What's your psychiatric diagnosis?

Those who have had one put, of course, and are not too shy to say it.

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 14 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 85 )
  • Somenormie

    I have High Functioning Austism and thats about it.

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    • LloydAsher

      My parents ran all those kinds of tests on me. Turns out I was just a weird kid to be weird.

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  • BleedingPain

    ADHD, OCD, trich/derma.

    Had three evaluations done by three different people (ages: 8, 12, and 16) for school purposes. Had an IEP, and still currently take medication to function like all you normal humans.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      I had trich as a child and never told anyone that I would pull my hair out strand by strand, my parents thought I was cutting my hair like a weirdo.

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    • What do trich and IEP mean?

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      • BleedingPain

        Trich= Trichotillomania= Compulsive hair pulling.

        Derma= Dermatillomania= compulsive skin picking

        Iep= Individualized Education Program= special class in school to help me with my organizational skills and thought processing skills.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Social Anxiety Disorder.

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  • ellnell

    High functioning autism and social anxiety. Got both as an adult which is a bit annoying.

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    • What's lije social anxiety for you? What do you experience?

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      • ellnell

        Well I can handle being around people. I even like having people around me but only without the pressure to socialize. When I have to talk to people my mind just kind of goes blank and I cant find any words. Like a really intense stress reaction. And in some periods I feel really anxious even just being surronded by people, it depends on my overall stress meter at the moment.
        I also struggle with leaving the house. It makes me very anxious when I have to be out for too long and travelling has always been a huge problem even though i've practiced it as an adult by travelling quite far by myself a few times so it's a bit easier now.
        I also avoid groups of people like the plaque. I have friends here and there, I have never tried to get into a group of friends. It helps to sit and talk to just one person, especially if it's someone who's better at talking than me because I feel less pressure having to come up with topics which is hard when I get so stressed out I cant think of anything. But once i'm pretty comfortable with someone it's easier.

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        • Poor girl, I can totally relate to everything you've shared here

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  • megadriver

    To get a commercial license and a gun license, I had to get a psychiatric evaluation. And...

    I'm normal. I can be a dick when I'm moody, but other than that I'm plain and boring (from a psychiatric point of view)

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    • raisinbran

      Those psychiatric evaluations are so easy though... any moron knows the right and wrong way to answer.

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      • I can sign up under this, screenings and surveys are piece of cake for anyone smart enough. If I could pass through them to be appointed in public administration, they are definitely broken

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    • What are you doing on a loon forum then?

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      • megadriver

        Killing time... iin is more interesting than social media, where everyone pretends they have a perfect life.

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        • But judging your comments here, you seem to be doing just that - trying to look cool and claiming you have it all cool.

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          • megadriver

            Cool? What's cool about hating yourself, trying to justify your mistakes and failures with old cars? Or abusing alcohol to keep the negative feelings in check?

            I don't have it bad, but you wouldn't want to be me.

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            • Why do you hate yourself?

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    that im a jerk and get out of here

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  • Tommythecaty

    is a surprise

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  • LloydAsher

    Extpressive speech processing disorder.

    Just means that I it takes a bit longer than average for me to articulate what I say. So people think I'm slow when in actuality it's my brain scrambling to find an appropriate response speech wise.

    Now its only constrained to oral communication. I'm very proficient at writing my thoughts. That's why for the longest of times all my english teachers assumed that I was plagiarizing my papers until they understood that while I cant really communicate well orally I can easily communicate with writing.

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    • raisinbran

      Do you think it's really a disorder, or something you can work on if you put yourself in more social situations?

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      • LloydAsher

        It is a disorder. It's an addition to a learning disability. My brain has a harder time translating thoughts to oral movements in time. My fingers have no such issue.

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        • raisinbran

          How were you diagnosed? Can you have normal conversations with people who are close to you?

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          • LloydAsher

            Yes in standard conversations I'm somewhat ok, I use um and filler words a lot more since I process the conversation a bit slower, so if I am asked a sudden question my brain has to pause. Take account of new information and then reform a new sentence. Most people do this instantly, it takes me a few moments to figure out how to articulate the sentence correctly. So I can still talk it just takes more time to do the same task as someone else. It's like comparing the speeds of iPhone generations.

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  • Ocd

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    • bigbudchonga

      I have that too. What kind do you have? (I got intrusive thoughts).

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      • Mainly cant shut my brain off. I take prozac plus clonazepam.

