Which of these animals would win in a fight?

Both pissed-off at each other and hell bent on killing each other, which animal will come-out as victorious?

Bull 20
Moose 4
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Comments ( 5 )
  • JD777

    I’m assuming by “bull”, we’re talking about a male of domestic cattle and the “moose” is a bull (male) moose. Both can be fiercely aggressive and hot-headed. But bulls can be much heavier than a moose, have a lower center of gravity, are quite agile for their size and horns are sharp sturdy and they know how to use them. The moose is likely to be much taller, but that’s a weakness when fighting an agile bull going after the moose’s long legs. The moose’s antlers are larger, but again, probably a weakness as they are usually not sharp and can’t be used well for leverage to topple the much heavier and squatter bull.

    Pretty safe bet on the bull

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  • CountessDouche

    Ok, this is 100 my type of question on here, and i would personally love to see more of your work.

    this one is easy, moose wins, thrice in weight, aggression, and need to protect the young.


    I nominate various dinosaurs or sharks & giant squid, but i do thank you for the best IIN contribution i've seen in days.

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    • McBean

      I'm betting on the bull who's closeness to the ground puts the laws of physics in his favor. The moose's long legs are an Achilles heel. The moose's only hope is to put his rack on the ground to block. If the bull hits him below the knees, it's all over.

      I agree this is the best post in weeks. Air combat - condors vs. eagles. Good match up for consideration by agile minded IINers.

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  • RandomNumbers

    well i dont know much about mooses because i live in a tropical country and we dont have them around, but just by looking at pictures on internet i must say the bull. the average bull looks heavier than the average moose (although i saw some really big mooses) and the sharp horns make total difference.
    My bet is on the bull

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  • TerriAngel

    I respect both.
    They have separate goals.
    No need to be mad.
    In general neither ever tries to kill.
    Only defend, or establish ALPHA
    So they can mate.
    They don't think like you.

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