What's your opinion of gen z?

I always see mixed opinions about them. Some say they're hard workers who will save their country while others will say the opposite and say that they're lazy, entitled, and will be the death of their countries. Your opinion?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • Higenleth

    I don't feel any type of way, except for the fact that TikTok has really fucked with a big portion of the zoomers' attention spans and they will probably struggle academically because of it. I find it a bit concerning but I'm okay with them as a generation, they weren't the ones who developed the app after all.

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  • rockyrocks

    omg it's me

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  • ibrokemyds

    hehe i'm one of those

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  • RoseIsabella

    They're people, just like the rest of us.

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  • 1WeirdGuy


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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    They have a mixed bag of crazy people and normal people; just like every other generation. Social media just happens to be *very* popular amongst them and the loudest social media users are typically a little cooky.

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  • Idkitsfiveam

    what's my opinion about millions and millions different types of people around the world who all act differently? idk

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  • wigz

    Men have been getting weaker and weaker from the 50s and onward, and we are just beginning to pay the price for it now. There's no stopping it, hard times are coming.

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    • insanebotv21

      Become the boy in a dress who can kill and skin a bear with nothing but a knife.

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      • wigz


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        • insanebotv21


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    • Higenleth

      boomer moment

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      • wigz

        The boomers are the first weak ones, that have given us the even weaker ones that are fucking us over right now.

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    • bigbudchonger

      Very true

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  • Grunewald

    They're reacting to the world 'unfiltered' by the 'before times'. A lot of people have got a 'favourite' era that they settle into and sort of stay there, but Gen Z have only got 'now'. If we old'uns understood everything else necessary to make it in the world as a responsible, successful adult, then the perspective of Gen Z would still represent a missing puzzle piece. There's a sort of purity about it. The things they're angry about and their perspectives are like a litmus test for the world's present-day issues and culture. Their preferences are a product of what today's world has to offer - not yesterday's. When cultural change is happening so fast, I think it's really important to be watching them and taking notes, if we're to understand the world as it is.

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  • woahtherepardner

    The Gen Z'ers I know are frequently hard working and quite intelligent. There's obviously going to be stupid people in every generation but I think it's silly to say that this particular generation is the worst. People who say that this generation is weak are ones who have not properly looked at history. Especially those who say men of this time are weak - stupidest thing a person can say. Social constructs change all the time, and they're changing faster with the Internet. One should expect a change of roles concerning gender, not be against it.

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  • Trichfuzz

    They smell like feet.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    mosta the ones who work for me have been great but its a specialized field and the ones who aint dont make it far enough to be there

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