouldn't see healthy display of emotion as feminine because that's a thing that, psychologically, all people need. It's not against nature to feel, and if we accept that men have feelings we must also accept that men need to know how to handle those feelings healthily. I really want to challenge that idea that men are acting like girls when they express emotions because that's one of the largest issue men actually face.

            Here's an article that talks about this and offers sources: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/06/18/482156268/is-it-ok-for-boys-to-cry

            I think your discrepancy is that those feminists who want to "help" men are not the same feminists who want to "fuck over" men. I'm a feminist. I do a publicity program in my university every year to promote mental health awareness due to high suicide rates among men. I've had other feminists support me, and I've had others scream at me. I'm sure you could understand. There are reasonable conservatives, but most white supremacists also consider themselves conservative. However, that doesn't make ALL or even most conservatives white supremacists.

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            • bigbudchonga

              You know what though. As much as I hate what the feminists do, I do appreciate that you think it's the right thing to do and that you seem to be genuinely trying to help.

              I don't think we're going to change each other views, but if I could just leave you with the thought of what if there was a big movement called "toxic femininity," and it constantly barraged women for crying too much being interested in fashion, or putting on makeup, and then told you that you needed to change those behaviours. Would you be alright with that?

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            • bigbudchonga

              "I do a publicity program in my university every year to promote mental health awareness due to high suicide rates among men. I've had other feminists support me, and I've had others scream at me. I'm sure you could understand. There are reasonable conservatives, but most white supremacists also consider themselves conservative. However, that doesn't make ALL or even most conservatives white supremacists." This sounds completely rational, and yes I can understand that that would be a divisive topic in the feminist community.

              I respect your point, and you're obviously coming at it in a rational way. However I really think toxic masculinity is kind of a boogeyman. Many of my friends open up to me, and I open up to them. We talk about our emotions and comfort each other. I think that just because we don't do it to the same level that women do it, doesn't mean it's "toxic masculinity." It's just a different way men function. I really think for the most part it's like trying to get a lion to go vegetarian. It's just not in their nature.

              I agree that some men don't cope with their emotions, but I think it's a at a way lower proportion than what the feminists think its it. We just do it in different way, or when we're alone with a friend rather than in a group.

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      • bigbudchonga

        I feel like you're willfully being obtuse with what I'm saying. I did not say what you say "men only have it worse BECAUSE of women?" I said men have it worse due to feminist groups.

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        • tahersyed

          so much for being a right angle or even a cute angle :P

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        • LornaMae

          EXACTLY! What part do I have to clarify?

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          • bigbudchonga

            Feminist ≠ women. You have men who are perfectly fine with an ideology that fucks over other men too.

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