What's so special about jesus?

Like why is he so famous and shit? What did the man actually do?

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Comments ( 38 )
  • Holzman_67

    He hung out with lepers and prostitutes and sometimes, lepers that worked as prostitutes

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    • Love you so much! ♡

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      • RoyyRogers

        He is son of god. He turned water into wine. He came back from the dead.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    Jesus trolled the romans so hard they killed him, then he trolled them again by not staying dead.

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    • RoyyRogers

      Lol good description

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  • dirtybirdy

    Him and his primos do excellent landscaping and hardscaping.

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    • Love you so much, too! ♡

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      • dirtybirdy

        Well hello there, whoever this mysterious lover is

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  • dude_Jones

    Nothing. Resurrection was added to his folklore after his death because it’s a seductive idea.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      maybe he was twins who pulled a fast one

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      • dude_Jones

        I like your hypothesis. Y’all’s probably figure out street magic real fast. I’ve seen a couple smart guys like you show the ladies magic tricks at the bar Saturday night. Good way to figure out which babes got high IQs.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Jesus taught that the Jewish Priest and society had become so rule bound that they missed the obvious that the Jewish religion was more about caring for other people and building a better society.

    His teachings challenged the authority of the Priest and certain government officials.

    I believe his moral teachings were right on; and as such he is the founder of the concept which we call today "Christianity."

    I disagree with a lot on how the various branches of "Christianity" have portrayed him and what they present as his key lessons.

    Jesus was a Jew and worshiped and taught people to worship on the Sabbath (Saturday); and taught that the 10 commandments were key (and one of those is to honor the Sabbath).

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    • RoyyRogers

      Jesus was love

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  • Ihidabody

    "Taught morals".

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    • What's your take on "morals" then?

      In your defense, I spelled it "morqlw" first, then I got it right. Have at it!

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      • Ihidabody

        If god is real, then he is not really a moral man.

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  • Ihidabody

    Jesus is cancelled.

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  • rkive

    He healed the sick, cast demons out of people, and helped so many people. He was a man of wisdom.

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  • Goomats

    He performed miracles like curing blindness and turning water into wine, got brutally, publicly murdered and came back from the dead afterwards.

    If you do all that, you'll get pretty famous too.

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    He preached love and forgiveness at the height of an empire known for violence and brutality. No small accomplishment.

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  • kikilizzo

    He came along and started preaching a bunch about God and taught people that greed is bad and claimed that he can heal people which apparently he did. He also walked on water and turned water into wine which is pretty dope ngl.

    Lol. I have no trouble believeing the man existed. I do think the bible is written very much in metaphor though. If he existed he was probably a regular preacher who happened to be very charismatic, wise, kind and a bit of an illusionist...

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  • lolasprat

    He got nailed on a cross and claimed that he did it so that peoples sins could be forgiven

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    • olderdude-xx

      Not likely. He was crucified. Almost certainly on a single pole with a nail driven through his wrists above his head.

      Cross crucifixions were extremely rare.

      No where in the Bible does it say it was on a cross.

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      • lolasprat

        But we are told that Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus to carry the cross he was crucified on.

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        • olderdude-xx

          What is the source for that information. To the best of my knowledge it is not in the New Testament. I do not recall finding that in it (perhaps my memory is faulty).

          Stories from after the New Testament were written don't count (and even the new testament was written well after Jesus died)..

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          • dude_Jones

            Matthew 27:32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.

            Mark 15:21 And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross.

            Luke 23:26 And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus.

            My comment: It is often depicted that the pole was already in the ground and Simon was carrying the horizontal piece because Jesus was too weak to carry it from being whipped 39 lashes.

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            • olderdude-xx

              It's amazing that so much of biblical information is not correctly known. There's a reason for that.

              Cross is an English word. It did not exist in biblical times.

              In English it is derived from the Latin "Crux" which referred to a tree or any construction of wood used to hang criminals as a form of execution.

              The reference to Latin is important as the 1st English translation of the Bible was from the Latin version.

              There are 4 known different constructions of a "Crux" - the most common was a single pole. Yes, a pole with a cross-brace lower down on the pole is another - as is often depicted in christian art). A giant X another, and a pole with a cross brace across the top in the 4th one (T).

              If you go back and read the Greek - it also does not define the shape. (Mathew might have originally been written in Hebrew - but no copies of that exist; but the biblical book we know of today was written - or translate into Greek).

              The Latin version maintained the Greek ambiguity of its shape by the use of "crux."

              Even a wooden pole often weighed up to 200 Lb and it was common for others to carry it - or help carry it.

              What we have here is a poor translation into English that people then misinterpret.

              There are far worse "sins" in the vast majority of modern English bibles.

              The name of god appears anywhere from over 4000 to more than 6000 times in the old and new testament in the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, depending on what different people consider to be a name of god (there are apparently several variants).

              The Vast majority of English Bibles (and other languages) have replaced these names of god with the word "God."

              Given that the Old Testament clearly states that there were (at least once upon a time) other gods... It is rather misleading not to tell people that a specific god said something.

              Worse yet. There is huge difference between "El" and "Elhomin" El is singular and translates to "god"; Elhomin is plural and translates to "gods."

              There are over 2500 entries for "Elhomin" in the Hebrew bible.

              Again, virtually all modern bibles have substituted the word "god" not just for "El" but also for "Elhomin."

              According the the Catholic Encyclopeadia, this was done because of the "religous significance" of the sigualar word "god."

              I specifically sought out a translation that identified where "el" and "elhomin." With the exception of a single sentence... they all make sense when read with the plural "gods." There were dozens of sentences that did not make much sense if the singular work "god" was substituted.

              Also, the base explaination that there is a specific god with a name along the line of Yahweh (different pronunciations might be more correct) who promised Abraham, his decendants, and any who wished to join them that there was a pleasant heaven awaiting if people followed some basic laws - all hold true despite the real old testament discussing all the other "gods" that existed at one time (and perhaps some exist yet today).

              Now (about 30 years after I did my 18 month reading and study of the Bible) I see that there are all kinds of "new" explanations trying to explain these things away.

              Anyway, there are many other things - if you really study the bible, its history, and all the various questions and controversies.

              But, at least don't get hung up on things that just were poor translations into English and do not even exist in the languages of the previous versions that existed long before they were ever translated into English.

              I wish you well with this; and Peace be between us.

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            • lolasprat


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      • Somenormie

        And we wouldn't also know how Jesus really looked like as it was likely to have been long ago.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          The bible describes him as having skin like bronze and hair like wool. That sounds alot how middle easterners look from that area still today. He looked kind of like an arab.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Someone made an argument the other day that actually made alot of sense in the way he said it. Jesus was a liberal. And in a way started this mess we are in now.

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