What's the most extreme pet you'd want to keep?

Can be an endangered species, or simply dangerous. Anything goes. Think of animals people typically don't keep in captivity. If it's not listed, comment your choice. Also comment if multiple of these apply. Just vote which one you'd like the most.

You can also tell us why. What you'd do with a pet like that. Where you'd keep them.

Giraffe 1
Platypus 1
Exotic large spiders 0
Penguin 2
Deer or moose 0
Zebras 0
Kangaroo 0
Eagles, hawks, large predatory birds like: vultures 1
Seal 0
Foxes 3
Insects like killer ants or killer bees or wasps or butterflies 0
Koi fish 0
Rats or mice 0
Raccoon 1
Groundhog 0
Bears: polar bears, brown bears, black bears 2
Snakes 0
Big cats: lions, tigers, jaguar, lynx, puma, leopard 4
Local small birds like crows or raven or pigeon or sparrow 0
Brightly colored venomous frogs 0
Antelope or gazelle 0
Elephants 0
Clownfish 1
Seahorse 1
Shark 0
Wolves 0
Monkeys 2
Pandas, red panda 0
Large dangerous lizards like Komodo dragon 2
Whale 0
Otter 0
Bats 0
Squirrel 0
Koalas 1
Turtle or turtoise 0
Sloth 2
Owls 1
Crocodile or alligator 0
Exotic song birds or huge rare parrots that can talk 0
Dolphins 0
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Junglefowl. They're wild chickens and they look so cute!

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    • dirtybirdy

      Omg...hahaha it just dawned on me...I knew I'd heard that term before but it...just hit me. When I was in rehab last summer one of the guys referred to the "chicken " we were served as junglefoul. The timing and how he said it was hysterical 🤣

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  • Vvaas

    honestly i'd really love to have a tiger or jaguar but more on special circumstances like if i had a lot of money and ran a large wild animal sanctuary or something and ended up having to care for an orphaned or injured baby tiger/jaguar that couldn't be returned to the wild not just going out and buying one for the sake of having it. i'd love to get in it's enclosure and just chill with them

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    • Sounds pretty cool.

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  • Grunewald

    I would love a cheetah. They can be so loving if they are raised right.

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  • raisinbran

    Aerosolized Ebola

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    • Okay that one pretty extreme.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I've actually had a few of the animals on your list as pets.
    Fox (sort of, he would come & go)

    As for what i'd like, Monkey.

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    • Oh nice! How was that?

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        Racoon: It was a baby that got separated from it's mother so we took care of it for a few months until it was big enough it take care of it's self, he was violent for the first 2 days but started to trust us after the 3rd he was even kind of cute (he would always cling to the back of my grandfather's pants whenever he stood up & just hang on them until he sat down). When he started to get big I took him out close to the woods, placed him down & let him choose the woods or us. He chose the woods, his name was bandit.

        Squirrel: We would throw scraps out into our yard & one day it showed up & started eating it, it would crawl up my pants leg & into my hand to eat what ever I brought out for it to eat. I don't know what happened to it, it was kind of old so I think old age. I called it Buck (didn't know if it was male or female)

        Snake: My cousin who lives with me has one, it's a hog nose. He don't do much, he just lays around until it's time to eat. His name's Iroh

        Turtle: My aunt saw it in the street & brought it home, we placed it near the pond about 30 yards off our property & would check on it every week with fruits/vegetables. One day we checked on it & it was gone, we called it speedy (also didn't know if it was male or female).

        Fox: She also came out to eat the scraps we threw out, she'd come & go every few weeks would never stay a full day. It took over a month before she would let me pet her but after that she was playful, was like a dog with a cat's personality. We moved since then so I don't know what happened to her, her name was lady.

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  • Kermitthehog

    I'd be down to have a tank with a clown fish and sea horse.

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    • They look so awesome yeah.

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  • ospry

    Keeping exotic pets is wrong. The majority of wild animals are feral and can't be domesticated. Trying to force it is cruel to the animal

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    • That's why this here is posted as a hypothetical question, and I'm not actually going out in the wild and enslaving random animals. Broaden your mind.

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      • ospry

        I thought by posting this you were saying you're in the market to adopt an exotic pet

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    • LloydAsher

      Theres a difference between taming and domesticating. Taming is for individual animals. Domestication is taking an entire group and selectively breeding them to our benefit.

      I think for the purposes of this post all animals are tamed. Doesnt mean a brown bear isnt going to rip your head off if you piss it off.

      For that very reason I would pick an animal that you cant comfortably kill barehanded. I could beat to death a hawk if need be. Itll be scary but a stick would help.

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  • LloydAsher

    I think falconry is the most badass way to hunt animals. Other than using a punt gun (small cannon filled with birdshot) + canoe to hunt 200 ducks at a time.

    Send off your feathery friend only for them to carry back their bounty. Its like a hunting dog but it can freaking fly. Way more work though so unless it's a fully trained hawk via a genie it's not worth it.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Having a koala actually sounds pretty nice.

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  • libertybell

    I would like to have a bobcat. That would be intense. I would like to tame and snuggle with it,but that wouldn't be possible.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Sloth fosho wby OP?

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    • A parrot probably. I don't have much space but would be funny teaching it to talk. And then pranking people with it.

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  • litelander8

    Fox and skunks.

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  • Tinybird

    for me it would be 3: penguin, wolf, and huge parrot that can talk

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  • 1WeirdGuy


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  • For most of these, you'd need to have a lot of space. But I do wonder what it's like keeping exotic birds like parrots.

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    • PurpleHoneycomb

      Parrots are a lot of hassle and take more space than you would imagine. We had a blue quaker parrot and a cockatoo in my household growing up, and they were essentially out of their cages most of the day. They are very social animals and depression effects them more than most.

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      • Is it possible to keep parrots without caging and without clipping wings? The one thing I feel uncomfortable about is clipping wings.

        I have a decent relationship with local wildlife birds in my area. If it would be possible to tame a bird to the point it was free to come and go as it pleased, yet preferred to live with me... That would be awesome. Better yet if it was a huge parrot capable of learning language. That would be very interesting.

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        • PurpleHoneycomb

          For safety reasons, you would want to at least put them in their cages at night. Otherwise they could hurt themselves while you are sleeping.

          The good news is that parrots (and birds in general) will LIKE their cage as long as you get one big enough for them. Their cage is their nest. Adorn it with toys and proper perches and they'll love it.

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