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        • bigbudchonga

          I mean what type of OCD is that, contamination?

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          • How can OCD be contaminous?!

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            • bigbudchonga

              It's not like that. OCD has loads of different variations. With my one (intrusive thoughts) it's pretty much just linked to anxiety and social situations. My house is messy as fuck. I don't know too much about contaminations OCD, but from what I remember it's in the sense of this guy making sure things are clean.

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          • Yea contamination OCD.

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    • What are your compulsive actions?

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      • Mainly racing thoughts and sometimes excessive hand washing.

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        • It actually makes sense during a pandemic Or are uou trying to look normal and skipping on something more significant..

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          • What are you getting at?

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            • That washing one's hands often is not a big deal, and rather advisory these days. I do it too.
              That alone shall not be an issue.
              If you indeed have OCD there must be something else that is indeed a problem

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  • olderdude-xx

    Normal Human, with a standard range of challenges on common issues in my life that I successfully worked out.

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    • This doesn't count

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      • olderdude-xx

        Why not? I've worked for almost 2 decades in the Nuclear Industry - and I assure you that I have most likely been more thoroughly analyzed psychologically (multiple times) that likely anyone else on this forum.

        I think the current cost of an initial security and psychological screenings is about $8,000 per person; with 5 year re-qualifications at about $2,000 per person.

        They don't play games with this.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Asperger's Syndrome and agoraphobia.

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  • Throwaway0423

    Damn. I've been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder recently. Pretty much means my life is like a stream with multiple Twitch commentators talking at once and they all got their own audience, aspirations, interests, and well... identity. Don't think I needed to say that one because it's in the name but just in case. All happens from extremely bad shit happening repeatedly before you hit Kindergarten, to keep it short.

    Of course, when you get that diagnosis, you also get diagnosed with PTSD, Depression and Anxiety... and then your psychiatrist/psychologist gets overwhelmed at the thought of helping you and starts bouncing you around to other psychiatrists/psychologists and you never actually get anything done with helping your issues.

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  • I'm hesitant to reveal too much, but I'd like to be able to answer

    I'm diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. I definitely see an incongruent alignment with how I think and how other people approach things, like not so much morally or ethically, but in how things are handled. At this point, my understanding of psychology is the deciding factor (accepting presuppositions is one of the biggest things I see others do that I don't) but in high school I guess you could say I took a moral high ground without being all that virtuous, I also thought I was really smart (tbf though I took honors classes/national arts honor society/discovered many tricks that made math easy) but I didn't see any intelligence beyond academics, almost like Dwight from The Office (I've been called the dumbest smart person before)

    I took some kind of test about ten years ago, all I really remember about it is that I apparently have a really fast processing rate, which makes sense to me since sometimes I can think and process information and be steps ahead (sometimes I'll be in a conversation and I'll be "waiting" for the other person to verbally catch up to where they were trying to lead me, like in a joke or problem solving)

    None of what's next is officially diagnosed, but I think I may have some OCD tendencies, I'm definitely obsessive (which doesn't pair well with a lonely person), I can see myself through other people's eyes and sometimes that hurts and I want to improve that image, but that hardly ever works

    I think I can be narcissistic if I leave myself unchecked for too long (someone once said I'm really self aware, like as an insult), I have a hard time trusting others (mainly because I've rationalized that my words and actions are the only ones I can really rely on, but I get to work on that with this girl at work who I believe is more or less allowing me to learn how to be a friend)

    I also can feel vindictive in my emotions, like if I'm pissed off it literally feels good to be passive aggressive, but on the flip side if someone makes me feel like happiness or something I really want to return that feeling, like reciprocally (but that can be my downfall, like I said about me being obsessive or whatever, I come off really strong and that creeps people out)

    Emotions in general tend to have physical effects on me, I swear I can feel my brain secreting dopamine/serotonin and when I think I feel adrenaline I can feel my heart beating and blood flowing, and usually it's always accompanied by my chest feeling like it opens up, or sometimes my stomach compresses into a dense knot

    And more about not trusting others, it's like I almost look for reasons to not trust, which I know will most likely mean I will find them, but I've also been given plenty of opportunities to realize trust is not something to be given so easily

    I also get really excited sometimes and do silly things on a whim. There have been a few times people have touched me and I almost lose control of myself, like once someone put their hand over mine, and he kept it there which makes me a little sceptical of his intentions, and I just like slowly "rubbed" into his hand in growing levels of force

    I've also had people back into me and catch me by surprise, but then they start doing it on purpose like "gee I didn't think that would happen" like yeah right, there's a reason cops can't arrest you if they convince you to buy drugs!

