What percentage of americans are over 300 pounds?

I saw somewhere online that it's about 5%, but I swear it's higher than that. Or at very least, there are lot people in the 200 range whose bodies store fat in a way that makes them look heavier than they are

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Comments ( 20 )
  • litelander8

    Our food is trash. Like in some cases, whole wheat bread is worse than white Bc of the way it’s made.

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    • Prettyelvisfan

      I agree and were all fucking anxiety ridden and depressed.
      Btw Im not fat but only because Im borderline anorexic from stress.
      My husband works in a hospital he says so many bodies in the morgue are over 300 lbs. One even broke the mechanical lifter. Yeesh.

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    • bbrown95

      Agreed. I believe our food has the highest sugar content of all or most other countries as well.

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      • litelander8

        The sugar content is INSANE. We’re made to be sick at this point.

        You can go to other countries and eat nothing but bread and pastries and lose weight.

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  • LloydAsher

    300 pounds takes a lot of work to pull off. Heaviest I ever achieved was 250, and that was peak lazy, human garbage disposal.

    5% seems about right. The thing is that most people are just over weight. I'm overweight, got to lose 25 pounds to meet my expected bmi.

    Funny thing about all this is that China of all places has a higher percentage of diabetes, one of the biggest comorbidities of covid. And they are in the starting stages of a delayed introduction into 6 different varieties of covid. Oh boy I'm expecting at least 2 million dead this year. But china will probably say only 10 people died.

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    • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

      "300 pounds takes a lot of work to pull off."

      As someone who was 310lbs at one point in my life, it was effortless for me. I just drank a literal gallon of soda & ate 5 entire party size bags of chips/box of ho ho's & Debby cakes every single day without working out in any way shape or form.

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      • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

        You ate that much and were ONLY 310 lbs??

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        • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

          I'm as surprised as you are. I did lose 60lbs, still technically obese but at least I replaced a lot of what weight I do have with muscle since then.


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      • LloydAsher

        Jesus, I literally could not imagine that level of gluttony. I just ate until I was stuffed and that lasted for pretty much the entire day.

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        • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

          "I just ate until I was stuffed and that lasted for pretty much the entire day."

          Problem is It takes about 2'lbs of food (no matter what it is) to fill me up & I'm NEVER Not thirsty (yes an always 'thirsty' Asexual, the irony is not lost on me) I just drink a gallon of water everyday instead now.

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    • Yeah, I was legit surprised. There are a lot of people who look like they weigh around 300 pounds, so it's kinda weird to think they look that heavy while weighing less

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Every time I go to a store (doesn't matter what kind) I see at least 1 person who is so fat that they need a mobility scooter &/or their stomach is protruding out/through their pants like this:




    So unless most of the morbidly obese people are in my vicinity, 5% seems a bit low.

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    • That visual exactly what I was thinking of when I made this post

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    your mom makes up 40% of em

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    • That was at least higher effort than MeatballSandwich's joke. Thank you for that

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Not sure, but google says around 70% of americans are either overweight or obese.

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    • There's no denying that the majority of Americans are fatasses, but the definition of obese can be misleading. According to BMI, Shaq would be considered obese

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  • Ligeia

    Ok I know the situation here isn't great but you're overestimating the problem. There's children, teens, and elderly that live here. Also, remember women are shorter and 300 lbs is a lot for a 5'4 (average height) woman even if they literally eat anytime they want.
    A lot of people do have terrible body comps because of being sedentary and obviously that does affect how they look

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  • Meatballsandwich


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    • Obviously not a majority of Americans. I was expecting it to be probably between 8% and 15%

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