When you are sick, is it normal for girlfriends to be over-bearing?

I just got over being sick. My girlfriend was taking care of me the entire time which was very helpful. She did great job making sure I drank water as well as taking meds. This is something I tend to neglect when caring for myself. However, there are some things that made me feel a tad embarrassed.. she was keeping track of bodily functions when I went to the bathroom. This was understandable but invasive. The thing I found even more weird was she took my temperature "back there" after I got out of the shower. When asked about it she said its more accurate to do it that way. She also revealed that she was doing it that way while I was asleep so she could check on me without waking me. I'm somewhat weirded out because it feels invasive. However, I am not surprised as this is totally something she would do. Even if i have a paper cut, she is the type to rush to treat it before I can complain.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • litelander8

    I would be milking the fuck out of that.

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    • I really like the attention and appreciate being cared for.... but I just need to get used to it to set a boundary.... but im not sure if i want a boundary because, as weird as it is, its really helpful

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Very true it just kept getting worse...

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  • Curiouskitten444

    She just cares about you

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    She seems a bit nuts.

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  • kikilizzo

    Not normal

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  • Wow3986

    WTF? Are you fucking NUTS? So you're telling the OP that he should beat and abuse his girlfriend? What are you some kind of woman-beater!?

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  • ifuknowmenoudont

    She shouldn't be doing that at nighttime without your explicit consent. I understand why she's worried, but you two should have a conversation about physical boundaries.

    " However, I am not surprised as this is totally something she would do. " is a pretty harsh red flag already.

    There is a line between being nurturing and invasive.

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  • ospry

    Wife bad

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  • Anonnet

    If that's not a signal, I don't know what is.

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