Which flag would you rather burn?

I would be mad if the american flag was burnt but I Dont care if Confederate flags were burnt the CSA was a nation that only lasted for five years and it was lead by traitors.

I love america fuck traitors and anyone who idolizes them.
which flag would you rather be burnt? why the hell are losers even idolized the south lost southerners need to get over it.

the american flag 13
the confederate flag 29
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Comments ( 36 )
  • megadriver

    Neither of those.

    I want to burn the USSR one... Or the Chinese one, since there is no Soviet Russia anymore.
    But the point still stands, death to communism!

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    • RoseIsabella

      Sounds like a great idea to me! Communism is straight up evil!

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    • Blipblorpbing

      Communism will never die!

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    • Mammal-lover

      why you gotta be so hateful?

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      • megadriver

        If your great grandfather was brutally murdered in his family home, in front of his loved ones, your family name branded as an enemy of the state, both your grandfathers imprisoned for several years, all of your family's land, money and property taken away and your mother driven to psychosis by the atrocities those monsters did, you'd be hateful too.
        Those red bastards brought a once rich, powerful and affluent family to the brink of destruction all in the name of what? A stupid flag with a hammer and a sickle? The short idiot Stalin with a superiority complex and genocide fetish? A chance to get to the top of the waiting list for a Lada?

        In what world is ruining a family that ran multiple, profitable legal businesses good for the nation? In what world is it ok to give away other people's property to legislators and other communist party members? In what world is it ok and good for the nation to shoot a loving father and decorated war hero in front of his family? I could go on... Believe me my friend, over a bottle of whiskey, I could go on for a while.

        Isn't communism all about equality, or are some people more equal than others?

        You like the concept of socialism and I get that, but believe me... it doesn't work, it can never work in the way it was envisioned to. It always gets perverted into a monstrous dictatorship.

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      • LloydAsher

        Because communism is by far the worst system of goverment that has ever been created hell a monarch at least isnt that bad. Hundreds of millions have died more of communism then of fascism and the holocaust. That's why it must be destroyed in every place it's being used.

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        • im sure fascism would have blew past communism because the nazis were race obsessed loons who would have killed all non germans or sterilize certain populations.
          not defending communism in any way just stating a fact.
          communism and fascism are the worst ideologies that refuse to die.

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          • Clunk42

            I'm not the biggest fan of fascism (I prefer imperialism), but Hitler was really bad at being a fascist. The other people you've mentioned were also really bad at being fascists. Fascism only works if you have a morally sound intelligent leader.

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          • LloydAsher

            Agreed. That's why I used the monarchy as a base line goverment. I would say communism is slightly worse though because in a fascist state at least if you follow the ideology you do well. In communist states it doesnt matter if you like communism or not you are still going to be stuck in an unchanging society and system until you die.

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            • King Leopold II would like to have a word and all the other self entitled evil assholes whos only claim to power is coming out of the right pussy looking at any type of monarch. Im very anti monarchy so your speaking to the wrong person on this.

              In fascist states it doesnt matter if you like fascism or not you are still going to be stuck in an unchanging society and system until you die. dont get me started if the regime has a race based policy like the nazis.

              Just ask the fascist assholes in latin America like Augusto Pinochet who gets praises for throwing suspected commies out planes or the Brazilian and argentine dictatorships which were very ruthless and very anti commie killing and torturing many who were simply suspected and Africa with the likes of the apartheid government of south Africa which was very fascist in its treatment of the native population which makes the shit the ANC dose now seem like childs play or idi amin who killed a shit ton of people for the dumbest of reasons and deported Indians because they were Indians.

              the point is the list is long fascism is just as bad.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Why would you call that hateful?

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        • Mammal-lover

          So much unnecessary aggression. Peoppe hate on communism more than the confederates and fascists even the religious zealots. Makes little sense to me

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          • I find it odd that people are willing to give the Confederates and fascists a pass.
            confederates felt slavery was ok and saw it as a divine right that shouldnt be challenged because white god said so.
            fascists specifically the nazis were a bunch of race obessesd psychos who would have fucked over everyone who was not german.
            yes commies are responsible for 20 million deaths in the case of russia and 80 million deaths in the case of china and all the other numbers of dead from communists dictatorships.
            but fascism has had a shit track record as well latin america and parts of africa has been lead by fascism yet I dont here anyone talk about those.

