What time is the most "middle of the night"?

I guess a lot of people dont go to bed till after 1am and a lot of people get up around 5am. So what time would you consider the most middle of the night. For me its around 3:30, because if i wake up then, ive still gotten a good bit of sleep, but still have an opportunity for a good bit more. When is your middle of the night?

2:22am 4
Other(specify) 4
3:33am 8
4:44am 0
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Jamie_Sulky

    I used to pull a lot of all nighters whilst in my final years of high school, and from what I can tell 3 AM is like when everything really goes silent. People still stay up till 1 AM but you'll be suriprised how quiet things get once it reaches 3.

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  • I say 3am, most 24 hour gas stations around me close from 3-4, so to me that says that's the least busy hour for them which implies it either being too early or too late for most people, which to me says middle ground/apex of the bell curve

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  • SwickDinging

    Anything from 4am is really early in the morning, so I went for 3.33

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  • SmokeEverything

    I usually go to sleep at 4 or 5 in the morning so Id say 9am is the middle of the night

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  • mouldiwarp

    1 a.m.

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    • freakyman69

      I go to bed at usually around 11:30 pm so 1 am would probably be middle of the night for me to. i set the alarm for 5:45 but dont get off the bed until closer to 6.

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  • LloydAsher

    I would say 2 am. Any later and I would say it's just extremely early in the morning. 2-3 am is middle of the night. Since I go to sleep normal around 10 and wake up at 6. Four hours into the night is 2 am. So that's the middle of the night.

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    • Boojum

      At last: something we can agree on.


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  • Summon_Tufak


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