Which type of woman is sexier

Which body type is more attractive and sexy for a woman?

Curvy (BMI 22) 30
Skinny (BMI 19) 20
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Comments ( 13 )
  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I dont know what specific BMI looks like. I like mostly curvy girls that looks fit and tight. I dont like flab. I like athletic girls with a nice ass and small perky tits.

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    • Boojum

      Models of different BMIs:


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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        17.5 - 22.0

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Depends on the woman.

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  • Boojum

    Kudos for not conforming to what seems to be the recent norm here with these sorts of questions and offering two absurdly extreme choices. (Would you like your child to be a psychopath or a vegetable? Would you become a cannibal in an apocalypse or prefer to be eaten?)

    Normal BMI is from 18.5 to 24.9, so the midpoint is approximately 22. I don't see how a BMI of 22 could be called "curvy" in anything other than the sense that healthy women have bodies with some body fat and so are naturally curvy.

    A BMI of 19 is also in the normal range, but I've never found really skinny women attractive. When I see a woman who seems to have nil body fat, I always assume that she either has food issues of some sort or she's on drugs, neither of which is something that any sane guy should want to deal with.

    Many years ago, a provocative newspaper columnist in the UK said that a huge part of the reason why skinny women are currently deemed attractive is because fashion models are also emaciated, and the explanation for that is that so many fashion designers are gay, and gay guys find the flat-chested, narrow-hipped slender figure of adolescent boys the most attractive body shape. That's terribly, terribly un-PC of course, but I think there may be at least a degree of truth in it.

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    • Clunk42

      You claim the child post has two extreme choices, even though the choices were developmental issues or psychopathy. "Vegetable" is a really poor word to describe developmentally delayed people, by the way.

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    • About the models, I heard it's about women wanting to look good to other women, not to men

      Men like curves because it's a sign of fertility, but women like being thin for the aesthetic and the dedication it shows to having that figure

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  • bigbudchonga

    Curvy is best, but curvy as in thicc, not curvy as in "fat but wanting it to sound attractive"

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  • LloydAsher

    Perfer skinny but I really dont care. As long as she is shorter and weighed less then me it was all good

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  • EnglishLad

    Curvy girls are great, but I feel like people's types are so varied that this should have much more than a binary choice of options.

    It's like asking which kind of man is more attractive, muscle-bound alpha-male vs dad bod. People will vote on who they find more attractive and the muscle-bound alpha-male would probably win, but it doesn't necessarily mean that either of those are the preferred choice of man some of the people who voted would usually date.

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  • Somenormie

    100% not a underweight one, since I have learnt from my previous thoughts.

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  • Blipblorpbing


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  • Mammal-lover

    haha 19? Mines 17 and im 6ft1!

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