What is your solution for “disrespect”?

Just wondering, I’m usually a nice person and try to be fair to everyone around me? But how do you usually deal with a rude, evil, or just a plain disrespectful person? Do you maybe like just ignore it and get over it after a few days? Or do you maybe just like stay mad at that person for a long time and don’t want to have nothing to do with them anymore maybe??

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Comments ( 21 )
  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    Run them over.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    I try to avoid them or cut them out of my life if it's an option. In the case I couldn't just avoid them I would usually end up just biting my tongue and try to let it slide, as I wanted to avoid confrontation or causing conflict.
    Looking back that probably wasn't the best choice though, as it lead to them thinking they could get away with treating me like dirt without any reprecussions. Still, it's usually best to remain calm and approach it rationally as to not escalate the situation.

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  • Tommythecaty

    However I see fit.

    Mice shouldn’t roll the dice to begin with.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Me personally. If someone was ever unkind to me I either damaged their property, committed a masked assault against them or one of their loved ones if I couldn't get to them. I haven't done this since I was 22 so it's been a while, but I see that as a good thing because it means I haven't met an asshole in 5 years.

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  • SmokesTheScrapper

    I ignore them and keep my distance. But if they think they have to start a fight with me or if they spread a lot of shit about me that isn't even true, then I'm the last one to stand still. I have contacts who could take care of minor issues, but mostly I handle it myself. If verbal clarification doesn't lead to a result, which is quite often, then I go berserk, study their routine and give them a slice of the trouble they cause. My way.

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  • I keep distance. If that doesnt work i threaten them, if it still doesnt work i will resort to.... final method.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I do believe in violence after a certain point.

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  • olderdude-xx

    The trick is to find something positive they do and reward them for it (and for everyone), and tell them that you don't reward negative behavior - and in the case of a rude disrespectful person tell them that their behavior is working against their abilities to succeed better in life (which is a true statement).

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    • Billy247newaccount_35467829

      You're full of shit. There are so many people that are rude, disrespectful, and evil who are are very successful in life. Sorry to break it to you, but no, this statement is wrong. If you didn't have your head up your ass, you would know that it's a fact many shitty people are successful in life.

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      • olderdude-xx

        I personally know (as in I have their personal contact information in my phone - and if I contact them they know who I am) over 20 self made millionaires who no longer have to work any jobs. Total time and money freedom.

        I've met over 100 others.

        I've never met anyone at that level who is rude or a jerk.

        The truly successful get there be being nice and by rewarding good behavior.

        I can take their advice to me... or I can take yours. I'll take the advice who are where I want to be in my future.

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        • Billy247newaccount_35467829

          Also, forgot to mention, I find it very pitiful that you're trying to make yourself feel and look more important than you really are. Even more pitiful that you feel the need to lie. Do you really think people are gonna buy this shit? If you really expect people to believe you actually know 20 self made millionaires, like you claim, you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Even if what you're saying were to be true, which it isn't, still very sad that you would feel the need to boast about it to make yourself look superior, which you clearly do have a superiority complex, true or not. But like I said, it isn't true which that makes it even more sad. What kind of sorry ass sodding narcissist do you have to be, in order to feel the need to lie and boast to make yourself look good. And the thing is, it was useless and pointless. Nobody was going to give a shit, so there was no point in lying and bragging. Thanks for proving you're you're a narcissistic psychopath. Please, don't bother responding if gonna continue spewing bs because you're just going to get the same response. There is no use.

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        • Billy247newaccount_35467829

          And you proved that i'm telling the truth. Do you really think things work like that? If you do, i'm here to tell you they don't. Get into reality. Being nice doesn't equal success in life. And I even knew someone who was very successful in life. You know, a lot of money, good reputation, good job. And he was A narcissist, psychopath, abuser, rapist, and a pedophile. And there are so many more people like him who lead successful lives. So that already proves your statement to be wrong. Experts have proven your statement wrong also. Aam I going to listen to some psycho on the internet, or actual experts? Hmm, I think i'm going to go with the experts on this one.

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          • olderdude-xx

            Our definitions of Success are very different.

            I suggest you read up on Napoleon Hills 12 Riches of life. It's in his book on "The Master-Key to Riches."

            Money is only part of the last one...

            People who achieve most of the other 11 riches of life tend to have all the money they need in life... and typically only have a job because they like doing it - and not for the money.

            You will find plenty of Experts in the world who back up the validity of those 12 riches of life in order to be truly successful; if you are willing to look.

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            • Billy247newaccount_35467829

              Right, and so do "bad" people. I do not understand you at all.

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  • pinkpotato9

    Honestly I just straight up tell them how I feel and be honest without being rude. I try to work things out with them and if they are not willing I just tell them it’s probably best if we keep our distance. If you know you tried all you could at the end of the day then you can’t feel bad at yourself for their insecurities.

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    • Billy247newaccount_35467829

      "Insecurities". Shitty person doesn't always equal insecurities.

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      • pinkpotato9

        I never said it did. It’s just a lot of the time when people have a hard time understanding and letting go it can be a reflection of insecurities onto the other person.

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        • Billy247newaccount_35467829


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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I usually just try to avoid them but I make sure I am not too nice to them after that

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