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    • 'accepting presuppositions is one of the biggest things I see others do that I don't,'

      What's that, can you give examples?

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      • Like seeing something unfold and accepting one of the first few rationalizations you can make

        A shallow example would be a car speeding along the highway, almost always it evokes a strong negative reaction, like "you're not gonna cut me off" or "that's a nice expensive toy you bought to race to each red light with" but if it's like an older or worn down looking car or a minivan or something like that, I can tell myself it very well could be a woman about to give birth being rushed to the hospital, which immediately replaces my feelings with mindful indifference

        Deeper examples, I can use this person at work

        For a few weeks now he's been working at my pizza shop, and he doesn't really ever show that much improvement/initiative, seems to play dumb, and has seemed to be passive aggressive

        I know people who would look at that and say then and there that he's not a good employee, and I recognized that in myself, but I kept at it with training and corrective action and gave him the BOTD

        Currently he's leaving piss in the toilet, pretending to be even less intelligent, and doing things I can prove psychologically wrong on purpose just to be annoying

        I waited because I know he's adopted and has family issues, I grew up with that too and can understand the strain, and I was hoping the right nudges from me would help

        But now he's showing me this is just what I'm gonna get with him. I've explained things to my boss (there's also 60 dollars that went missing over the few times I've had him work a till, which he says he does at another job) and he's primarily going to be cleaning the bathroom and other things and doing busy work like folding boxes etc until he's had enough and quits or we can let him go, whichever comes first

        So in this case my earlier assessments were right (they're usually pretty close to accurate) but I didn't act on them until I was convinced beyond reasonable doubt (I've seen people get fired for much, much less)

        Bones just explained something like this in an episode I watched, it's about maintaining objectivity and not falling for logical fallacies or something like that (a scientist friend of hers helped a cannibal and he rationalized giving the man human canines to make dentures, as well capturing a person to eat, and rationalized it in a very scientific way that Bones was able to refute in like 3 simple questions)

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    • Grunewald

      You sound like a girl from my old workplace whom I befriended then became estranged from. I don't know if I've had this conversation with you before in another thread; I might've. I'm basically writing now because it makes me feel better; I'm sorry for yet another splurge. I'm not really writing to you, but to my memory of her. You can ignore this comment if you want, but darn it, you're so much like her, it's uncanny.

      I miss this person so, so much, without really knowing why. The worst part of it is knowing that reaching out would only make everything worse. If I reached out it would unsettle her as it did when we were still in contact (and if it didn't unsettle her, I would be so visibly overjoyed and get so excited about the possibility of being friends again that it would start to unsettle her anyway). Then, seeing that I had caused her to feel unsettled would cause me emotional distress, and then my involuntary display of distress would make her uncomfortable, and then seeing her discomfort would cause me to feel and involuntarily display even more distress... negative feedback loop guaranteed. In short, we trigger each other in all the wrong ways because of the way our neurological chemistries interact. We're mismatched.

      You speak and reason so much like her, and seem to share so many of her traits, you could actually BE her. I have been a recipient of her mistrust and passive aggression but I can see past those things. I can be a truly confusing person to get to know and my emotional extremes are hard to live with even for someone who hasn't got high functioning Asperger's, so I understand WHY she has responded with that passive aggression and that mistrust, and I forgive it entirely. I let her go because I love her and I want her to be content and relaxed, and my presence in her life was making her stressed and uncomfortable, because we couldn't stop triggering each other and I was too emotionally intense for her to be able to deal with.

      I try to bury my feelings of missing her until I can no longer tell why I'm restless and unproductive in my work and my life, and then when I peel back the layers of feelings and motives in myself to try and get to the bottom of the problem, I find this grief still there after 4 months since we parted ways for the last time. When will it end? Why can't I just love you less, A., when you've most likely forgotten about me by now and are getting on with your life like any normal person would?

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      • Now you sound like me, those negative feedback loops keep me from talking to a lot of people

        It's hard for me too, but I rationalize it like, yes I want to be friends with them (which is why I still occasionally get inspiration to talk to them), but it ended and it was awkward at best when we tried, and one of my mantras is "the best way to win is to not play"

        I kinda accept that it's over, and use those deep seeded attachments as a reminder not to be whatever I feel like caused the rift

        And hey, I doubt she's fully forgotten you, even if she's acting like it

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        • Are you in fact one person talking to their alter ego via two accounts?

