Which of these mario games were better

With the release of Super Mario 3D All Stars, me and my fellow neckbeard friend had a debate recently over whether of these two Mario games were better. He thinks Sunshine was the better of those two, but in my opinion, Galaxy was better by a mile. Since we could not reach any agreements whatsoever, I decided that I would ask you guys instead to decide this political debate.

Super Mario Galaxy 5
Super Mario Sunshine 5
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Super Mario World for the Gameboy

    No save file, so if you wanted to win you had to dedicate at least an hour or two and make sure the batteries were good

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    • Somenormie

      That game does not get old, I could play that all day on an emulator.

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  • WolfDude

    I grew up with both and I'll be honest, I love the whole parkour element of Sunshine than the floaty/spinny stuff with Galaxy. It feels much snappier and I always feel a sense of accomplishments when completing combo moves. The cutscenes are pretty cool because they remind me of an anime, which is just hilarious to me as a concept. FLUDD is an interesting mechanic, and definitely adds a really cool twist to Mario's general moveset. Graphically it did well for it's time, and the stages are very cool! The manta ray boss actually managed to scare me as a young kid and It's decently challenging.

    Galaxy was an amazing game. I think that it utilized the Wii well, and most Wii games didn't really do that. I think the soundtrack wins for this game, they do a good job for setting the tone (not that Sunshine doesn't either, they both do this VERY well, I just vibed more with Galaxy). It was very decently challenging as well and had a nice story, and brought us a cool new character to the Mario series (Rosalina). Overall, though, I don't find it quite as memorable as Sunshine. I played both a lot, but I'd really have to look at a playthrough to remember everything, whereas, I could probably recite most of the scenes from Sunshine by memory, as well as find every hidden thing and every way to cheese a stage. I never felt as encouraged to exploit the game in Galaxy, and did way more exploring of mechanics and exploits in Sunshine, which lead to many years of trying stuff like Rocket Storage and whatnot.

    Again, snappy controls gives more of an urge to want to explore every nook and cranny, which leads to a stronger memory and connection to the levels, especially for me personally. However, I can see how either one could suit your fancy more. If you like Galaxy better, more power to you dude.

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    • I respect your opinion. But yeah, the soundtrack in Galaxy is on a whole other level. My friend claims the soundtrack in Sunshine was better, which is an opinion I find absurd.

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  • LloydAsher

    Galaxy was the best one. I LOVED the gravity system. Its my favorite Mario game and I do not religiously play Mario. I've only played Galaxy Mario party 7 and Mario kart double dash.

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    • How can you say that Galaxy is the best if that's the only one you've played of the 3D games?

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      • LloydAsher

        Because I hate 2d platformers. I'm neutral on the super Mario franchise, I outgrew it.

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  • chuy

    Good ol' super mario brothers

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  • TheDustyMagician

    I never played Super mario galaxy 1 I only played the second game and it was much better than Sunshine.

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    • Then it is highly likely you will also prefer Galaxy 1 over Sunshine.

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  • Somenormie

    Super Mario Sunshine was an awesome game and so was Galaxy.

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    • Yeah, Both were great. But Galaxy was just better overall.

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  • Clunk42

    I didn't like either of them.

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    • Any specific reasons

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      • Clunk42

        I don't think I like 3d platformers in general. The only 3d performer I've had fun playing is Psychonauts.

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        • Ah, I see. Dont happen to be a huge fan either, except for some Mario games. Psychonauts, wasnt that game for the Xbox?

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          • Clunk42

            I have the pc version. It was also on Xbox and PlayStation 2.

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