When should i sell bitcoin

I have a little under 2 bitcoin and half a dozen ethereum coins. I been in the crypto field for a while and I'm looking to get out and buy another house with the crypto money. But the problem is its less than 50% of its alltime high it has suffered in this economy. Im hoping it will go back to 60k per coin but idk if thats realistic in the next few years. Whats a good price to sell?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • jethro

    Convert it into gold. Get out now before it crashes to nothing or just disappears like tons of other bitcoin schemes.

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    • To my knowledge there's never been a bitcoin scheme. I have a personal wallet. My bitcoin can not be accessed by any company.

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      • jethro

        Then you live in a hole.
        Just a few.

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  • darefu

    November 2021, buy a time machine it might be worth it!

    67k+ in Nov,2021. You may have missed that boat although if you can hold it and not have a problem with keeping it there, I think eventually maybe 5 or 10 years it will probably get back up to at least 40k. You have to make that decision is it worth 10 years to make another 15k or can you cash out and make more somewhere else.

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  • raisinbran

    Get rid of it asap, invest in something real.

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    • Ive wondered how many times bitcoin has to increase 500% in a month for people to stop saying that. I guess if you predict something long enough itll eventually come true. Perhaps in 100 years you will be right. But until then why not take advantage? $40,000,000,000 a day in transactions going through bitcoin. Thats bigger than any US company to my knowledge. Its actually more real than the US dollar. Only difference is it has a limited supply (like gold) and doesnt have a military to enforce its use.

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  • LloydAsher


    I don't think crypto is long for this world after all that corruption shit came public. It's too god damn volatile to be a safe bet.

    Of course normal money is salted in corruption but you got big guns and trust to hold its value.

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    • I actually bought the dip with the corruption thing. I dont sell low anymore because in 2018 when everyone said bitcoin was done I sold and it eventually went from 5k to 69k.

      To give you a perspective how big bitcoin is in the past 24 hours over 45 billion dollars has went through bitcoin. And this is while bitcoin is 75% lower than its high
      Idk if any company on earth does that kind of numbers other than banks. Not even amazon has that kinda money going through in a day. Not even 25% of the money btc has.

      I dont want to think its too big to fail but it wont be overnight.

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      • LloydAsher

        I mean if you bought low then sure sell however high to make a profit. If you are cool with potentially losing whatever you bought in, sure. Spin the wheel on that one.

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        • That goes for any stock.

          I try to make sure I only put in what I can afford to lose.

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