When people die,do they know they are dead?

I always thought that Heaven was the ultimate destination when it's your time to go. However,since you're dead,it's probably really depressing. I don't possibly see you you can be happy if you are dead. Plus,since you know people are grieving, how can you be happy?

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Comments ( 23 )
  • Mini69

    Yeah I knew when I died that I was dead, but now I’m alive again it doesn’t matter anymore!

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    • Meatballsandwich

      Wait, what?

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  • dude_Jones

    Most people that have their heart stop, until a defibrillator starts it a couple of minutes later, say they have a blissfully peaceful sensation of moving thru a tunnel.

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    • Ellenna

      That's not my experience of cardiac arrest and CPR: no moving through a tunnel and not blissful or peaceful, in fact rather boring. I thought I was in a very bland pale room with kitchen cupboards and windows and some people standing not far away and turned away from me. A couple of my ex catholic friends told me that had to be purgatory and I guess it would've been if I'd been there very long, but it was only minutes.

      I've been revived a few times by a defibrillator and that wasn't peaceful or blissful either, just hideous pain and then a blank in my memory.

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      • dude_Jones


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  • Clunk42

    How could you not celebrate knowing you've become in total communion with God? Also, purgatory.

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    • BLAh81

      What makes you so sure Catholicism is true? Could it merely be because mommy and daddy brainwashed you, and you're unable to think for yourself?

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      • Clunk42

        My dad's an extremely stuck-in-his-ways Lutheran.

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        • BLAh81

          So, you think he'll burn in Hell if he doesn't change his ways, right? Anyway, Christianity as a whole is immoral, insane garbage if you ask me. You haven't told me why you are so sure Catholicism is true BTW. Please do so if you can.

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  • Boojum

    Try to recall what you felt when you were in the deepest state of sleep last night. I'm not talking about the phases when you're drifting off, when you might surface for a few minutes in the middle of the night, or when you might experience lucid dreaming and know that you're dreaming. I'm talking about the phases of sleep when you're totally unconscious.

    How did you feel then? Were you depressed? Regretful that you were wasting time zonked out? Relieved that you didn't have to worry about whatever crap preoccupies you when you're awake? Happy that you were snug and safe in your bed? Feeling bad because of people you've disappointed in some way?

    Of course you won't be able to remember, because - DUH! - you were unconscious. Regardless of the story that religious wingnuts would be happy to sell you for a weekly instalment in their collection plate, that's what death is like. The brain shuts down, the lights go out, and it's goodbye to all that.

    It's pointless to fret about death. It gets us all in the end. Just focus on living your life today in the most positive way you can.

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    • GuvnorsOtherWoman

      'It's pointless to fret about death. It gets us all in the end'.
      Exactly, friend, which is why I don't fear it.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I yhink I'd rather go to hell. All the torture I could want. Neber have to worry about being cold no goody twoshoes to annoy me.

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  • BLAh81

    I only believe in life BEFORE death. I really hope there's a happy afterlife for all of those who've generally lived good lives, though, but I don't think so...

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  • dirtybirdy

    I'm close to dead on the inside...does that count?

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I think death is the same as before we're born. I don't think we exist so we wouldn't feel anything. That to me is worse, I wouldn't mind some beautiful place in the sky where you get to see all your loved ones again/eventually.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    how could anyone know

    nobody knows

    were not supposed to know

    those who think they do are delusional or manipulatin

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  • RoyyRogers

    That's assuming they go anywhere when they die

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  • Irizu3748392746483938


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  • olderdude-xx

    The question has actually been answered by all of the "near death" experiences.

    The Judo/Christian bible teaches that your soul existed prior you being born (enters your body at 1st breath) and leaves when you die (leaves with the last breath). It's your soul that makes you who you are... not the body; and the soul lives on.

    "Near death" experiences have been reported for thousands of years in every culture and religion of the world.

    Commonly reported is the "sensation" of floating above their body and observing what is happening (and even reciting conversations going on). I've actually had this occur to me myself when my blood O2 level reached 42% during a sleep study (and I'd experienced it several times before). I heard the chairs in the next room slide back and the conversation... the second it hit 40% they were going to come in and instantly perform an emergency tracheotomy on me right then and there.

    Some people even remember them and tell people about them when they revive (including what was happening in the operating room, etc. when they were "technically dead" and could not sense anything by normal body senses.

    Studies have been done that shows that many people tell of things that actually happened that their is no way that the person should have been able to know due to their medical condition.

    Many people with near death experiences talk of seeing a light with loving friends and family waiting for them, before they returned to their body.

    There is another group who's faces show sheer terror when they become alert and they may briefly talk of darkness and horror awaiting them. These people virtually always seem to wash that away in less than a minute and resume a normal face and conversation (they suppress the memory as its so horrible). There's your basis for some kind of heaven or hell.

    So, a key part of you moves onto another existence - and apparently it remembers family and friends... and understands the difference between pleasure and horror.

    What else it remembers.... Everyone who reported a near death experience who could describe it felt that they had their full memories when they were floating outside their body.

    Research Near Death Experiences on the internet. There is a ton of information about them.

    I believe that most religions don't want to talk about them and the evidence because it totally blows away the concept that there is only 1 right religion in the world. The evidence seems to suggest that virtually all religions offer the same outcomes after death.

    Where you individually go... is I personally believe up to you as to how you live your life.

    I find it more than a coincidence that if you take what are considered the Judo/Christian "10 Commandments" and remove who and when you worship; that the others regarding how you live are repeated concept for concept in every major religion in the world.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    None of us know. Until someone spends HOURS dead and is somehow brought back, these sorts of questions will go unanswered.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, you'll probably just have to wait, and see what it's like.

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  • Somenormie

    No because that person isn't alive anymore or unless they magically get resurrected from the dead.

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    • LloydAsher

      It's an interesting question. In the unlikely chance that you continue after dying are you conscious enough to know you are dead or are you practically just stripped of everything that makes you, you. Leaving behind your "energy/soul/whatever"

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