Which console generation was the best overall?

Which console generation was the overall best? I'd personally say Generation 6.

1: Magnavox Odyssey 0
2: Atari 2600, Colecovision, Intellivision. 1
3: NES, Sega Master System 0
4: SNES, Sega Genesis/Megadrive 4
5: PS1, N64, Saturn 1
6: PS2, GC, Xbox, Dreamcast 5
7: PS3, Wii, Xbox 360 7
8: PS4, Wii U, Xbox One 5
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Comments ( 3 )
  • BlackCatsAreAwesome


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  • geek_god_101

    I would say 3 and 4 because it was easier to program, easier to play and much easier to troubleshoot. Generations past that are a disaster for troubleshooting or require way too much for upgrade and maintenance.

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  • arthurtheaardvark99

    I liked the generation of PS3 and Xbox 360, there were definitely a lot of cool games during Generation 6 but 7 stands out to me more for being kind of cutting-edge and competitive, imo.

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