What type of pet seems to be the best to you?

I think pets are a good idea for people because they can teach responsibility. But I'm curious, what pet seems the best to have?

Dogs 14
Cats 15
Rabbits 4
Fish 1
Other (Comment) 10
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Comments ( 47 )
  • bigbudchonga

    I like dogs the most, but I have a really loving cat atm. She licks my face and jumps up to sleep on my pillow, next to my head, if I'm in bed.

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    • LloydAsher

      Doesnt cats have sandpaper tongues? That seems uncomfortable.

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      • bigbudchonga

        Yeah kind of, sometimes she licks my eye lid and it hurts, lol.

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  • Nikclaire

    Dogs are my favorite but by far the most amusing pets are goats! They are hilarious.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Rabbits. Rabbits are amazing. Birds are pretty dope as well. Of I ever own my land I want a few swans

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    • Mark92

      I love rabbits and had generations of rabbits, I got too busy so I gave their responsibility to my ex and she was happy with it. They were cute cuddly innocent lovable fur balls except when the males would fight and almost bleed each other if accidentally let lose together..... Regardless I loved them but am too stressed nowadays to take responsibility.

      What i don't like and will never understand is keeping spiders as pet. They are creepy 8 legged tiny meat hungry beasts, and a lot of them carry the deadliest venom in the world. I read an news of how a man keeping black widow spiders as pet was bitten to death by them and later they ate him, one of the creepiest news I had ever read some years back:


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      • Mammal-lover

        I really wish I didnt read this. I'm about to go to bed haha. But yea people are fucking nuts! Bunnies are the best though! When they behave thay is

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    • LloydAsher

      What about falconering? I mean I wouldnt actually have it as a hobby as it has very few uses vs difficulty training them.

      I mean to have a personal hawk that can hunt with you just seems like a badass companion.

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      • Mammal-lover

        I would love a falcon but it's a serious commitment that I'm unable to make with. My goals in life

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        • LloydAsher

          I got some far reaching goals and not even falconry seems to be viable.

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          • Mammal-lover

            It's really not. Yoi would need a good and expensive setup for certain

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            • LloydAsher

              Yeah but I dont wanna dedicate my free time to keeping a scratching hawk around.

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  • ellnell

    I love cats and grown up with cats but I also love dogs. My cat is a bit dog-like in always wanting love and attention and following me around etc.
    But i'd like to get a dog too eventually because they're even cuddlier, you can do more things with it (agility and such) and your walks get automatically more fun.

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  • TerriAngel

    I dont see pets as teaching responcibility.
    Unconditional love.
    and being reminded to stop and play.
    Focus on just enjoying being alive.
    Pets never give a thought to fashion, style, or what someone else may have.
    Thats something pets can teach us.
    Your dog doesnt care if you toss a ball from the dollar tree, or some
    diamond crusted kardasion custom sport ball.
    A ball is a ball.

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    • LloydAsher

      They are lesser creatures though. Less intelligent than pigs yet we eat pigs all the time. Very useful utility animals and companions for a decade and some time. I'll probably have just one, but my girlfriend will guilt me into getting two. I just want a doggo that's excited to see his owner come home.

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    • SweetElis

      I think OP mean responsibility to care for something/someone

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  • Vvaas

    chickens are the ULTIMATE pet. they aren't as needy or dirty as dogs, but they aren't as independent as cats and still enjoy lots of cuddles and affection. they're versatile, adaptable, hardy and intelligent, you can even teach chickens commands and tricks. they're small so they don't take up much space, they don't have any grooming needs, they're cute and cuddly and loyal.

    if you raise a baby chick and care for it it will grow up to be a great and loving companion, they will come to you when called and jump up on your lap and fall asleep. they love to follow you around and are very curious and like to know what you're up to.

    plus there are so many different chicken breeds to choose from, there's hundreds to find the right breed for you. whether you want an extra big chicken, a little small one, colorful ones, plain ones, extra friendly ones, protective ones, etc. they come in all shapes, colors and personality. chickens are quickly becoming popular pets in many places and they are amazing.

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    • Nikclaire

      Chickens are awesome.

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    • Tommythecaty

      I grew up on a farm, got chased by a rooster when I was very young. I chopped that things head clean off years later. I like most animals but fuck do I hate chickens with a passion. 😤

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      • Vvaas

        there are roosters that can turn aggressive if they aren't socialized properly, however it isn't the roosters fault. if a rooster is trying to be aggressive and attack or chase you usually the best method to train this out of the rooster is to grab him like a football and put him under your arm for a minute or so until he calms down. preferably also walk him around in front of the ladies as this usually embarrasses the rooster because it shows you are stronger. you must never run or show fear if a rooster attempts to chase or attack because that will make him want to attack more, you have to stand still and face him and basically stand your ground, they'll usually kind of stop and get confused since you aren't running.

        though there are roosters that basically just have bad genetics and are naturally aggressive, the same as poorly bred dogs that are genetically messed up and aggressive and usually can't be trained out of it and have to be euthanized.

        not all roosters are mean or aggressive though, i'm sorry to hear about your experience however i hope one day you meet a friendly rooster.

        i use to have the most loving pet rooster, his name was pepe and i got him as a gift on my birthday, he was only one day old and he was my first ever pet chicken. i kept him in my room in a small box and he would be with me every single day, even when he grew up he never attacked anyone in his life, he much preferred running up to jump on your lap to receive cuddles and purr. i was even surprised myself because i've always heard people saying how mean and aggressive roosters are, but pepe never showed a single sign of aggression towards humans.

        he was a boss rooster though and protected his girls very well, he always took on any possible threats and even attacked a python once to protect his hen and her babies. he had several sons in his life which i also made effort to socialize and spend a lot of time with who also ended up friendly and loving, i think it's all about raising the rooster and spending a lot of time with it so it will grow up to see humans as it's family and not a threat to the flock.

