What's the dumbest thing someone ever said to you?

You ever have that moment where you're living your life and that one idiot or two spills verbal diarrhea?
I've had that happen.

"Black people can't be racist!"

Anyone can be racist.

"East Asians aren't people"

Uh, they totally are.

"You not allowed to wear that because I can't"

Bitch! You totally can. Either lose the weight or just claim "Body Positivity" and wear it any way. I'm not going to stop wearing skirts just because it makes you feel bad.

"If you don't like the Progressive Pride flag you're homophobic"

That flag looks like someone smeared doo doo on it. I'm not wearing political dookie.

What was the dumbest thing someone said to you? I'm not talking about a person online typing things to you. I mean verbal bullshit.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    When I was younger, my dad told me water had protein in it. I'm not kidding either. He also told me reading can improve someone's singing. The dude is stupid as fuck, so I'm not surprised he tried to convince me either of these were true.😂

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  • ibrokemyds

    i adore my mother but she's not the brightest. she was in her mid thirties when she discovered that dragons were in fact not real and did not roam the earth along with the dinosaurs.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      That must have been pretty crushing to find out honestly.

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  • kikilizzo

    My mother told me women cant be misogynists:))))

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I was accused of being sexist and racist because I thought two black female pop singers were the same person. This is even more ridiculous when you take into account that I don’t listen to pop music or know who most celebrities are in general.

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    • Wow3986

      That actually is racist and I can't believe you would utter such racist words. You're saying that because they're black they must be the same person. That is the definition of racism.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    A big one someone tried to argue with me is that evolution doesnt contradict the bible. That made my head hurt.

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    • Tinybird

      It doesn't, though. It makes more sense for evolution to be by design, because it's something that denotes intelligence for something to be improved.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        The bible says Adam was made on the 6th day. Evolution say that the earth was here for almost 40 billion years before humans existed. I could go on.

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        • Tinybird

          maybe what I meant is religion in general and the existence of god, not the bible. I've never read the bible tbh. I just mean that it makes sense for there to be a god and to have evolution.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            I agree, if evolution exists I think there's something behind it more than natural selection.

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