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            • Mammal-lover

              Because communism is the more modern thing and because of that is easier for people to hate. If it wasnt for communists our life would be very different. Part of communism is industrialization. Without that China would be very different. Wothout China as it is the u.s would be very different. And so on. Besides the fact that many actually practice communist idealism without realizing it and also trash the system. Yes it has a rocky history but so does most things. The idewlism is a beautiful thing to build a utopia for the people. Human nature gets in the way. Not to mention someone mentions communism and everyone grabs their gun so they have to such a strong military and its just an ugly uphill battle

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          • RoseIsabella

            Read the Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn!

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            • yes commies are responsible for 20 million deaths in the case of russia and 80 million deaths in the case of china and all the other numbers of dead from communists dictatorships.

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  • SweetNLite

    BLM, ISIS and Nazi flags are the only ones I'd burn.

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  • Hansberger

    I'd rather burn the confederate flag.

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  • Blipblorpbing

    I personally would burn both.

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  • Inkmaster

    If we're talking burning for the sake of destruction, then Confederate flag. But I would be honored to burn the American flag, as burning the American flag is the proper way to retire it.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I really dont care what flag you burn. Its just a piece of cloth and its free speech. If I saw you burning the American flag tho I wouldn't expect you to have America's best interests at heart.

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    • raisinbran

      making any complaints null and void

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  • Somenormie

    Because the confederate flag has a bad history.

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  • Mammal-lover

    American, but I wouldn't burn either. The confederate flag is just beautiful man. The US flag is just ugly

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I think I'd burn the American flag because the Confederacy is dead anyway. Just because America didn't support slavery back then doesn't mean that they're not doing a lot of shady stuff right now.

    There's no point in burning a flag if people aren't there to get offended and angered by it, otherwise you may as well be burning a pillowcase.

    I don't see why anyone would be angry by it anyway, it's just someone's opinion that the country has a lot of faults. If you disagree then you can debate him why he's mistaken. If you can't do that then you're just angry that he's right.

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    • SmokeEverything

      The thing they don't tell you is america did support slavery and only freed slaves to recruit the freed slaves as soldiers for the north.

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      • Inkmaster

        That sounds like bullcrap to me.

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        • SmokeEverything

          Slavery would have ended anyway, it wasn't economically viable. You have to buy a slave, a slave with any skills would cost you between $20 to $50 thousand dollars in todays money. Then you have to house them, feed them, and pay people 24/7 to make sure they don't escape. Sure they have kids, but thats an insanely long return on investment feeding young slaves who can't actually do anything useful yet.

          The whole "The civil war was over slavery because Lincoln was this great guy who wanted to free all the slaves from the beginning" isn't true.

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          • never said Lincoln was a great guy.

            why do people always bring this up when people rightfully shit on the confederates who were traitors?
            I think a lot of people know that the civil war was more about stopping states from leaving the union then slavery but the fact the south threw a bitch fit because Lincoln made it clear that they couldn't have their slaves anywhere they wanted and even then there is a long list of causes that made the civil war start. the majority of northerners didnt even want to fight in the war because they saw no reason to do so.

            but it was certainly about slavery for the south they made it clear that slavery was the life and blood of their society and that nobody could take it away from them in anyway.

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            • Clunk42

              The people created the United States of America were also traitors; what's your point. The colonists didn't like the laws the government was making and chose to disobey them to try to get them changed. The government said no, so the USA were born. The southerners didn't like the laws the government was making and they chose to disobey them to try to get them changed. The government said no, so the Confederate States of America were born. The only difference between the two events is that the colonists won and the southerners didn't.

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  • Clunk42

    You'd be saying the exact same thing about America if they lost the Revolutionary War.

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