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        • Tommythecaty

          I train it’s head to detach from its body and also they are tasty

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          • Vvaas

            i heard cats are tasty too 👀 the meat is better when they're skinned alive, the fear makes their meat really yum

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            • Tommythecaty

              I don’t know ask the Chinese kooks who do that shit to dogs and cats 👿

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    • SweetElis

      Can you have chickens in apartment?

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      • Vvaas

        yes, there's even pet chickens that are permanently kept inside the house, they are called house chickens :) usually chickens that might be injured or have something wrong that are unable to be kept outside are the ones kept as house pets, most people put diapers on them to prevent them messing but i've heard some people have even managed to train chickens to toilet on puppy pads.

        you probably couldn't have a rooster in an apartment because in most places there's laws in suburban areas/cities that roosters can't be kept because they are too noisy, but hens are perfectly fine to keep.

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  • swaggytittiesi

    I've gotta say cats because cats will always be my favorite animal. They are just so wonderful honestly and their presence just makes me happy. ^^ But dogs are hella awesome. I love to train doggos and I cannot imagine not having a dog around.

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    • LloydAsher

      I have a few feral cats around me, they are farm feral cats so they just go around gorging on mice and voles and we dont try to interfere with them. Did see one that was hit by a car, sad but it was eaten by scavengers, just as life.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I have a dog and a cat. I'm getting another tarantula soon and eventually I'll get more ferrets.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I like spiders.

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      • dirtybirdy

        They are fascinating. My first one, Gargamel, was a Chilean Rose Hair and I had her for about 11 years. Then I got a Tiger Rump, Jeepers, but he died after about a year and a half. I'm going for another rose hair, they are much larger and really cool to watch doing their spidey stuff. Jeepers did a lot of hiding and rarely came out, except at night when I was sleeping. I'd wake up to lots of new webbing, so he was active, just not when I could watch. Harrumph.

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  • leafeon

    I have a welsh pony. life is good

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  • chuy

    Something exotic would be nice

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  • RandomFool

    A damn parrot

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  • mouldiwarp

    Snakes! I have a rosy boa and she's great, very amusing and friendly little thing. Snakes are basically the perfect pet because:

    1. Low maintenance; don't eat, drink, or go to the bathroom often and don't bother you for attention/don't require interaction
    2. Odorless and won't shed hair all over, hypoallergenic
    3. Non-destructive
    4. Quiet
    5. Inexpensive to care for (the actual snake is often more expensive than the initial supplies), especially if you buy frozen feeder rodents in bulk, they last for a long time and are easy to store and prepare.
    6. Don't require regular vet visits
    7. Hardy and have long lifespans of 10-40 years depending on species and husbandry
    8. Take up little space in most homes so you can own many of them
    9. Easy-going and adjust well to handling most of the time. Although they're not particularly intelligent they readily pick up on patterns and routines so they're 'trainable' to some extent. Some can distinguish between different people.
    10. Wide range of sizes to fit your comfortability.
    11. Different body types, facial structures, coloration, and behaviors like the time of day they're active with each species. Even within a species there are slight color and pattern variations that give them more individuality. More extreme aberrations from the typical wild-type appearance of a species are called morphs and in captivity snakes are bred for these color and pattern mutations so it's easy to find one that matches your tastes.
    12. Fascinating to watch as they feed and explore their environment
    13. Their calmness and soft texture help make them good emotional support pets for autistic people and those with anxiety.
    14. Just so friggin' adorable

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Cats are lower maintenance. And they dont lick your face.

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  • BleedingPain

    As much as Id like to vote for rabbits, they are a lot of work to take care of right and most owners dont realize it, so they dump the animal somewhere because they cant put in the time or energy. Dogs are better because they are easy enough to handle, yet still a lot of financial and physical responsibility.

    Cats are best for beginner pets.

    Fish are the worst, because like plants, they live but cant communicate well to you. Its easier to forget they exist if there isnt some kind of natural interaction like a cat sitting next to you, or a dog barking to go outside.

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  • geek_god_101

    I like birds. Most birds I get along with well. Peafowl, turkeys, cockatoos, parrots, chickens, etc.

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  • Bassmachine

    A dog to guard the house is a good idea.

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  • Bazinga

    I once had a high quality relationship with a cat that acted like a dog. She treated me like I was her kitten. She would turn on light switches at sunset, and wake me up to lead me to my microwave when the timer needed to be turned off. I miss her.

    Anyway, I have two goldfish now, and feel good being a conscientious caretaker of biological factors in their environment.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I want a monkey.

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  • McSorley

    I had a possum a few years back. Not really a pet, more of a rescue. I have a couple dumbo rats at the moment. Smart as dogs, quiet, very cuddly. They're on my shoulder right now.

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  • raisinbran

    I personally love rabbits but don't own one.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm bipetual, I love dogs, and cats!

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  • bbrown95

    I love both dogs and cats, but cats are my complete favorite. They have the funniest personalities and are so fun to snuggle up with!

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  • my_life_my_way

    I had a pet ladybug when I was 6 but it died because I forgot to poke holes in the container

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  • PTSD

    Rabbits!! For other people, probably not because rabbits don't act like dogs. You have to sit down on the floor for the rabbit to get close to you.

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    • LloydAsher

      Also a good source of protein, rapid population growth and good for a stew. Just dont eat too much of it.

      Rabbits are adorable too. So do they act like more mobile Guinea pigs? Or do their behavior seem more varied?

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