What would you assume when a shy coworker doesn't sit next to all of you?

You and your workmates get a dedicated workbus to take you all to work each day. You're all on the bus for about 20 minutes each morning and again in the afternoon. One of your workmates, who is so quiet that he never really even talks to any of you, always sits one or two seats ahead of the rest of you. For what reason would you assume that he sits a little bit away from the rest of you?

He prefers to be on his own 33
He thinks none of you want him with you 4
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Comments ( 19 )
  • charli.m

    I'd assume they want their space. Does it really affect anyone else?

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  • rayb12

    I wouldn't assume shit. From just that information there could be literally so many reasons why

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  • amg1028

    Personally, im a shy guy and i sit away from others because i dont want to be a bother or make anyone uncomfortable. i want to respect peoples personal space and privacy.

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  • IrishPotato

    Dude, it's okay to be separate from everyone else. You shouldn't have to feel weird doing it, don't worry.

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  • fux

    It's you, isn't it? In that case I assume you have social anxiety or similar. A true loner would not care what people think of them.

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    • Alichael

      Yes. You should not care what anyone thinks and you should do what ever you want, as long as you're not breaking the law.

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    • Good guess.

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  • mischieflover

    tbh i NEVER understood coworkers that actually get offended if another coworker doesnt want to hang out after work etc etc. dude...its WORK. we're NOT friends, n i dont want to be. i dont owe a STRANGER anything, not my time, not my friendship etc. im being so nice because i have to and am LITERALLY being PAID to do so. -____-

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  • mischieflover

    prefers to be alone. im this way, nothing personal if you havent done anything to me, just the way i am. *shrug* i dont owe anyone anything. also keep in mind, ppl at work NEVER seem to grasp this simple concept, we and fellow employees yes, but we are NOT friends. (i dont mean this in a bad way just stating a simple fact). you do NOT actually know me, my work PERSONA, the one you HAVE to wear infront of customers, and boss, and other employees, is NOT who i am, OUTSIDE of the workspace. (i AM shy, etc etc. but thats not the aspect im talking about, but more the ''hello, how you doing, how can i help you balh blah being super sweet (i can be thsi too) and being a robot with no emotions even if my life is hell at home, because the customer is always right blah blah). like we ALL wear a MASK when we are at work. that is not a true representation of ourselves, who we are etc.

    i have a lOT of things going on in my personal life, so much so i am now disabled n not able to work. have suffered a lot of horrific abuse etc. as im sure you'll find if you read throught some of my posts. and as a result of such im a very private, secluded, anxious person. but when i was still working id pretend n have to act upbeat etc. because you have to perform for customers and ppl around you. no one wants to be served by someone that is sad and crying all the time, or depressed etc. so i wore a mask. n ppl at work act as if tey know me , but literally knew nothing about me.

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    • mischieflover

      work 'friends' =/= real friends.

      just going out after work doesnt really count either imo. what do you do for eachother on a DEEPER level. are you there for eachother if somone is going thorugh a rough time in life? if that person quit n went to another job would you still keep contact??

      at work you all put on a front to make things run smoother, n sure maybe you're all nice n have no issues with eachother, but that doesnt mean much on a deeper level at all.

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  • So here's the big twist, the shy coworker is me! I just purposely worded the question to make it seem like it was someone else so as not to skew the results.

    The true answer as to why I don't sit next to them is because I worry they won't want me with them. There's been a few times where I would sit in amongst them, and another one of them will come along and then they won't be able to sit next to their friend because I'm taking up that seat, and then I'd just feel like I'm in the way as they're talking around me. So yeah, that's why. I was just wondering what they'd assume when I sit away from them.

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  • lordofopinions

    Attempt to talk to him at work. It could be work related or not. Just make it very brief. Keep doing that unless he explicitly tells you not to bother him. He may be extremely shy and has no clue how to talk to people. He may be very lonely for all you or anyone else knows.

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    • He is lonely, he's me.

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      • lordofopinions

        Okay then. Switch it around. Try and talk to a co-worker briefly about anything work related. Maybe get their opinion on something. Try that with other co-workers until you hit someone who appears to accept you. Go from there.

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  • myfreakinopinion

    I'm an ambivert and introverted most times, I like being alone.

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  • IceRed


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  • RoseIsabella

    I had a job where there was this girl like that so I asked someone about her, she said that chick had body odor problems. One day I accidentally got a whiff, and damn she was funky.

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    • Alichael

      That is disgusting 😖, bad body odor is one of the worst turnoffs. Aside from that issue though, there's nothing wrong with someone wanting to sit alone, to have space and to get some time to be alone with your own thoughts.

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      • RoseIsabella

        There's nothing wrong with wanting some space.

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