What should i do about this very embarrassing moment?

This may come off as confusing, as I’m going to have to be around the bush about this. I’ll try to simplify it as best I can, but basically it’s this: when I was 13 I was deeply religious, but also superstitious and a bit paranoid. I kept worrying that all the things I liked were somehow going to send me to hell, and I had an episode that may be the most embarrassing moment of my life. I made a weird prayer and thought that God was saying something was evil, and in my head it was almost like having God himself tell you that you must quit your favorite hobby or you’ll go to hell. After working up the courage I talked to my mom about this, and we had a really cringey car ride conversation, and by the end of it I felt better. But this is where it gets even worse.

I made the fatal mistake of posting this online. Dear GOD was that a mistake. At the time I thought I was “spreading God’s word” or something stupid like that. Some commenters were surprisingly chill, some were insulting, but they helped me realize how absurd I was being. In the years since I’ve learned about things like cleared emotional blockages and synchronicity, which probably explains what was really happening than my belief that God was talking to me through a movie.

I’ve since deleted this question from yahoo answers, but I have referenced it twice on that site (luckily no one seemed to care). But it’s haunted me ever since. I’m an aspiring writer and even if my books only do a little well, I’ll still have at least SOMETHING of an impression on the public, and I just worry that somehow this embarrassing moment will be publicized and I’ll be a laughing stock for the rest of my life. At the same time, I feel dishonest for trying to hide it. I guess I can just say that I was a young kid who didn’t know very much, but thought he knew everything.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Ellenna

    Please PLEASE stop worrying about something you did when you were 13! You can't change it, so accept you were young and silly, as we all are and if anyone tries to make you a laughing stock, just laugh along with them.

    I doubt if anyone would care anyway: after all, would you care if it were someone else who had done this or something similar at that age?

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  • noid

    Probably no one will care. There is a type of OCD with religious thinking that reminds me of your experience. Glad you don’t have to deal with that sort of thing now.

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    • That might be it. I’ve showed signs of ocd before. It may explain a lot.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You took it down off where you posted it, and you were but a mere 13 years old at the time. It's over, and in the past. Leave this mess behind.

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    • If you remember I still referenced it, twice. I also should have mentioned that yahoo doesn’t let you delete resolved questions, which both of those questions were.

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  • Here it is:https://www.isitnormal.com/post/iin-to-have-this-type-of-religious-experience--284289

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  • Likely, no one would be able to trace it back to you, or even consider it to be significant enough to attempt to slander you with. It's not like you hurt somebody or did something evil.

    You were just moderately silly, though in a less conventional way than most 13 year olds.

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  • dimwitted

    what makes you think your insignificant words made an impact on anyone?

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