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          • How am I not myself?

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      • Why don't you two here try become friends? It could work out id you put your hearts into it..

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  • bbrown95

    I was misdiagnosed with anxiety and depression, as well as Asperger's Syndrome at around 12 or 13. Those misdiagnoses caused a LOT of issues for the rest of my teen years.

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    • Did others need to learn of them..?

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      • bbrown95

        I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're asking. What do you mean?

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        • I mean, how did the diagnoses mess with your teen years? I get it as peers learning of them and subsequent bullying? Or?

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          • bbrown95

            They messed with me because I was medicated for something I didn't have, and the medications did nothing but cause issues. Weight gain, irritability, lack of focus, nearly falling asleep all the time, depression, etc.

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            • I see..

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  • Grunewald

    I've had 'Anxiety' put on a sick note, but I've had enough symptoms of borderline personality disorder confirmed by my therapist to make me clinically diagnosable, when I pressed her to admit it. She didn't want to encourage me to go for a formal diagnosis though, because she didn't want to slap that label on me. In the profession it is sadly shorthand for 'difficult client'.

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    • Was that sick note for employer or school/uni?

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      • Grunewald

        Employer. But in my country the employer isn't allowed to see the reason you're sick. It's not on their copy of the sick note. You do have to see an independent 'work doctor' at the start of your contract and at some other points though, who will deem you fit or unfit to work. Whether you're fit or unfit to work is all the employer is entitled to know - in theory. In reality people get curious and want to know why they're having to cover your work, and 'work doctors' just blithely sign the 'fit to work' coupon the moment you walk through the door, without asking any questions.

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        • Right. Good that your country has taken care of ppl's privacy. May I know what country is that, seems a good place if I make my mind to relocate abroad..

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          • Grunewald

            I'm afraid I don't reveal details like that, but thanks for your interest.

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            • Ok, then can you tell me how did you deal with nosy colleagues?

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    OCD, general anxiety disorder and EDNOS.

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    • What's that EDNOS of yours?

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        For me I go through intense periods of restricting food (fasting/starving) to bingeing on food. Currently I'm in my bingeing stage but it'll probably switch to fasting again soon. My weight literally can change 20-50 pounds within months. It's not good.

        Do you have EDNOS?

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        • No, I don't th9nk I have

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  • mouldiwarp

    Autism, ADHD, depression (I’m on very good medication for that last one). I’m not sure if they count but since they affect the brain too, I also have dyscalculia and auditory processing disorder. I used to have social anxiety disorder.

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  • COVID-19

    Anxiety and ahdh, actually diagnosed by a psychologist and psychiatrist.

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  • raisinbran

    None - I've never been formally diagnosed, but I'm sure they'd write up something or prescribe medication.

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  • Bazinga

    I am completely normal. I'm starting to wonder if this contributes to being sexually uninteresting to women.

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    • What are you doing in a crazy guys' forum then?

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      • Bazinga

        Well, I'm glad you asked. I think my interest is somewhat related to the motivation causing clinical people to work with crazies, weirdos, and psychotically confused peeps. Irrational beliefs are fun to spot, because they often warp people's emotional consciousness into twilight territory. Usually, religions cause minimal albeit constructive warping. But Christian fundamentalists and Islamic extremists both go berserk and cause violent entertainment for us all.

        I have taken online courses in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and find models like CBT to be a fascinating explanation of the unadaptive plasticity of the human mind. I also think that occasionally, demented creepy geniuses with high creative ability produce ideas, one in a thousand of which become tamed into discoveries that raise the level of human enlightenment for us all.

        Hey man, the human zoo. Collectively, we are animals filling our Planet Earth cage with CO2 shit as if we think we will be able to eat it someday. Hahaha, 7.5 billion morons. Ya gotta love it. 😜

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    • LloydAsher

      Get a hobby than find a woman with the same or kinda the same hobby.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Severe retardation and poopie pants syndrome

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  • my_life_my_way

    Nothing, it seems like everyone nowadays wants to self diagnose a ‘mental illness’ just to seem like a trendy victim. There’s nothing wrong with just being normal.

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    • DeletThis

      No one in reality thinks mental illness is trendy. Lay off the twitter, tumblr, etc. and stop hanging out with idiots.

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    • What are you doing here then?

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